The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4651 Under The Dragon Market

What about Long Batian?

Even the heavens and the universe can't leave Long Fei, and where Long Batian died, Long Fei can be safe and sound.

Can Long Fei still be afraid of Long Batian?


When he was weak, he would not be afraid of Long Batian. Now the Cultivation Base has been super perfect, infinitely approaching another level. If Long Fei is more, it will not be him.

Taking a step back, if Long Batian really had the ability to do something to himself, he would have jumped out of his body long ago to take what he wanted to have.

But until now, nothing has changed.

That shows that he is still dormant and waiting.

In this way, Long Fei will take the initiative and will not be afraid.

"Hahaha, the boss is the boss."

"I knew that in this world, there is no one who can stop the boss's footsteps." Li Yuanba laughed.

Touching his bald head, he smiled naively.

But in the sly smile, the fighting spirit soared in his eyes.

It seems that the shock from before has disappeared. Follow Long Fei, just do it!

Whether it is Emperor Xuan or Long Batian.

One word, just do it!

"Yes, what can Long Batian do? The old landlord can't beat the new local tyrant. With the boss's means, even if he lives, he has to be killed." Zhang Yue also laughed.

Then, Li Wuxin, Tianling, Lin Yousheng, etc.

One by one, they responded quietly.

To be precise, it only responded with one word.

That is to do.

Hearing this, the people of the Mu family were completely stunned.

Especially Mu Yao, who lost all three souls and seven souls.

"My God, that's Long Batian, what kind of people are these people." Mu Yao had mixed feelings in her heart.

Although she was in awe of Long Fei.

I also believe that Long Fei would dare to fight even if he faced Long Batian.

But now, each of them is like a chicken blood, and they are arguing to go to the Dragon Batian.

She felt that the world was dark.

But on the contrary, Mu Yun's eyes were full of excitement.

It seems to have returned to the time when he followed Long Fei and confronted the air.

Don't be shy, just do it!

The blood is flooded.

When his fists were clenched, his veins burst out, and he wished he could join Long Fei's brothers now.

Because, he believed, he was also Long Fei's brother.

However, he also agreed with Mu Yao's words.

Even if he can't take the lead for Long Fei, he must not become an obstacle to Long Fei.

Therefore, even if he thinks about it in his heart at this moment, he will endure it.

At this time, Long Fei's mouth also showed a smile.

This is his brother.

What if it was Long Batian.

Don't care at all.

However, this time, Long Fei didn't want to let several people go with him.

"Hahaha, okay, my brother Long Fei, that's how it should be."

"However, this time, I will do it myself."

"You go back to the mountain first. After all, you don't have the blood of the dragon clan. Moreover, the layout of Long Batian is also very targeted. Even if I give you the blood of the dragon clan, you will not be able to enter." Long Fei said.

Now, Long Fei has been confirmed.

Under this endless sea of ​​clouds, is the Longxu.

But in this sea of ​​clouds, there is the will of Long Batian.

Even if Long Zu wanted to enter it, it was impossible.

In other words, everything before was just that Long Batian deliberately exposed Longxu and led Longfei to come.

When Li Yuanba and the others heard it, the excitement on their faces instantly became extremely excited.

"Damn, cowardly. I can't think of the first dragon Batian of all ages, and he is also a coward."

Li Yuanba scolded angrily.

Several other people were also angry, but did not speak.

Because they believed that even if Long Fei was alone, it would be no problem to destroy Long Batian.

As for Mu Yao and others, they were relieved.

After all, if Long Batian is still alive under the Dragon Ruins, even if it is just a will, they are not able to compete.

So at this moment, I heard Long Fei say let them return first.

Hearts are all relieved.

At this time, Long Fei no longer hesitated, nodded slightly to Li Yuanba and others, and then jumped directly into the endless sea.


A roar.

The moment Long Fei disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds.

The endless sea of ​​clouds disappeared in an instant.

And below, the whole becomes an abyss.

An abyss that cannot be gazed into.

Look at Long Fei again, from jumping into the sea of ​​​​clouds.

Long Fei felt an incomparably heavy pressure erupting from the bottom up.

As if wanting to drag him into the endless abyss.


"Chuangsheng fourth-level flesh, open it for me!"

Long Fei shouted angrily, and outside his body, the power of the majestic physical body swelled instantly, and the falling power was even more utterly outside.

And Long Fei, the figure also condensed in the dark mid-air at this moment.

At this time, Long Fei was able to see everything in front of him.

"Damn? What the hell is this place? Longxu, is it really a ruin?"

At a glance, Long Fei was stunned.

Unlimited doubts arose in my heart.

Because in front of you, there is nothing.

Only one pillar after another leads to the endless underground.

On top of the pillars, there are gigantic chains circling.

Each chain has several feet in size.

But at the top of the chain, there is a huge gap. Above the gap, a cold light flickered in the darkness, as if it were also declaring that someone was bound here once.

"Damn, Long Batian, this is your Longxu? You tried so hard to lure me here, just to show me this cage and this ruin?" Long Fei cursed uncontrollably in his heart.

Of course, there was no sound.

But he believed that Long Batian, who was hiding in his body, would definitely know.


At this moment, a mutation arose.

I saw that Zu Longyin flew straight out of Long Fei's hand.

Immediately afterwards, that piece of dragon scale also began to vibrate continuously in the system space.

Long Fei's eyes changed.

"Want to break free? Impossible, give me the town!"

Long Fei shouted loudly.

Quickly hook up the system and control the system space.

However, what surprised Long Fei was that.

The moment he activated the power of the system, a ray of light burst out from under the entire ruins.

And this light instantly rushed into Long Fei's sea of ​​consciousness.

Even Long Fei didn't react.

What's even more terrifying is that this ray of light directly penetrated the space of the system and directly led the dragon scales out of the space of the system.

"Hahaha, kid, you're finally here."

"How is it, shocking?"

"However, don't worry, you will spend the endless years here in the future."

On the Zulong seal, a arrogant laughter came.

Immediately afterwards, the seal of the Ancestral Dragon began to slowly dissolve, and finally turned into a scale.

And this scale is instantly fused with the scale above the void.

Long Fei glared angrily.

As he looked up, his eyes burned with anger, "Long Batian!"

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