The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4638 The Real Fire Of The Ten Directions Burns The Void

In the distance, the Phoenix world is empty.

The vast Phoenix fire is extinguished.

Every time it goes out, a Phoenix is ​​cut off and falls from the void.

"Hahaha, let the fire burn."

"The mere Phoenix world, under the destruction of our twelve war envoys, will be completely destroyed in a few days."

"Tsk tsk, it's boring. Phoenix's name is in the air, and there is no one who can really stand up and be tough."

"Too bad, the entire Phoenix world, there is no existence that can hurt us."


Several voices were laughing wildly, their hands were covered with Phoenix blood, and their faces were extremely hideous.

Suddenly, a blazing heat fell from the sky.

I saw a Phoenix with flames all over his body, roaring.

"Huh? It finally appeared. Daddy thought they were going to be turtles!"

"This is the Phoenix that Zhou Zun said? Jie Jie, behead him, the entire Phoenix world is a plaything in my hands."

"Hmph, what can I do if I come out. I heard that she is still the waste woman of Long Fei."

"Wouldn't it be better, I'll let her be happy under our crotch, and then record it into a movie and announce it to all worlds."

"Hahaha, thank you for thinking about it. In this way, you can give Long Fei a fatal insult."

Twelve people each speak a word, full of madness.

Even, at this time, the twelve people had already divided into three groups, and they transformed their bodies in an instant, besieging Qiaoqiao's figure in the center.

"No, Holy Ancestor, hurry up."

"These twelve people are the war envoys of the Zunjie, and the slaughter is monstrous."

"Yes, they are Zun Zhou's war machines, ruthless, and they are all masters of dehumanizing. You go."

Endless Phoenix whine.

But before he finished speaking, he was directly grabbed by the war envoy of Zunjie and lifted up from the air.

"When death is imminent, there is still a lot of nonsense."

"It seems that you still have the strength to struggle. In this case, this envoy will give you a ride!"

Zunjie War Envoy, use both hands hard.

Stab it!

A Phoenix was directly torn in half by him.


Phoenix god blood is bloody emptiness.


For a time, more and more Phoenix whined, bathed in endless flames, and rose into the sky, trying to make a gap for Jojo.


Jojo screamed loudly.

Extremely painful.

So sad!

Phoenix, is her clan.

Also the person she cares about the most.

But now, watching all the Phoenix bleed and fall before his eyes.

Heart is like a knife twisted.

For a time, the aura on her body also became more ferocious, and in an instant, endless flames spewed out of her mouth, whistling into the void.


The Holy Fire of Nirvana burns the void.

Go straight to the venerable man who killed Phoenix.

Boom boom boom.

The flames were ferocious, and wherever they passed, countless soldiers of the Honored Realm were directly burned to ashes.

But this flame, when it was close to the twelve people in the void, was suddenly extinguished, and it was even possible to get close, and it dissipated directly in the void.

Qiao Qiao's figure was also transformed in the void, and murderous intent was beating in the cold eyes.

"Tsk tsk, a bit of strength. No wonder, even the trash that Master walked in the world instead of us failed to destroy your Dragon Court."

"But it's useless, we're not the twelve trash."

"The real war envoys are only us."

"Next, I'll let you see what a frenzy is."

"The Killing of Ten Thousand Realms!"

The headed man shouted angrily, and boundless killing intent raged out from his body.

Will punch hard.



With one punch, the sky annihilated the enemy, and the endless killing intent turned into countless ghosts and ghosts in the void, roaring out and attacking Qiao Qiao.

"Ten Fang is really hot, give it to me!"

Jojo controls the flames.

The shot is the real fire of the ten directions.


In an instant, above the heavens and the earth, ten directions suddenly gave birth to bright fire.

Puff puff.

This flame, left by the ancestor of Phoenix, is extremely powerful.

At this time, after being defeated by Jojo Nirvana, it is even stronger.

As soon as he made a move, he directly blocked the world.

However, it was very clever to send all Phoenix out.

There is only her, and the twelve war envoys.

At this moment, she has decided to face everything alone.

"You're so brave, you really think that with Yuan Feng's power, you can be arrogant in front of us? Do you want to stand alone?"

"act recklessly."

"Daddy has just said that we are not the original twelve wastes. At best, they are just our thoughts in the respected world. Just because you want to fight us alone? Let me destroy it."

In an instant, the twelve were furious.

As soon as Qiao Qiao shot, they sensed Qiao Qiao's intention.

However, they didn't take Jojo into their eyes at all.

Before attacking the Phoenix world, they already knew Jojo's power.

It is also known that in the previous Star Demon World, the Dragon Court battle, a body of mind that they once left in this world has been killed by them.

That's why they hated so much in the Phoenix world.

The shot is the killer move.

Cruel and cold blooded.


But now Qiao Qiao took action and wanted to fight the twelve of them by herself.

It was regarded as a provocation by them.

All of a sudden, all were burning with anger, killing Ling Xiao.

At this time, Jojo's eyes were full of tenacity. Hatred filled his eyes.

At the moment, she hates!

Incomparable hatred.

If it weren't for the twelve people in front of him, the Phoenix world would still not suffer a great disaster.

There will not be so many Phoenix, tragic death on the spot.

And she, as the ancestor of the Phoenix world, could only watch them helplessly, and vanished in front of her.

That deep sense of powerlessness directly stabbed the deepest hatred in Qiao Qiao's heart.

Moreover, Jojo was very clear in her heart.

In this battle, only she will come.

The strength of the twelve people is too strong, and even the protection outside the Phoenix world is equivalent to nothing.

It can be seen that everyone's Cultivation Base is no longer under her.

It is precisely because of this that she will take action and imprison Li Yuanba, Liu Luoxi and others.

It's to buy time.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are messing with my Phoenix world. Today, even if all the jade and stones are burnt and die together, I will leave the twelve of you behind." Jojo said coldly.

She has made up her mind that even if she fights to the end, to burn herself with the fire of life, she will let a few people back.

Only in this way can Li Yuanba and other talents have a chance to survive.

But, Jojo's voice just fell.

One after another sarcastic voice appeared directly

"Jade and stone are burned? You have to have this qualification too?"

"I have to say, your Cultivation Base is not weak. But don't forget, we are the war envoys of the respected world. Our strength can take the power of all worlds together. Can you compete?"

"Yes, a woman who doesn't know whether to live or die. Don't say it's you, even that dog, Long Fei, can only kneel and lick in front of us. Do you still want to burn jade with us?"

"However, a Phoenix, dare to shout? The ten directions are really hot, right? Look at my Blade of Ten Thousand Realms, and kill me!" One of the twelve warlords shouted angrily and suddenly shot.

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