The Strongest Upgrade System

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Shushan Elder's face was full of horror, and he looked at him in disbelief.

The scene as he thought did not appear.

His magic sword suddenly collapsed before it approached Long Fei's face.

"Who is your Excellency? Could it be that he is also a member of Xianmen?"

The Elder of Shushan was moved.

Heart has been extremely shocked.

He knew that Long Fei never made a move from beginning to end.

That is to say, Long Fei's Cultivation Base is far above him, so he can collapse his own methods so calmly.

At this moment, he was afraid.

But this time to admit it?

is that useful?

From the very beginning, Long Fei gave them a chance.

After all, Shushan is also an ancient immortal gate. Long Fei also wanted to use them to inquire about the mysteries after Kunlun.

It's just a pity that Shushan's choice disappointed Long Fei.

Time and time again, it's a direct shot.

And this is also doomed, Long Fei can't let them go.

In an instant, Long Fei raised his head, and a sneer flashed at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't think too much, I'm not a member of Xianmen. You don't have to worry about the flood of the Dragon King Temple."

"Before, I just wanted to kill a few people who didn't know what to do."

"But now, I just want to destroy Shushan." Long Fei said lightly.

Just as the people from Shushan said, they want to kill the dragon and fly to the top.

And Long Fei also wanted to use Shushan as a pedal to let the world know what awe is.

"Wait, Your Excellency, this is a misunderstanding."

"The old man would like to apologize to Your Excellency with the highest courtesy of Shushan." When the Elder of Shushan heard this, he panicked and said directly.

However, the result will inevitably disappoint him.

In the world of Long Fei, there is no such thing as forgiving the enemy.

The moment he made his move, the result was already doomed.


The next moment, Long Fei's figure flashed across the void.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared in front of Elder Shushan.

With his right hand, he directly captured Shushan Elder in his hand.

"Apologize? Apologize?"

"If an apology is useful, what is the word reverence used for?" Long Fei's figure was cold, and his killing intent flashed.


Elder Shushan, he didn't even have a chance to speak.

He was directly pinched by Long Fei and his neck was broken, and he died.

Brush brush!

The other Shushan Elders, at this moment, immediately retreated.

"Escape! Notify the head and the retired elder that someone is attacking the mountain!"

"Retreat, this child has become a devil. Summon the fellow daoist of Xianmen to help."

"Quick, retreat to Shushan Locking Demon Pagoda."

Several Elders panicked.

He didn't even have the courage to face Long Fei.

Turn around and run.

As for the six sons of Shushan, they were directly forced into the air at this moment.

Under the terrifying pressure of Long Fei, he didn't even have the strength to move.

Puff puff!

Puff puff!

Six in a row.

The Sixth Terrorist spit out a mouthful of blood and fell on the void.

"Forgive your life, senior, spare your life."

"Yes, yes, senior, you can participate in good fortune, why bother with little people like us, let us go as a fart."

"Senior forgive me, I am willing to be a slave and a servant."


Overwhelmed with a sound.

The six begged for mercy directly.

For fear that if he speaks too slowly, he will arouse Long Fei's dissatisfaction.

It's just a pity that when they shot Li Yu, the result was already doomed.

Injured my own brother, still want to live?

Sorry, Long Fei never left kindness to the enemy's mind.


Long Fei swiped with a punch, and the figures of the six people were directly annihilated.

And Long Fei's figure didn't stop at all, as if he was just doing it casually.

In his eyes, only the depths of Shushan.

bang, bang,,,,,,

The long sword fell.

Above Shushan, everyone realized what happened.

"My God, is he the devil?"

"Even Shushan Elder is a one-shot kill? I just took the initiative to provoke it?"

"Escape, we must escape, or we will die when he turns around."

In the crowd, all those who disrespected Long Fei and tried to anger Shushan and kill Long Fei were all like falling into The Underworld.

Just, don't wait for their bodies to withdraw even a little bit.

A coercion descended directly from above Shushan.

Instantly crushed on top of their souls.

Bang bang bang.

Bang bang bang.


No accident, one by one, directly exploded and died.

Of course, there are also many people who have remained silent all the time, and have not fallen into the trap and saved their lives.

But the most shocking was Li Yu.

"My Cao, I really made the right bet this time."

"Bai picked up an invincible boss." Li Yu looked at the corpses in front of him.

already numb.

Long Fei surprised him again and again.

It made him feel as if he was in a dream, unbelievable.

What he didn't know was that the entire country of China, and even the entire earth, was also shaken by what happened above this mountain.

Island country, Shinobu Shrine.

"What is Huaguo doing? Has another peerless powerhouse been born? Even the ancient power of Shushan that has been passed down for thousands of years can't be resisted?" Ninja looked towards Huaguo with intense eyes.

Western, super god alliance.

"Damn oriental monkey, is God blind?"

"No, it seems that something must be done, otherwise, we will have no sense of existence."


"Damn, it's China again. With such terrifying Spiritual Qi fluctuations, does it mean that some of them have touched the power of the true God?"


Of course, not only these, but also some small countries.

All shaking.

And all of this is just because Long Fei did something casually.

At this time, the capital of China.

"The direction of Shushan? Isn't Shushan born today? How could such a terrifying battle take place? Could it be said that there is a hostile force from Shushan, and it was born at the same time?"

"Are the two sides fighting?" Yan Shoushi looked solemn.

The cool feeling of breakthrough Nascent Soul disappears directly.

"Chief, I suggest you ask Holy Maiden about this matter. After all, the goddess is the highest combat power in our country today. Maybe he can perceive something." An old man in black robe said beside Yan Shoushi.

"Okay, if you go to summon Holy Maiden, just say I said it." Yan Shoushi said with a touch of determination.

The old man was slightly taken aback, but in the end he didn't say anything, but chose to leave in silence.

And at this time, in addition to the down payment, it stood in a loft at the peak of China.

Xiao Yu'er's eyes were full of excitement.

"Long Fei big brother, is that you? I feel it, that's your breath!" Xiao Yu'er's eyes were filled with excitement, and tears were already rolling in her pupils.

"No, now the powers of the ancient legends of China have been born. No matter how strong Long Fei's big brother is, there may be accidents."

"At this time, I have to stand in front of him." Xiao Yu'er thought suddenly.

The delicate facial features became somewhat dislocated because of the panic.

But this still does not affect the beauty, even if it is anger and panic, it is still a country and a city.


The next moment, Xiao Yu'er's figure flashed and disappeared immediately. What they didn't know was that the protagonist who caused the panic at this time was still walking on the mountain in Xianting.

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