The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4636 Your Name, Long Yingdao

Long Fei was taken aback.

There was a surprise in my heart.

Because of the disappearance of the ancient ancestors, the rich sadness surrounding him was also diluted a lot by the sound of the system.

The deceased is like this, Long Fei is definitely not a person who is indecisive and immersed in memory.

Even Long Fei knew better.

Only singing the universe and establishing the ancient times of Immortal is the greatest respect for the ancient ancestors.

Therefore, the sound of the system appeared at this moment, so that Long Fei was also relieved.

Only by moving forward can we live up to everything.

"Daoyuan-level divine treasure? Or a suit?"

"It's awesome."

"Open!" Long Fei said directly.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the Great Sun God Fire Spear."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the Sun God Fire Bead!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the Dayang Royal Immortal Armor."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the Nine Dragons Royal Sun Chariot."

The system crashed down.

Long Fei was stunned.

This is a suit not fake, but it looks like,,,,,,

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with him.

"System girl, why are all the Dayang suits coming out?" Long Fei asked. ,

The task of Dayang World is also very urgent.

But now, the most important thing is the ancient world.

Moreover, the key to the mission of the Dayang Realm is also on the goddess.

Suddenly, Long Fei's eyes widened, and his eyes looked down at the void.

I happened to see a twelve- or thirteen-year-old child bathing under the totem.

It seems that he enjoys the rhythm of the Cangshan Avenue very much.

Cultivating motionlessly.

Inexplicably, Long Fei's heart trembled.

The feeling of blood connection directly hits my heart.

"I am Cao."

"Why am I being a father again?" Long Fei was also horrified.

In the past, with Xiao Wudi in front, Long Fei had already recognized that his own children were all freaks.

Said it was a demon, and Long Fei accepted it.

But now, this one, seems more heaven-defying.

Than Xiao Wudi and heaven-defying.

It was also at this moment that the children who were cultivating under the Tao of Common Life suddenly opened their eyes, looked at Long Fei, and giggled.

In an instant, Long Fei understood everything.

The cliff is his child.

This kind of spiritual shock is irreplaceable.

At this time, the voice of the system girl suddenly came again.

"Master, now you know why the system broke out this kind of suit." The system girl said with a smile.

Long Fei nodded.

At this time, there is no need for the system girl to say.

Long Fei also knew that at this time it was his performance as a father.

Thinking of this, Long Fei took a step forward.

With a solemn expression, he looked at his own child.


Also at this time, above the void, the child who had completed the cultivation practice looked at Long Fei and shouted.

In the twilight, Long Fei was unsteady, and his footsteps stopped abruptly.

If he is not the master of the ancient world now, or the instinct of the ancient world will come to help him.

Afraid that it will fall directly from the void.

So shocking!

Born invincible.

Open your mouth to speak!

It's just a god-born, heaven-defying that can't be described.

Long Fei's eyes moved, and he immediately locked onto his child.

At this moment, his Cultivation Base has broken through the limits of the ancient world, and in terms of simple Cultivation Base, it is one level higher than Long Fei.

Moreover, the physical body has miraculously reached the level of Creation after being cultivated by the Great Way of Life.

It can be said that this is the real win at the starting line.

No, it should be said that birth is already the pinnacle of life.

Of course, this peak is relative.

However, even so, it has already made Long Fei excited.

But while excited, Long Fei's heart was also extremely heavy.

He naturally knew why this second child was so strong.

Because he was born with his own mission.

And Long Fei can also understand, I am afraid it is precisely because of this that the system has so many special rewards this time.

Long Fei calmed down slightly, looked over, and said:

"it is good!"

"You are the son of my Long Fei, and you came into being as the times require. You are the divine child of the Great Way of Life."

"Since this is the case, for the Father today, I will give you a name."

"Your name is Long Yingdao." Long Fei said lightly.

As everyone knows, after Long Fei finished speaking, the totem above the imprinted void suddenly moved, as if it was implicated with Long Yingdao, hovering over the void.


Then, it fell suddenly.

It landed directly on Long Yingdao's forehead.

Long Yingdao raised his head instantly, and a low and ferocious dragon roar came from his body.

"Thank you Daddy!" Long Yingdao accepted his own identity calmly.

Talent, like him, can naturally know clearly what Long Fei's concept of imprinting this totem imprint on himself is.

He can also perceive the will of the common people contained in this mark.

Instantly understood.

This is a kind of protection.

It was a kind of will protection that Long Fei gave him.

However, Long Fei smiled faintly.

"Don't rush to say thank you."

"What the father wants to give you is more than that." Long Fei said, moving his hands.

Directly embedded in the endless void.

Then jerked violently.

A spear flooded with endless flames was dragged out of nothingness by Long Fei.

Of course, this was also what Long Fei did deliberately.

The system is his secret.

Nature cannot be exposed.

Moreover, Long Fei is doing this now, which is also building momentum for Long Yingdao.

Just to let all the people of the ancient world know.

Long Yingdao was born to carry the ancient Tao of life.

In this way, the ancient people in ancient times believed more that this Great Way of Life was the way that the ancient world came into being.


Also at this moment, Long Yingdao jumped, couldn't wait to rush into the void, and grabbed the spear in his hand.

His face was full of excitement.


Just toss.

Above the spear, the fire was burning the sky, and it was magnificent.


The ancient Void kicked and was pierced by Long Yingdao's spear.

Long Fei's eyes were quick, his mind moved, and he used the power of the Dao to mend this vacancy.

"Hahaha, what an awesome Divine Armament."

"Dad, is this for me?" Long Yingdao was overjoyed.

Long Fei nodded.

"Of course, and more than that."

Then, Long Fei did the same, and looked into the void.

Whoosh whoosh!

The Great Sun God Fire Orb fell from the sky and landed directly on Long Yingdao's palm.

Then, it turned into a string of bracelets and put it on Long Yingdao's hand.


Another sound.

A set of burning armor came down and was directly put on Long Yingdao's body. In an instant, the aura on Long Yingdao's body was raised several times.

Long Yingdao was even more ecstatic.

He looked up to the sky and smiled, like God of War, his body jumped in the void.

And at this time, the dragon's roar came out from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a chariot emerged from the void.

Kowloon rides a chariot and descends from the sky.


Unbiased, Long Yingdao's figure fell on the chariot.

At this moment, even Long Fei was extremely satisfied with his own masterpiece.

In this state, Long Yingdao already has an invincible attitude.

Thinking of this, Long Fei said again

"Go, use your spear, be your father, and protect the Great Sun Realm!" Long Fei nodded, Yang Tian said lightly.

Immediately, above the sticky hair, Long Yingdao seemed to hear it, gave Long Fei and Dayang Goddess a deep look, and finally bowed heavily, shouting, "Child, you will definitely live up to your father's expectations."

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