The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4797 Give Me A Blast

This kind of power can be resisted by the entire mythical world, and it cannot be counted in one hand.

Even if the dragon Soaring Dragon has turned on its invincible power now, it can only be able to resist it. It is impossible to destroy Lingshan.

The situation is getting more and more critical.

"No, I can't wait anymore." Long Fei was anxious.

The longer time passes, the less likely he is to turn defeat into victory.

Because the time of invincibility is only five minutes.

Five minutes later, the invincible power will disappear, and it will be extremely difficult to resist the suppression of Lingshan.

"System girl, what are you doing now?" Long Fei resisted the suppression of Lingshan while hooking up with the system girl.

"Master, in this situation, there are only two ways to get rid of the current predicament. One is to use the power of the Rubik's Cube, and the other is to use the power of the Demon Slayer Sword," said the system girl.

"The Rubik's Cube? The Demon-killing Sword?" Long Fei repeated.

"Yes, I still have a Rubik's Cube." Long Fei's eyes lit up.

The Rubik's Cube is the origin of power. Since his invincible power cannot break down the pressure of this Lingshan even more, then he will simply be violent. Long Fei didn't believe it. With the addition of the original stone of power, the phantom of Lingshan couldn't collapse.

"Master, the power of the Rubik's Cube can be used. But I want to remind you that if the power of the Rubik's Cube is used, the Rubik's Cube may be out of control and return to the Universe," said the system girl.

At this moment, Long Fei pondered.

Use once is to control, return to Universe?

His goal is to reunite the Infinite Gloves. If the Universe Rubik's Cube is lost, it means going to this possibility.

After all, he already has several other rough maps in his hands, and everything is ready. If the Universe Rubik's Cube is gone, his planning function will be in vain.

"What about the Demon Slayer Sword? How to use the Demon Slayer Sword to solve the immediate crisis?" Long Fei asked again.

"The Demon Slayer Sword has a nirvana, but the condition for its use is that the player's health is reduced to less than 10%."

"That is to say, the master must ensure that after resisting the Foshan phantom, he can still be in a state of more than 10%, and he can activate the nirvana of the Demon Slayer Sword to achieve counter-kill." The system girl responded.

Suddenly, Long Fei had the urge to scold his mother.

Now, he is in an invincible state, his various attributes have doubled, and his Cultivation Base has been improved. In this state, he is a little stretched against the pressure of the Shadow of Lingshan. Long Fei really couldn't predict what the result would be if he relied on his own resistance.

In other words, it is too risky to rely on the power of the Demon Slayer Sword.

Maybe it's all over.

For a while, Long Fei fell silent, not knowing how to choose.

But at this moment, a voice appeared in my mind

"Ding, invincible state countdown, ten seconds."

As soon as the voice came out, Long Fei suddenly woke up.

"It's too late, there's only ten seconds left, damn it."

"It doesn't matter, the Rubik's Cube is lost. If it's a big deal, I'll find it later. It's mine, and it's mine after all."

"But there is only one life. System girl, activate the magic cube power."

Long Fei said decisively.

At this time, he had no choice but to think more.

"Okay, master, I have given the initiative to the system. Ten seconds later, the power of the Rubik's Cube is activated." The system girl responded and disappeared without a trace.

And Long Fei, his mind returned to reality.

At this time, the power of the shadow of Lingshan has been condensed to the extreme.

At this time, Long Fei's invincible state has entered the final countdown, and various attribute bonuses have dissipated. Click click!

At this moment, Long Fei only felt that his mind was extremely dull, his arms were directly broken, and the scarlet blood directly dyed his clothes red, floating in the void.

"Hahaha, evil barrier, you are exhausted, and you are dead today." Manjushri laughed, without the attitude of a Buddhist sect.

Yes, just arrogance and pride.

Long Fei ignored him, still struggling.

Fortunately, the system reminded him in time this time, otherwise, if the invincible state disappeared directly, Long Fei would not be able to resist.

"Ding, the invincible state is over."

The sound of the system fell, and Long Fei only felt the darkness in front of him, and a strong sense of powerlessness and prostration came.

At the same time, the terrifying pressure of Lingshan also swept over again, and this breath made Long Fei's whole body tense in pain, as if it burst.

But at this moment, in my mind, the sound of the system fell again

"Ding, the magic cube power is activated."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the magic cube power, the effective time is 30 seconds."

"Ding, the Universe Rubik's Cube is out of control."

The system sound reminded again and again, and Long Fei's body became violent again.

Whoosh, a light and shadow passed in front of Long Fei's eyes, and disappeared into the endless void in the blink of an eye, with no trace to be found.

Long Fei looked at the direction in which the Rubik's Cube disappeared, and sighed in his heart.

"Damn, one day, daddy will find it by himself."

"But now, killing the boss is more important than anything else."

Long Fei thought in his heart and raised his eyes

"You are the one who died!"

"When daddy talks, he always counts, saying that he will blow up your spiritual mountain. Today, he must blow it up."

Long Fei drank in a deep voice, his hands violently exerting force.

Then, the shadow of Lingshan was pushed away directly by Long Fei's power and flew back upside down.

But Long Fei's figure did not stop. Instead, he rose into the sky, plucking green onions from the dry land, and leaping across the void.

"Give me a blast!" Long Fei went forward, blessed with the power of the Rubik's Cube. Long Fei, like the unparalleled demon god, stared at the shadow of Lingshan with a punch.


A muffled sound erupted from the shadow of Lingshan.



The next moment, the entire shadow of Lingshan became violent and shattered, and the endless Buddha's meaning and Buddha's luck also dissipated immediately.

"Do not!"

Below, Manjusri's face was stunned, and half of the blood was gone.

He couldn't understand why Long Fei, who was already at the end of his life, could burst out such a terrifying power at the last moment, blowing up all the ghosts of Lingshan.

At this moment, all thoughts in Manjusri's heart were utterly disillusioned.

Lingshan was shattered, and he no longer had any means to compete with Long Fei.

Taking advantage of Long Fei far above the void, Manjushri was ruthless in his heart.

"Qiu Shou Xian, take me away!" Manjushri shouted, summoning the void.


Then, a blue-haired lion appeared directly from the void, jumping hundreds of miles in one step, and heading straight for Manjushri.

Long Fei in the void, his eyes suddenly turned

"At this time, I still want to leave, it's too late." Long Fei's eyes were sharp.

In this battle, all the means have been used, and even the Rubik's Cube has been lost. If Wenshu is allowed to escape again, won't he lose his wife and lose his troops?

Long Fei would never do such a business.

The next moment, Long Fei's figure descended vertically and horizontally, punching the Shattering Void, and punching the flying Qiu Shouxian.

Then he suddenly turned around and punched Manjushri again. "Blast me!"

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