The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4807 The King Of Chu Jiang Who Is Dying

The masters of the two figures were instantly terrified, and suddenly activated Magic power, trying to escape from the void.

But it's still too late.

With the arrival of Long Fei, the entire void was imprisoned.


The two figures were directly bounced back by the huge force and fell into the void.

This time, even the void began to tremble, constantly shaking.

"Underworld?" Long Fei's figure flashed over, looking at the two in front of him, he guessed their identities with a thought.

In Tianwu Continent, he once swept the underworld and swept King Yama, and Tianling was also rescued in the underworld.

However, the world of Tianwu and the underworld today are not the same plane.

Strength attributes are also different.

Just like the two in front of him, Gu Du is already the Cultivation Base of Immemorial Golden Immortal, and his aura is even stronger than that of the Universal Dragon King.

"Bold, I am the ruler of the underworld, you dare to blaspheme?" King Chu Jiang was furious.

As the lord of the first hall of the underworld, he is pampered and well-placed, and his life and death are determined by a word. He has ever been so humiliated as today, and he took the initiative to retreat, but he was intercepted by his life.

"Blame God? Don't take yourself so high. In Long Fei's eyes, God is used to kill." Long Fei said.

An understatement, but incredibly confident.

"Presumptuous, do you know what you're doing? Believe it or not, this king's stroke will cost you Yellow Springs!" King Chu Jiang spoke again, with gloomy eyes in his eyes.

On the side, Emperor Song was silent, looking at Long Fei with a serious face.

However, it did not stop King Chu Jiang, as if he wanted to try it out.

Xiao Susu looked at the two in front of her and knew that they were actually the kings of the underworld, and instinctively revealed a trace of fear in her eyes.

Not to mention her now, even if it was her back then, she would be under pressure in the face of this ghost king.

"I don't believe it!" Long Fei chuckled lightly.

To be honest, the threat of King Chu Jiang was ignored by Long Fei.

He returned to the earth, and he had a system around him. Even the Saint of Heaven and Earth could not detect his trajectory. What could a King Yama of the underworld be?

His destiny is not in this world, and it is impossible to kill him with the power of rules and send him to Samsara. "Okay, I don't believe it. In the whole world, no one has dared to challenge this king. King Yama let you die in the third watch, and no one will keep you in the fifth watch." King Chu Jiang's voice was as cold as ice, and the ghostly atmosphere of the underworld instantly changed from surging out of the endless underground, in an instant

Embrace its figure.

For a time, the entire dragon court became extremely gloomy, and countless ghosts and wolf howls appeared in the void, and the world was like The Underworld.

And this also inspired the instant explosion of Longting's luck. A golden dragon rushed out of the cornerstone of Xianmen in an instant, soared into the void, and spit out the light of luck in one breath at King Chu Jiang.


The Golden Dragon of Air Luck is extremely violent. This Xianmen Qi Luck, which condenses the true power of Xianmen, is extremely upright, and it happens to be a natural nemesis for this ghostly spirit.


As soon as the golden dragon of luck came out, the darkness in the entire void was immediately washed away, even the body of King Chu Jiang was shaken back by the golden dragon.

"This is Xianmen's luck? How is this possible, this Dragon Court has only been established for a few days, how can it have such a terrifying aura."

King Chu Jiang's face changed greatly, and he suddenly woke up from his anger.

At this time, he thought that this was a ruthless character who beheaded the Buddhist Bodhisattva.

"Nothing is impossible, but if you kill you, you should be stronger." Long Fei said lightly.

How could he know that the cornerstone of the Immortal Sect was a reward from the system.

Because of this, from the very beginning of its establishment, Longting has not been inferior to the fortunes of the Immortal Sect. Even if it can't compare to Heaven Court and Buddhism, it's not far from each other.


Heaven Court and Lingshan will not send someone to call the door on the same day.

At this time, when King Chu Jiang heard Long Fei's words, his eyes shrank and his face was full of terror.

"Presumably, Your Excellency is the Lord of the Dragon Court. In fact, I have no malicious intentions in coming here today, but I have just followed the words of Emperor Yama to find out." King Qin Guang said, his words flickering, and returned the pot directly to Yama.

Long Fei's heart moved when he heard it.

"Is this a threat?" Long Fei said. "Of course, if Your Excellency lets us go, it's just a joke. When we go back, we will inform the Emperor Yama that everything is normal. Even this king can make the decision. In the future, if someone dies in the Dragon Court, the underworld will open wide.

The door of convenience. " said King Qin Guang.

Obviously, King Qin Guang was much more scheming than King Chu Jiang. Knowing that he was not Long Fei's opponent at all, he directly moved Emperor Yama, and then used the function of the underworld to threaten him with Samsara's method.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Long Fei too much.

The so-called Son of Yama, Long Fei never put it in his heart.

Even Heaven Court and Lingshan Longfei dare to be tough, but still care about an underworld?


"Open the door of convenience? I was moved by what I said. But unfortunately, I have never been threatened."

Long Fei said lightly, his eyes locked on the two.

"Presumptuous, Lord of the Dragon Court, call you the Lord of the Dragon Court, or what do you think you are? After killing a Bodhisattva, do you feel that you are invincible in the world?"

"Tell you, the background of my underworld is not what you can imagine. There are ten ghosts in my underworld, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, the ancestors of Minghe, and the master of the netherworld. These people are not people you can provoke. ." King Chu Jiang said.

He had already seen that Long Fei had never thought about being kind at all, and did not take them seriously at all. So the anger in my heart also broke out, and I wanted to use these people to deter Long Fei.

"Ancestor Ming He? The Lord of the Underworld Sea? And the Ghost Emperor of Fengdu?" Long Fei repeated in his mouth. "Yes, how is it, are you afraid? The background of my underworld is not what you can imagine. I am very interesting. Now I immediately apologize and admit my mistake. This king carded that you are good, and you can make a difference." King Chu Jiang said, seeing Long Fei Pause, King Chu Jiang thought a dragon in his heart

Fei is fearful and arrogant.

As everyone knows, the reason why Long Fei's mood changes.

Not for the other.

Just because of the words Lord of the Underworld.

Lord of the Underworld, win the tick.

"Originally, I planned to let Yinggou take the initiative to come to the door after growing Longting. But now that it has been involved, it seems that it is time to go to the underworld." Long Fei thought to himself.

At this time, in the void, King Qin Guang looked at the rebellious King Chu Jiang, and cursed in his heart. "This idiot is also worthy of being a king." King Qin Guang complained in his heart. He had no choice but to threaten Long Fei before. If Long Fei really wanted to attack them, a supreme powerhouse capable of beheading the Buddhist Bodhisattva, it is not at all that they can.

Enough to handle.

But at this time, King Chu Jiang actually intensified, and the threat was ignored, and he even asked the other party to apologize. This kind of behavior was an idiot in his eyes.

Thinking of this, King Qin Guang instinctively took a step back and distanced himself from King Chu Jiang.

But Chu Jiang's King Qu'er still didn't respond, and there was no reverence for Long Fei in his eyes. "Well, if you apologize, this king will retire. Otherwise, you will wait for my supreme powerhouse in the underworld to suppress you." King Chu Jiang spoke proudly, but he was already frantically testing on the verge of death.

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