The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4787 Luck Golden Dragon

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Long Fei's expression became indifferent.

"Heaven Court's people came so quickly?" Long Fei's eyes froze, and he pondered in his heart.

From the beginning of the establishment of the Dragon Court to the establishment of the Dragon Court now, it took only a few hours left and right, and the person from Heaven Court had arrived.

Moreover, he is no stranger to the leader.

Holding a pagoda in his hand, and wearing a demon sword on his waist.

This kind of standard, don't think about it, it is naturally Li Jing.

"Evil, among The Three Realms, Heaven Court is orthodox. Anyone who wants to establish a mountain must go to Heaven to listen."

"You dare to privately own the mountain gate, and you have violated the rules of heaven."

"If you don't hurry, you will be captured. Follow me to Heaven Court to plead guilty!" Li Jing said, with an official tone, showing great majesty.

"Please?" Long Fei turned his face slightly, looked up at Li Jing, and smiled.

He established the Dragon Court just to do Heaven Court and fight Lingshan.

Please, how is it possible.

"Why, do you still want to struggle?"

"This king sees that your cultivation is not easy, and you don't want to kill innocent people, so I gave you this opportunity. But if you are stubborn, then this king will personally suppress you today and escort you to Heaven Court."

"As for this so-called Dragon Court, it will also become a wasteland under my Heaven Court's iron cavalry."

"And these people will also become my Heaven Court, the souls of the dead." Li Jing said with a proud look on his face.

It seems that Long Fei and others have never been seen in the eyes.

"Fart, what kind of thing are you, you dare to speak to my adults like this."

"Yes, I want to destroy my Dragon Court, just rely on you? Don't see if you are qualified or not."

"My lord, this is the god and Buddha you said. Now that the Dragon Court has just established, I will invite you to fight and show me the power of the Dragon Court."

Long Fei didn't speak, and the Thor and the Alliance below couldn't take it anymore.

And they didn't even notice that they had bound themselves and Long Ting together invisibly.

"I don't know what's good or bad, if you dare to be arrogant when you are about to die, the heavens will obey the order and kill the evil spirits." Above the void, Li Jing's face sank and he gave the order.




The next moment, above the void, killing life shook the sky, one after another golden armored soldiers descended from the sky.

Long Fei took a closer look, his voice was still, and he moved casually.


His lips parted lightly, and Long Fei said a killing word.

But, as Long Fei's voice fell, on the cornerstone of Xianmen, the golden dragon, which had been resting before, circled out again.


The golden dragon let out a roar, and the ten-thousand-zhang dragon body rose directly into the sky, rushing directly into the Heaven Court camp in the void.

Boom boom boom.

In an instant, the incomparably violent Golden Dragon directly slammed the Heaven Court camp away. Hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Generals had no time to react and were directly knocked over by the Golden Dragon.

Immediately afterwards, there were screams

"Ah, ah, what is this? Dragon, how can the dragon be so powerful?"

"Damn, the dragon family is actually involved with this person, is the dragon family trying to rebel?"

"No, no, this is not the dragon family, this is a kind of power, but it is just transformed into the shape of the dragon family."

Countless celestial generals were knocked over and fell directly from the void. Even those who escaped the catastrophe were full of horror at the moment.

Even Li Jing was swept away by the dragon at the moment. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, the result would not have been much better.

"Damn, how could this person have such a terrifying means?" Li Jing complained in his heart.

I thought it would be easy to do this time. Already planning to return to Heaven Court, please take credit. Unexpectedly, this time it actually hit the iron plate.

"Haha, with this little strength, you want us to confess to Heaven Court, are you stupid?"

"Your arrogant appearance made daddy's blood boil, thinking that there was a tough battle to fight, but he didn't expect it to be so unbearable."

"It's more than unbearable, it's simply weak, and before the adults can take action, they have collapsed."

Above Tushan, all the people in Longting couldn't help but speak.

Thinking of what Li Jing said at the beginning, he couldn't help but tease.

And Long Fei saw everything in his eyes, the corner of his mouth moved, and a trace of disdain appeared in his eyes.

"Heaven Court, that's all."

"You've been at ease for too long, no wonder the last time the battle between Buddhism and Taoism was so dismal."

"However, this time, in front of me, Long Ting, you are even more vulnerable." Long Fei spoke indifferently.

This dragon's attack is naturally Long Fei's means.

Moreover, this is the latest power under Long Fei's control. This golden dragon is exactly the power derived from Long Fei's founding of the Dragon Court. And it is also linked with the power of luck in Long Fei Dantian, and a force of luck is gathered in seconds.

Turned in Long Fei's body.

That is to say, as long as the Dragon Court is immortal, the power of luck in Long Fei Dantian will grow all the time.

Of course, the most important thing is that this golden dragon with luck is extremely powerful. Under Long Fei's thought, anyone who is hostile to Long Ting will be resisted.

Just like now, as soon as the golden dragon came out, it was a direct sweep, and the entire Heaven Court's heavenly generals had no resistance in the face of this power, and they collapsed in an instant.

At this time, Li Jing's face was also extremely gloomy.

Heaven Court's loss was too heavy, and the ridicule from Thor and others made him even more ashamed.

"Presumptuous, a group of evildoers, dare to be arrogant in front of this king."

"Linglong Pagoda, town!"

Li Jing became angry, and directly sacrificed the Linglong Pagoda.


In an instant, the Linglong Pagoda turned into a thousand feet in size directly in the void, and its might was monstrous.

"Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda?" Long Fei's eyes lit up.

As far as he knows, the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is extremely extraordinary, and it is an acquired treasure. In the good fortune world, every floor is like a Minor World, and its power cannot be underestimated.

You know, this is an existence that even monkeys can calm down.

"Monster, still haven't been slaughtered?" Li Jing's arrogance reappeared, as if he was extremely confident in this exquisite pagoda.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth moved, and his eyes shone brightly.

"Seven Treasures Exquisite, although not very strong, but just throw it to Tu Shan to use."

The next moment, Long Fei recalled the golden dragon of luck and looked at Thor and others

"It's time for you to appear, this battle, for my Dragon Court's prestige, Heaven Court's attack, all stay."

"As for this person, just leave it to me." Having said that, Long Fei stepped out, directly above the void, and stood opposite Li Jing.

"Hmph, I don't know what to say, I am Linglong Pagoda, under the Golden Immortal of Taiyi, I can surrender directly. Even Da Luo has to avoid three points. Boy, you are too arrogant."

"Pagoda, town!" Li Jing shouted loudly.

Immediately, the huge exquisite pagoda fell directly from the sky.

But Long Fei was still very indifferent, looking at Li Jing with his eyes.

"You're right, maybe the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, under Taiyi, did not survive. Even Da Luo must avoid it!" "But, who told you that daddy's Cultivation Base is under Da Luo? "Long Fei sneered, and then the breath on his body suddenly rose.

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