The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4679 Buddha? You Do Not Deserve

Under Kunlun, a woman stood with a sword.

White clothes beat snow, like Deva. It's just that her face was covered with a veil, so she could only see an outline, but couldn't see her real appearance.


This person is the handed down disciple of Cihang Jianzhai.

"One sword kills Mount Shu, slaughtering thousands of creatures in one day."

"He should be the soul of the dead under my sword, so that the world can be rectified."

The woman's voice was indifferent, she looked above the void, and her killing intent rose.

At this time, Long Fei, who was preparing to step out of Shushan with Xiao Yu'er, felt the killing intent in front of him, and his footsteps stopped.

"It seems that someone can't bear it anymore."

Long Fei's eyes burst into disdain.

This kind of killing intent is drizzle to him.

For him, let alone an impact, there was no reaction at all.

"Long Fei big brother, this person should be a person from Xianmen." Xiao Yu'er said, the tenderness in her eyes disappeared.


It's a killing intent.

"I'll kill her!" Xiao Yu'er said.

It is completely different from the previous Xiaoniaoyiren.

Like a calf.

Anyone who dares to kill Long Fei is his enemy.

"Don't worry, there are not enough monkeys, and she is not the best chicken." Long Fei said.

But I feel that my own words are a bit ambiguous.

Kill the chicken to warn the monkey!

This is probably what Long Fei thought.

Since Yan Shoushi was able to kill Zhong Rubing and the three, he used it to stimulate Xiao Yuer and declare his authority.

That Long Fei will naturally not be soft-hearted.

The best way is that you do the first year of the first year, and I do the fifteenth.

But obviously, the person in front of him is not qualified enough.

In other words, it wasn't enough for Yan Shoushi to feel what terror was.

And at this time, the figure under Kunlun, unwilling to be lonely, stepped forward and rose from the depths.


The long sword is tactful, and a Sword Ray soars into the sky.

Xiao Yu'er couldn't help but make a move.

"No, this little strength can't hurt me." Long Fei stopped him.

Then, Long Fei did not dodge or evade, and stood on the spot, waiting for the sword of the woman below.

"You have killed countless people and destroyed the inheritance of the Immortal Sect. You should be punished. Today, I will save you with the sword of Cihang."

Also at this moment, under Kunlun, the woman let out a coquettish cry.

And at this time, the long sword in his hand finally burst out with infinite sword light.

Sword intent rushed into the night.

It was Long Fei, and there was a surprise in his eyes.

This sword,,,,, he had never heard of.

Sword, the king of soldiers.

What I look up to is a kind of killing heart, and I am invincible.

But at this moment, the sword of the woman in front of her is different from all the swords before.

In this sword, there is no fierceness of the sword, nor the kind of contempt that pierces the sky.

There is no such thing as a sword in hand, and there is no such thing as ghosts and gods.

The whole set of sword moves is full of elegance and spirituality.

It was as if the trajectory of the sword was dancing in the air.

This Sword intent is filled with a kind of Buddha intent.

And gradually, the sword opened the golden lotus, and really formed a Buddha above the void.

"Monster, die!"

The woman drinks.

In an instant, the sword lotus blossomed, and the Buddha took out his palm.

Whoosh whoosh.

A streak of endless sadness swept through the sky.

As soon as he thought about it, he felt a sense of redemption in his heart.

In a trance, Long Fei's pupils seemed to be drawn by this force.

Scenes of killing flashed through Long Fei's pupils.

Indirectly, Long Fei had a kind of self-doubt in his heart.

It seems that everything that has been done is contrary to heaven and earth.

Contrary to Dharma.

Everything is sin.


Violent rage.

This Buddha's sword lotus is like a bright mirror.

Outline the killing in Long Fei's heart.

"Such a strong Killing intent, sure enough, you are a demon." The woman in white looked cold.

Also inexplicably excited.

"If you let the master know that I have killed a great demon between heaven and earth, my Cihang Jianzhai will definitely be famous in the world." The woman in white thought to herself.

Then, even harder.

Brush brush!

The long sword in his hand burst out with endless rays of light. In the emptiness, the sword lotus blossomed, and the condensed Buddha shadow became more and more solemn.

"Buddha Sword Suppresses Demons, kill!" The woman shouted loudly.


The Buddha's shadow moved slightly, and with a pair of palms, the endless sword shadow roared down.


At this time, the real murderous intention came.

The world was filled with a murderous aura, and even Kunlun, an ancient mountain that had stood in China for thousands of years, seemed unable to withstand the ravages of this murderous intention.


Trees wither, life is hidden.


The boulders shook and the mountains shattered.

Beside Long Fei, a dignified look appeared in Xiao Yu'er's eyes.

Especially when he felt the change in Long Fei's breath, he felt that things had changed.

"Long big brother, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Yu'er said in a panic.

She had no doubts about Long Fei's strength.

But the changes at the moment were beyond her expectations.

As for Long Fei, despite the uncontrollable outbreak of hostility, self-doubt arose in his heart.

But in just a moment, that thought disappeared.


Long Fei's heart was dull.

A strong disdain and killing intent grew in the bottom of my heart.

"I sigh that Heavenly Dao is unfair. When I was tormented, no Buddha came to save me."

"When I am saving the heavens and destroying the gods and saving the world, there is no Buddha to help me."

"When I stepped on Foshan and killed the demons with the body of a Buddha, the Buddha bowed his head."

"Now, come to redeem me?"

"Are you worthy?"

Long Fei smiled coldly, looked at the condensed Buddha image above the void, and said faintly.

But The next moment, an incredible scene happened.

I saw that with the voice of Long Fei falling.

Void Buddha shadow, gradually illusory.

Endless Sword intent, disappeared.

It's like being ashamed.

The Buddha did not dare to confess his sins in front of Long Fei.

"No, it's impossible."

"How could the Buddha retire?"

"How could Folian collapse?"

Below, the woman in white looked incredulous.

I couldn't believe what I saw at all.

For a long time, Cihang Jianzhai, adhering to the Buddha's heart is like a sword, slaying demons and eradicating demons.

To clear the world as his mission.

But now, even the Buddha has retired, what is their persistence?

For a while, the woman in white backlashed her heart, and her belief collapsed.

And Long Fei, at this moment, also moved slightly.

Between the backhands, a punch slammed out.


With one punch, heaven and earth regained clarity.

Buddha Shadow completely collapsed.

Folian was completely annihilated.


The woman in white spit out a mouthful of blood and fell directly.

Long Fei, on the other hand, was pressing forward step by step.

At this time, the veil of the woman in white was removed, revealing her true colors.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Inexplicably, his heart beat faster.

I have to admit that the woman in front of me is extremely beautiful.

A fairy breath that doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, blows towards the face.

This kind of beauty is different from Xiao Yuer.

Xiao Yu'er's temperament is more inclined to tenderness.

The woman in front of her is Snow Mountain White Lotus.

But, that's not the point.

The point is, this face is very familiar to Long Fei. "My Cao, what's with you?"

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