The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4790 Buddhist Giant Engine

I have to say that Nezha's way of appearing made Long Fei very disappointed.

In particular, Nezha's attitude was not at all unrestrained, which was far from the God of War in his mind.

Therefore, in a single thought, Long Fei had a killing intent in his heart. As he said, since this Nezha made him dissatisfied, he created a Nezha directly.

"Master, be careful, I feel that a powerful aura is rushing here from thousands of miles away." But at this moment, the voice of the system girl suddenly said.

"Tough?" Long Fei was puzzled, frowning slightly.

"Yes, Master, this aura is extremely powerful. Even if you unblock all of your Cultivation Bases, you will be on a par with the other party," said the system girl.

Hearing this, Long Fei pondered.

The system girl said it very implicitly, because no one knows her own methods better than the system girl. If all his Cultivation Bases are unblocked and the firepower is fully activated, even if it is Saint, Long Fei has the confidence to fight.

But now the system girls say they are evenly matched.

This word is too ambiguous, which means that it is not easy to play.

"Could it be Saint?" Long Fei asked again.

"No, according to the data analysis of the Saint clone killed by the previous master, that kind of existence is more powerful and more terrifying than the person who is about to come." The system girl said.

"Fuck, Saint is so awesome?" Long Fei was startled as soon as the system girl's voice fell.

Before, he always thought that if all the own Cultivation Base was unblocked, plus his own means and trump cards, even if it was not Saint's opponent, it would not be impossible to fight against it.

But now, from the words of the system girl, it is deduced that the power of Saint is much stronger than that of himself. "Master, I have analyzed it before. According to the data, Saint's power should be half a catty compared to your peak state. However, when I entered this world, I discovered that the other party seems to have a more powerful and terrifying power. "

The system girl said again.

But the specific power, the system girl did not say much.

Long Fei's face was slightly silent, and he looked at Nezha and then at the void. Sure enough, he saw a spot of light, shrouded in the void, and the Buddha's light shone through the darkness, slowly approaching.

"People from Buddhism are here too? According to the system girl, shouldn't this be Tathagata?" Long Fei guessed in his heart.

In Buddhism, there are really many masters, but if they are really comparable to quasi-sages, there are very few.

So, the first thought was that Tathagata came.

At this time, Nezha on the opposite side obviously showed a bit of excitement on his face.

"The people from Buddhism are here too, the evildoer, let's capture it without your hands, this time you have absolutely no chance of surviving." Nezha said, getting angry.

It seems that the arrival of Buddhism has given him great confidence, and he is no longer afraid of Long Fei at all.

"So what? I set up the Dragon Court, do you think I won't consider this result?"

"Long Court is destined to be above Heaven Court and Lingshan. Whether it is Heaven Court or Lingshan, I have nothing to fear." Long Fei said with a sneer.

This has been doomed from the beginning.

Long Fei never thought about what to drive and devour.

In his world, there is only one word, that is dry!

Whether it is Heaven Court or Lingshan, as long as it comes across, it is done.

"Arrogant, do you know what you're doing? Whether it's Heaven Court or Lingshan, it's the orthodox of The Three Realms. You, a bastard who came out of nowhere, are so arrogant and seek your own death." Nezha said, Tough.

It's not the same as before.

"A Buddhist monk makes you so confident?"

"Since that's the case, you all stay today." Long Fei's voice sank, and the Demon Killing Sword moved.


Slaughtering Demons Sword Ray is vertical and horizontal, and among the whistling, thousands of Sword intents are ferocious, almost brutal, and they are directly cut out.

"Fire-pointed spear!" Nezha didn't dare to neglect at all, and he never imagined that Long Fei would be so bold, and even the masters of Buddhism had come to kill him.


The Demon Slaying Sword was razor-sharp and unstoppable, and the moment it came into contact with the Flaming Spear, it burst into a sky-high flame.

But this time, Long Fei didn't stop.


Nezha's fire-pointed spear shot out in an instant, and Nezha's entire body was blasted out by the power of this sword. If it wasn't caught by his Magic Treasures hot wheel at the critical moment, he would have already fallen. Void.


Nezha vomited blood. Seeing Long Fei, who was safe and unaffected, was shocked.

With this sword, he has no resistance here, and he can't even hold a gun. If it wasn't for a critical moment, he took the initiative to let go, and now his entire arm has been shattered by the power of the Demon Slayer Sword.

But even so, the blood still flowed down his arm, unable to stop it.

"How could this happen, who are you?" Nezha was embarrassed and angry. He was The Three Realms God of War. He was one of the few Conferred Gods in the Conferred Gods era, with unparalleled combat power.

Especially after the breakthrough of Daluo, he is even more invincible. Over the years, he has suppressed countless demon kings and has made great achievements in battle. The Three Realms are famous.

Otherwise, he wouldn't care about the death of the three demon kings, and went down to the realm himself.

In order to make a name for himself.

But nowadays, stealing chickens is not a loss of rice.

"Why, this is unbearable? The Three Realms God of War, that's all." Long Fei sighed.

This kind of Nezha is really far from what he thinks in his heart.

However, it is also understandable that after entering Heaven Court, in this great era, it is conceivable that Nezha will become like this.

"Hmph, you're too arrogant, you're just relying on the power of Magic Treasures in your hand. If you don't have this long sword, you'll definitely die if my three flavors are really fired up." Nezha refused to admit defeat, and his words were stimulating.

Long Fei laughed.

"I don't need Magic Treasures, it's easy to kill you."

"However, I won't kill you now. Don't you have high hopes for Buddhism? If someone comes from Buddhism, I will die without a doubt?"

"Then today, I'll let you take a good look at how the Buddhist giant was beaten up by me." Long Fei said.

After speaking, the figure turned and looked towards the void.

At this time, the Buddha's light has spread all over the void. Obviously, the people of Buddhism have arrived.

"Evil obstacles, dare to cholera, The Three Realms are peaceful, independent immortals, but also slaughter heavenly generals, sins are unforgivable." A business appeared.

Magnificent, full of majesty.

This is the unique power of Buddhism, which contains a kind of great compassion, which spares people's hearts and minds.

Long Fei's eyes were slightly stunned, but soon, a surge of power in Dantian made Long Fei regain his clarity.

"Buddhist Sanskrit? It's a good magic power, but unfortunately, it's useless to me." Long Fei ignored Nezha, his eyes locked on the Buddhist man who appeared in the void, and he spoke lightly.

"There are a few Fractionated Divinity pass, but the evildoer is the evildoer. In front of this seat, An dare to be presumptuous." In the void, the voice of the Buddhist man fell again. Then, a golden light flickered, and a figure emerged. "This Manjushri Guangfa Bodhisattva, today is ordered by my Buddha Tathagata to slay the evil spirits and restore the clarity of the world."

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