The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4785 Shocked The Heavens

"Sir, Shiwanshan has been emptied, all the monsters have been expelled, and Shiwanshan is now empty." Lei Shen said, his face was very calm.

He didn't know what Long Fei was going to do, but he knew in his heart that the door to this gorgeous world had been opened, and what Long Fei said next would lead them to massacre, the real god.

"Sir, is the war about to start next?" At this time, Da Baojian also asked.

"Yes, I set up the Dragon Court, and I will definitely be intolerant of heaven and earth. No matter if it is a god or a Buddha, I will not let it go."

"And when the time comes, it will be the beginning of your battle for me in the Quartet."

"But don't worry, with their superior mentality, your first opponent will not be too strong." Long Fei said.

Since there is the shadow of Heaven Court behind the demon kings of the three mountains in this one hundred thousand mountains, then killing the three demon kings by himself and setting up a dragon court on these one hundred thousand mountains will definitely not escape Heaven Court's perception.

When the time comes to meet Heaven Court head-on, it is already expected.

However, Long Fei never wanted to hide it.

His purpose was to repeat the myth, so the conflict with Heaven Court was doomed before it even started. Moreover, in this game, Long Fei never thought of backing down.

He just wants to be tough.

Furthermore, the system has already paved the way for him, the Avengers, the heroes of the Alliance, and the previous White Bone Legion. With such a background, if Long Fei is more counseled, he will not be Long Fei.

Moreover, he also expected that, with Heaven Court and Buddha's style, he would definitely not be in his eyes, and he would definitely come with an absolutely arrogant attitude at the beginning, and it would be just right for these people to adapt to the war in this Immortal World.

Also at this time, Xuan Yu, Xuan Yu and Xiao Yu'er brought Xiao Susu to Long Fei's side.

They already knew that Long Fei would neutralize the Dragon Court in these 100,000 Mountains, and now that Thor, Crimson and others have returned, it proves that everything is ready.

"Long Fei, are you going to be too hasty now? You also said that Heaven Court is behind the three demon kings. Now that you have made a high-profile shot and killed the three demon kings, will Heaven Court notice? "Xuanyi asked.

Xuanyi had the most experience, she was once the princess of the country, and later became an elder. She thought about things in a more comprehensive way.

At this moment, she was worried that Long Fei was too high-profile and would cause some trouble. Even if he knew that Long Fei's methods were monstrous and invincible, he was still worried.

"Time doesn't wait for me. Don't worry, your man never does anything unsure."

"Besides, even if I don't set up the Dragon Court, the ones who should come will come."

"Simply, just be tough." Long Fei said.

Then the eyes and a few people gave each other a deadly look, and then jumped, plucked the onion on the dry land, and flew directly to the void.

Long Fei stood above the void and looked at the 100,000 mountains in front of him, and his heart was also excited.

It is not the first time for him to create Dragon Court. After destroying the Star Demon World in the universe, he established the Dragon Court based on the Star Demon World.

However, the Dragon Court in the Ten Thousand Realms was destroyed by the Venerable Realm.

But this time is different. Long Fei has the foundation stone of Xianmen and the luck of Xianmen. Standing in this mythical world, he has only one purpose, that is to fight for the final victory and repeat the mythical world.

"Xianmen cornerstone, stand!"

With a thought, Long Fei activated the system space and directly took out the cornerstone of Xianmen.


In Long Fei's hands, as soon as the cornerstone of the Immortal Sect appeared, it shone directly, bursting with light, filling the sky.

Moreover, as if to announce the heavens, a majestic and mighty aura burst out from this cornerstone.

"Damn, is it so ferocious?" Long Fei was also surprised by the scene in front of him.

Originally, Xuanyi thought it was too high-profile, but Long Fei didn't think so.

But now that this scene is happening, even Long Fei can't control it.

This is no longer a simple high-profile, but a direct challenge to Heaven Court and Buddhism, directly telling them that this mythical world will no longer be dominated by two, but divided by three.

"It seems that the system has never prepared itself to be counseled. This is to make me start a war of the heavens." Long Fei smiled bitterly in his heart. But immediately, great ambition surged in his heart, without fear, and some only had a monstrous fighting spirit.


never existed.

Even the gods and Buddhas of the gods, Long Fei never took it seriously.

"This is the best way, anyway, the result will be the same sooner or later. Moreover, the bigger the momentum, the easier it is to know my news." Long Fei thought in his heart, pressing his unexpected emotions to the back of his head, and controlling Xianmen wholeheartedly The cornerstone, the establishment of the Dragon Court.

At this time, everything was just as Long Fei thought, whether it was Heaven Court or Buddhism, it caused a huge sensation.


Above Ling Xiao's hall, Jade Emperor was listening to the gods of all circles telling things from all walks of life, but was shocked by the sky-high light.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Ling Xiao Hall began to vibrate.

Even the pillars began to shake.

This is not the point. The most important thing is that the Heavenly Dao stone, which symbolizes the luck of Heaven Court, is flickering at this time, as if it is threatened in the eyes.

"Damn, someone actually established a fairy gate in the Earth Immortals world, and it's so powerful that even my Heaven Court is affected."

"Who can tell the widow what's going on?"

Jade Emperor was furious. As Heaven Court Supreme, he was closely linked with the Heavenly Dao stone, but in an instant he sensed that there was an extra power between heaven and earth.

But at this time, the gods in the sky were silent one by one, with nervousness and doubts on their faces.

The Jade Emperor can perceive, but they know nothing. They were all in a state of bewilderment, and they had no idea what was going on.

"Check, check it for me. Li Jing, the widow ordered you to lead 30,000 heavenly soldiers. Check the lower realm. Once it's true, immediately destroy it and kill without mercy." Jade Emperor said angrily as his killing intent escaped.

"Chen, lead the order!" Li Jing did not dare to neglect.

Jade Emperor was furious, and the world changed color.

Who in the world dares to offend The Three Realms Supreme?

In just a moment, Li Jing ordered 30,000 heavenly soldiers and left.

And in the same way, at this time, Western Lingshan.

The Tathagata of the Patriarch of Ten Thousand Buddhas also changed dramatically.

"Amitābha, the world has changed dramatically, is the third catastrophe about to begin?" Tathagata said in a deep voice, his face showing endless compassion.

"My Buddha, why did you say this?"

"My Buddha's luck is prosperous, why is there a big catastrophe?"

"Yeah, Buddha, my Buddhism has preached to heaven and earth, and there are countless beliefs. Even the Eastern Heaven Court is not as prosperous as my Buddhism. How can there be a catastrophe?"

The Lingshan disciples were puzzled and said one by one.

Tathagata shook his head slightly

"No, just now, the world has undergone tremendous changes, and a wisp of unwarranted power has emerged, directly shining the world. This kind of power is incomparably vast. Compared with my Buddha, Amitabha, when I created Lingshan, I didn't give in too much."

"It can be seen that there is another Taoist sect between heaven and earth. Once this Taoist sect rises, it will definitely be another catastrophe. At that time, all living beings will be wiped out and all people will bleed." Tathagata said, with a look of sympathy. "Amitābha, my Buddha, since this is the case, then let the disciples take action and strangle this sect in the cradle, so that all sentient beings will be at peace." At this moment, Tathagata sat down, and a Buddhist disciple said.

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