The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4660 At Your Own Risk

Li Ping was frightened.

Pride was crushed by Li Yu's ferocity at this time.

With a slap, all his sense of superiority was directly destroyed.

Li Yu sneered.

"Shushan's internal disciple?"

"Don't say that you are not from Shushan, even if you are already a disciple of Shushan, you will surely die today."

"Since you think that strength is the rule, daddy, I will use strength to talk to you today."

Li Yu shouted angrily, without any hesitation at all.

He didn't know how strong Shushan was, all he knew was that at this moment his body already contained an almost explosive power. At this moment, he just wanted to kill those who had bullied his own people one by one.


The figure disappeared directly on the spot at this moment.

Almost teleportation, appeared directly in front of Li Ping.

Then, a punch fell!


A crisp sound appeared. I saw Li Ping's eyes full of confusion, and the position of his chest had been punched out by a blood hole from Li Yu.


Blood splashed on Li Yu's face, but Li Yu's expression did not change at all.

Yes, it is as cold as ever.

Below, Long Fei frowned slightly.

He was afraid that Li Yu would lose himself if he suddenly gained such a powerful power. After all, even if he threw Fang Tian Great Emperor's inheritance power to him, he didn't want to kill him in vain, but just wanted to give him the dignity of living once.

However, now Li Yu has been filled with hatred in his heart.

Instinctively, Long Fei wanted to stop it.

To his surprise, Li Yu seemed to have guessed Long Fei's worries.

With a blood-covered face, he grinned at Long Fei

"Boss, don't worry." Li Yu said.

Although it is only four words, it has already shown his attitude.


Long Fei took a deep breath.

He could feel that although Li Yu's killing intent was monstrous, his mind was not lost.

He didn't lose himself because of the sudden violent force.

For Long Fei, this is enough.

As for how far Li Yu is going to lift the day.

Long Fei didn't care.

As long as Li Yu thought about it, even if the entire Shushan Mountain was demolished, Long Fei didn't care.

Without it, just because Li Yu is his brother.

The screen turned again, after Li Yu beheaded Li Ping.

Above the entire Shu Mountain, panic has been caused.

"Is this person crazy? He dares to provoke the majesty of Shushan?"

"Sand Sculpture, he is dead. Today, when Shushan opens, he will definitely stand up for him."

"I don't even think about it. The birth of a legendary immortal gate is so directly ignored by people, and it will definitely not give up."

Cholera erupted in the crowd.

Everyone started to move away.

It seems that it has been predicted that when the people from Shushan arrive, Li Yu will die without a place to be buried.

I was even afraid that if I got too close, I would be implicated by Li Yu.

As for Li Yu, there was no them at all in his eyes.

As soon as he turned his eyes, like a poisonous snake, he directly locked on the person who shot him yesterday.

"And you, yesterday's kick, I'll give it back to you today!"

Li Yu said coldly.

The figure flashed and came directly to the person.

Then step on.


This foot directly put this person on the building of Shushan, stirring up endless smoke and dust.

And this person, even more dead, can no longer die.

"And you, three days ago, you insulted me like a dog and slapped me."

"You, half a month ago, wanted to seize the precious medicinal herbs that a girl accidentally obtained. I just opened my mouth to stop it, but you raped and killed the girl in front of me. Today I want you to pay for your life."


"And you,,,,,,"


Li Yu named more than a dozen people in a row.

In addition to the few people from yesterday, there are many more.

Every time a person is named, Li Yu will expose his sins.

And each of these people was pointed out by Li Yu, and their faces turned pale in an instant.

Whoosh whoosh.

For a moment, these people did not hesitate to fly directly with their swords.

At this time, in their minds, there is only one thought, that is to escape!

must escape!

There is only one chance to escape.

Otherwise, Li Ping is a lesson for them, and there is absolutely no place for burial.

Li Yu, however, showed no mercy, turned into a human judge, and pursued him again and again.

Punch after punch.

Every time a punch is thrown, it ends a person's life.


"Devil, you scumbag, you say we are guilty of monstrous crimes, what about you? It's not a crime for you to kill us?"

"Dog thing, you are dead, on the fairy mountain, you are fighting, ten lives are not enough for you to atone for your sins."

Countless wailing erupted above Shu Mountain, under the absolute violence of Li Yu.

Escape, it doesn't exist at all.

There is no possibility at all, and even before Yujian, he was directly knocked down by Li Yu.

There is no room for struggle.

On the other hand, Li Yu didn't have the slightest hesitation or change on his face.

"Killing you is punishment!"

"I'm not the savior, I just know that this world shouldn't do whatever it wants."

"If Immortal Mountain comes to protect you, then this Immortal Mountain is the gate to the world, and you don't need to enter." Li Yu said in a deep voice.

Word by word, word by word.

Even Long Fei was shocked.

In the ancient world, all he wanted in his heart was protection.

Although in his opinion, Li Yu's behavior is somewhat of a virgin.

But more, it is the heart of a child.

Long Fei sighed in his heart.

Despite all these years, the protection he insisted on in his heart has not changed.

"Heart of a child, Fang Tian Great Emperor?"

"Fang Tian originally meant uprightness, and now Li Yu controls Fang Tian's inheritance? Could it be,,,,,,"

Long Fei had a guess in his heart.

But not sure.

Just looking at Li Yu, he was a little bit right.

But at this moment, above Shu Mountain, a long sword suddenly broke through the air.

Go straight to Li Yu.



Sword Ray is jagged.

In an instant, the void was cut, and the speed was indescribable.

Li Yu also turned around instantly, a look of panic on his face.

"Ignorance of things, today I was born in the mountain of Shushan, and I dare to kill indiscriminately."

"Dare to point fingers at me, Shushan, and I don't know whether to live or die."

"One sword to end your life, in the name of my Shushan."

A voice was as cold as frost.

Falling from the top of Shushan.


Li Yu couldn't dodge at all, so he was directly pierced by a sword.

If it weren't for Long Fei's attack at the critical moment, dislocating his body, he might have penetrated his chest.


"There are still people who dare to save the people who are going to be killed in this seat? It seems that you don't know what the prestige of Xianmen is if you don't want to kill today."

"The Heavenly Sword Slays the Demon."


Above the emptiness of Mount Shu, the owner of the voice appeared. A purple Magical Robe, shining in the void.

In his hand, the long sword was divided into six parts and stabbed suddenly.

Li Yu stood still, but his eyes were already full of anger.

It seems that Shushan's actions have made him desperate.

In desperation, endless anger erupted.

Long Fei's heart also moved, his eyes were cold, he raised his head and said

"Shushan,,,,,, is really majestic." "I will give you the opportunity to call out what you think is the strongest combat power of Shushan, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk."

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