The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4640 Can You Die But Not Cowardly

The twelve war envoys of the respected world, all the desires in their eyes were released.

At this moment, in their eyes, Qiaoqiao and others are just fish on the chopping board.

No resistance.

The only resistance is Jojo in front of her.

And now, Jojo is trying to fight against the twelve of them by herself.

In their view, it is even more self-defeating.

If they were fighting alone, Qiao Qiao's strength, even if they couldn't kill them, was enough to contain them.

But now Qiaoqiao draws the dungeon as a prison, imprisoning them in a void with the real fire of ten directions.

Invisibly, it is equivalent to digging one's own grave.

Boom boom boom!

Also at this time, the attack of the twelve people, so filthy the difference, went straight to the center.

"Die! Absolutely no one can survive the monstrous killing power of the twelve of us."

"Even if it is a god, it will be annihilated."

"This kind of power is enough to destroy Yijie in an instant, let alone just one person."



Twelve people spoke hideously, their eyes full of viciousness.

In the center of the void, Qiaoqiao quietly closed her eyes.

Feel the murderous aura raging from all directions.

There was no hesitation.

In an instant, directly transformed into Phoenix's body.


Feng ming is nothing, and the fire burns the world.

However, the flames at this time were unusual.

But now the strongest flame on Jojo.

Extinguishing fire.


The fire of extinction spread in an instant, sweeping the void.

In an instant, directly centering on Qiaoqiao, the void began to burn.

And the endless slaughtering power of the twelve war envoys was also wrapped by the power of the fire of extinction at this moment.

Thorn thorn.

The two forces collided in the void, and then directly caused a violent explosion.

But this time, there is a collision.

Jojo did not change in the slightest, Phoenix still stood above the void, releasing endless flames of extinction.

But the twelve war envoys were not so lucky.

The fire that destroys life, to them, seems to be a natural enemy.

At the moment of the collision, they directly ignited their fleshly bodies.

"No,,,,,, this is impossible."

"What kind of power is this? I have long since lost my body, why is this flame still burning?"

"Back! Rewind!"


Suddenly, an exclamation appeared.

None of the twelve people dared to stay, nor did they dare to take the initiative to approach, and they all retreated.

However, before they could move, the power of Shifang True Fire also erupted at this moment.

From ten directions, the real fire ignited instantly.

Moreover, it seems to be pulling with Jojo above the center.

Suddenly, it roared, burning the entire enclosed void.



Endless flames erupted, directly burning this void into a world of flames.

not only that.

At this moment, the True Fire of the Ten Directions and the Extinguishing Fire are burning together, and the power does not decrease but increases, which is so terrifying.

"Ahhh, bitch! You're courting death!"

"How cruel, you actually want to die with us! How cruel!"

"Ah, I'm going to kill you, as long as I kill you, all power will disappear."

"Death to me!"

The twelve war envoys of the Zunjie suddenly spoke in a panic.

Screaming again and again.

Even if they have long since lost their physical bodies, they are also unstoppable under this kind of power.

In the blink of an eye, the body has already begun to dissolve.

But Jojo didn't react at all from beginning to end.

As if, just as this World War Envoy said, from the very beginning, Qiao Qiao had already made plans to burn all jade and stone.


Twelve figures jumped up and down in the flames.

The whole body was covered with flames, and the arrogant and reckless expression before disappeared completely.

Only endless fear.

"No, no, if it goes on like this, we all have to die."

"There's no way, since that's the case, let's start merging."

At this moment, someone among the twelve said.

His expression was cold, but very determined.

In an instant, the expressions of the remaining eleven people were all stunned.

Then, they overlapped strangely.

not fusion.

It is not that one party dissipates and the other party is fulfilled.

It's just a simple overlap.

It's like everyone is lining up.

arranged directly in a row.

Even the person who spoke in the first place.

But that's it, it still cannot be resisted, the ever-spreading fire of extinction.

One body after another began to dissipate.

In the blink of an eye, only the last of the twelve figures remained.

It was at this time that a mutation arose.

The only remaining body, above the face, is constantly changing.

As if twelve faces were fused together, it was extremely hideous and ugly.

"Jie Jie, the fire that extinguishes life?"

"Sounds awesome? But so what?"

"Now this envoy is already immortal. Even if you burn yourself alive, this envoy will be safe and sound." There was only one Zunjie war envoy left, and he laughed wildly.

In front of him, Qiao Qiao, who was in the center of the endless flame, had a sad face at this time.

A long roar of blood was poured out.

It burns life directly, releasing endless fire of extinction.


For a time, the fire that destroyed life filled the sky with monstrous might.

It was as if the world was set on fire.

But, this power is already immune to this respected world war envoy in front of him.

"Hahaha, it's useless."

"Now I am only a body, immortal and immortal, your flame is gone."

"You will surely die." Zunjie War Envoy was arrogant.

Standing in the endless flames, motionless.

Let the flames burn and remain indifferent.

A look of despair appeared in the eyes of Yuan Feng, who was Qiao Qiao's incarnation.

Under this kind of power, you can't even struggle.

But at this moment, a roaring sound fell directly from the sky.

I saw a grinding disc covering the sky, directly penetrating the power of real fire in the ten directions, and rolling it from above the void.

"You immortal bastard, die!"

With an angry shout, it fell from above the void.

The invincible little figure controls the six paths, controls the liberation grinder, and smashes it down from the air.

Zunjie's eyes sparkle

"Jie Jie, here comes another one to die."

"The power of evil, want to compete with this envoy? It's whimsical."

"With the power of killing, everything is empty. Give it to me to destroy."

The Zunjie War Envoy Qingkong punched.

Endless killing aura rolled out backwards and landed directly on the liberation grinding disc.

The power of liberating the grinding disc is limited to the void.


A violent roar resounded through the void.

I saw Xiao Wudi's power of the Six Paths suddenly collapsed, and the source of evil was instantly annihilated, that is, the grinding disc of liberation. In this under a single strike, it was also knocked down and returned to Xiao Wudi's body.

And Xiao Wudi, also under a single strike, exploded back hundreds of miles.

It can be said, if not for so much power, block the attack for him.

This punch was enough to seriously injure him.


Qiaoqiao screamed angrily, tried all her strength, turned herself into herself, flew above the void, and caught the invincible figure.

"Who asked you to come?"

"Who asked you to come!"

"I can die, but you are Long Fei's flesh and blood, how can I let you have an accident."

Jojo was furious.

But the eyes are full of distress.

The corner of Xiao Wudi's mouth grinned

"Aunt, if Dad knew, I would let you fight outside alone, but I would hide behind and watch."

"I'm afraid that in the future, I won't have the face to see my father again."

"My Long family, you can die!" "But, you can't be cowardly!" Xiao Wudi said firmly.

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