The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4631 God-Shattering

Above the sacred mountain, everyone has already settled down on the sacred mountain.

At this moment, it has been three days since Long Fei ascended the mountain.

For three days, everyone was anxious.

But by now, it has become accustomed to it.

Because they have already learned the news of Long Fei Closed Door Training from the ancient ancestors.

In this way, such time flies by in a flash.

Half a month passed in a flash.

But on the sixteenth day, a mutation occurred.

The entire ethereal mountain was suddenly enveloped by a force.

It seems to come from above the void, full of weirdness.

Mu Wan'er and Long Zhanting were the first to perceive, followed by Ye Zimei and Dayang Goddess.

Among them, their Cultivation Base is the highest, so they will naturally come forward to protect Long Fei's other women.

"Mother, what's going on?" Ye Zimei said.

After half a month of running in, I have accepted the mutation of the relationship.

She also accepted Mu Wan'er's identity very calmly, and shouted at her heart.

"I don't know, but this power should have come from the mountain of the gods. It should be Fei'er's enlightenment, right?" Mu Wan'er said, and there was some uncertainty in her words.

Long Zhanting's face was heavy, and he looked up at the mountain.

But at this moment, the Goddess of the Sun suddenly said, "What a strong world power, Long Fei is afraid that it is a very strong power in Insight, which is used as the rules of the ancient world." "I have a feeling that if If Long Fei succeeded, the ancient world would be able to leap from a medium world to the top of the world. At that time, even Zun Zhou would not be able to break into the ancient world so easily.

" said the goddess of the sun.

There was a gleam in his eyes.

She used to be the supreme person in Dayang Realm, and she also established the way for Dayang Realm, so this kind of breath appeared at this time, which made her feel inexplicably familiar, and she guessed Long Fei's purpose.

Everyone nodded.

But before it was too late to say more, a breath suddenly descended on the entire body of the mountain.

A strange and unpredictable beam of light descended from the sky and went straight to the four of them.

To be precise, it came straight to the Goddess of the Sun.

Goddess Dayang's face changed, and she instinctively moved to resist.

Yes, surprisingly.

This power dissipated directly and invisible, as if it had never appeared before, and disappeared without a trace the moment it came into contact with the Goddess of the Sun.

"Goddess, are you alright?" Mu Wan'er said with great concern.

Take a step forward and look up and down on the Goddess of the Sun.

The Goddess of Sun shook her head.

"No, I don't feel anything wrong at all, it's just weird, I always feel like that thing was thrown to me by Long Fei," said the Goddess Dayang.

Mu Wan'er and the others were taken aback.

Also confused.

However, the entire sacred mountain also returned to calm at this time.

What they didn't know was that Long Fei had entered an extremely mysterious state on the mountain at this time.

Outside the body, one after another terrifying power began to surround.

This power contains great terror.

Even the ancient ancestors did not dare to try it easily.

"Is this the mystery of the power of immortality?"

"Sure enough, I read it right."

"Only when you meet the right person, will this power be truly invincible." The ancient ancestor's eyes were full of light, and there was even a hint of madness.

"Haha, Promise Temple."

"Wait, wait until one day when Long Fei climbs to the top of the Nine Halls, you will know what it means to be fearful of all beings!"

The madness in the eyes of the ancient ancestors raged, looking at Long Fei with endless expectations.

At this time, Long Fei knew nothing about all this.

At this moment, Long Fei's thoughts sank into Dantian.

Standing on top of the endless Hongmeng.

One after another, the text of immortality surrounds Long Fei.

"This word is dragon!"

Long Fei's eyes flickered.

There is a constant relationship between Long Fei and the Dragon Clan.

So when the word appeared, Long Fei's heart moved directly.

It was as if the blood vessels could not be controlled.

For a time, Long Fei could feel that his bloodline was baptized, because this word was purer and more domineering.


Long Fei took a deep breath and threw the word back into Hongmeng.

Then he grabbed it, and another word appeared in Long Fei's hand.

"This word is Cang!"

After a while, Long Fei kept imprinting this power, using the power of his soul to perceive it, he seemed to have grasped a certain rhythm in the dark.

Then, Long Fei probed with both hands, and grabbed two words directly.



The essence in Long Fei's eyes is even more intense.

At this moment, Long Fei even felt a bit of gratitude to Long Batian in his heart.

If it wasn't for Long Batian who had led him to experience some changes in the ancient world, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to understand these words at this moment.

"It's getting close, I already feel that the Taoist rules of the ancient world are about to be thoroughly understood."

"Only the last step."

"I can get complete insight." Long Fei was agitated in his heart.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed, his determination was incomparable, and he directly locked the countless words flashing around him.

Then, obey the feeling in your heart and carefully Insight.

What Long Fei didn't know was that at this time, a month had passed since his Closed Door Training.

On the top of the mountain, because of a sudden incident, it was completely messed up.

"Sister Goddess? Is this true?"

"Sister Goddess, that time, I stayed at your place for one night, and that's it?"

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Next to the Goddess of the Sun, the women of Long Fei spoke to me, mocking the Goddess of the Sun.

However, there is joy in the words, but no jealousy.

"I'm afraid that if I say it, you will feel even more terrified."

"I have already felt that the fetus in the womb has formed, and it is growing rapidly at a speed that I can't predict."

"I'm afraid that in a day or two, I will be born." Goddess Dayang said with a helpless expression on her face.

But in my heart, I thought of a force that suddenly swept over my own half a month ago.

Instinctively, Goddess Dayang guessed that this should be inseparable from what happened that day.

While guessing, the figures of Mu Wan'er and Long Zhanting also appeared in front of several people.

Mu Wan'er took a step forward and looked at the Goddess of the Sun with concern and worry.

"If you guessed correctly, this should be the legendary baby."

"You and Fei'er are both extraordinary now, both of whom are world kings. That's why such mysterious things happen."

"But no matter what, this fetus is the seed of my Long family, you can rest in peace." Mu Wan'er said.

"Yes, I didn't expect this kid to be able to, and he is already about to become a father quietly." Long Zhanting said with a dark face, but his words made everyone laugh.

But at this moment, the face of Goddess Dayang suddenly changed.

"Not good!" Goddess Dayang exclaimed, and then cast a spell instantly, isolating a piece of heaven and earth.

Long Zhanting, on the other hand, withdrew from this world very wisely.

At the moment when Long Zhanting withdrew, above the entire ancient sacred mountain, the ancient world was empty. Suddenly, Wan Dao Xiaguang dashed around, and thunder shook the sky.

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