The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4823 Violent Yang Jian

Yang Jian is too violent, and the Heavenly Eyes supernatural power contains a unique power, which can refrain from ghosts and gods.

"Just the two of you can't keep the Dragon Court, go away." Yang Jian said, with a three-pointed and two-edged sword in his hand, very proud.

Ao Guang and Ao Run glared angrily.

But there is no way, Yang Jian is far stronger than them, and he can't stop them.

At this moment, Yang Jian turned his eyes and looked at the countless giant dragons in the sky still crushing Heaven Court Divine General, his eyes turned cold.

"Looking for death! Howling dog, come on!" Yang Jian said, and then pointed his hand.


The figure of the roaring dog suddenly jumped out of the void and went straight to the dragon family. And Yang Jian's figure was not idle, and at the same time he shot, the cold light above the three-pointed two-blade spear flickered and swept across the sky.


A shot was fired, and a robbery beam hundreds of feet long swept across the sky.

puff puff!

Puff puff!

Suddenly, one dragon figure after another fell from the void and died on the spot.

"I'm going to go out, and I dare to be so stubborn. It's really courting death. In this case, I, as you wish, will destroy your dragon family today." Yang Jian's voice was cold and murderous.

"Do not!"

"don't want!"

Ao Guang and Ao Run screamed in pain, feeling sad in their hearts.

At this moment, they have only just felt the hope of the dragon race, and only then saw that the dragon race may return to the glory of the ancient times.

But at this moment, it was going to be a disaster.

How can the contrast between the front and the back be tolerated.

Yang Jian was indifferent, directly ignoring Ao Guang and Ao Run's pleas for mercy, and prepared to open the killing ring.

At this time, above Long Ting, Xuan Yu and Xiao Yu'er saw everything in their eyes, Tu Shan Xiaoya, Tu Shan Xiaorong, and Xiao Susu were even more worried.

Now, they have been closely linked with Longting.

So now that the Dragon Group is defeated, it is definitely a kind of oppression for them.

"Little Yu'er, Ao Guang and the others can't bear it anymore. They absolutely can't watch the Dragon Clan be destroyed by Heaven Court. Let's do it." Xuan Yu said, his face faded from the playfulness of the past and became more serious.

"Okay." Xiao Yu'er nodded in response, and without any hesitation, took out the dragon talisman left by Long Fei before, and then pointed at the cornerstone of Xianmen.


As the rune flickered, the sound of dragon roars erupted in the cornerstone of Xianmen.


The next moment, a golden dragon of ten thousand feet of luck rises directly out of thin air.

In an instant, Yang Jian turned around and looked at the golden dragon of luck coming from the sky. The contempt in his eyes was swept away, and it was replaced by a kind of heavyness.

"Xianmen's luck? How is this possible, in just a few days, Long Ting has grown to such a point?"

Yang Jian was shocked and moved.

As soon as the golden dragon of luck came out, Yang Jian could feel a pressure.


And the golden dragon of luck, at the moment of rushing out of the sky, went straight to Yang Jian.

"Howling dog!"

Yang Jian shouted angrily, and the roaring dog also returned to Yang Jian's side in an instant, and then instantly turned into a size of several thousand feet, facing the Golden Dragon of Fortune.

"Even if your Dragon Court's luck is extraordinary, it's futile to meet this monarch, and it will collapse for me!" Yang Jian proudly opened his eyes again.


The golden light flickered, and the light of the heavenly eye swept the sky directly, and the moment it burst out, it directly penetrated the golden dragon of luck.


Luck Jinlonglong was directly penetrated by the power of the eyes, and the momentum on his body was instantly weakened by a point.


The Luck Golden Dragon roared again, as if angered by Yang Jian, and attacked even more violently.

At this time, the roaring dog, who was transformed into a thousand feet, also fought against the golden dragon of luck.

But soon, in the void, there were bursts of screams. The golden dragon of luck has disintegrated even the skeleton condensed by the luck of the underworld, let alone a roaring dog.


The figure of the roaring dog was directly knocked into the air, transformed into a normal size, the whole body twitched, and blood was constantly spurting out of the mouth.

"Long Ting's luck, he dares to hurt my god dog, I will break you today." Yang Jian was furious.

The Roaring Heavenly Dog has followed him for countless times, with a strong center and a very deep relationship with him. Now he was almost beaten to death by the Golden Dragon of Fortune, which directly inspired the killing intent in Yang Jian's heart.

"Tianmu Shenguang, sweep!" Yang Jian shouted.

Brush brush!

The next moment, one after another divine light burst out from Yang Jian's third eye, and each divine light fell on the Qi Luck Golden Dragon without any gap.

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, the momentum of the Jinlong Qiyun was dissipated and became extremely weak.

"How could this be?" "Impossible, Long Fei's big brother said, as long as it's not a quasi-sage, ordinary people will never be able to defeat the Golden Dragon of Fortune. Could it be that Yang Jian is Saint?" The strength is broken little by little, and my heart is burning with anxiety


Because she knew how much energy Long Fei had wasted in order to condense this divine dragon of luck. If it was broken like this, how could he face Long Fei?

Not only him, Xuan Yu, Tu Shan Xiaoya, Tu Shan Xiaorong, and Xiao Susu were extremely worried. It's just that there is no way, even Ao Guang and Ao Run have been defeated, and even the Golden Dragon of Fortune is not an opponent, they are powerless to fight.

"Long Fei big brother, where are you? Why haven't you come back?" Xiao Susu said in a low voice, full of longing.

Now, for Long Ting, it has come to a critical moment of life and death.

At this moment, their only hope is Long Fei.

At this time, in the void, Yang Jian's face was arrogant, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth when he looked at the Golden Dragon of Fortune, who was already struggling.

"Long Ting's luck is nothing more than that? Lord of Long Ting, have you come out yet?"

"If you don't come out again, your Dragon Court's luck will collapse directly, and then your Dragon Court will be self-defeating."

"You are useless, aren't you the one who killed the Buddha to destroy the arrogance of the court of God? Why didn't you dare to come out immediately when this gentleman came?" Yang Jian opened his mouth and locked his eyes on the dragon court.

As everyone knows, at this time Long Fei is not in the Dragon Court at all.

Moreover, even at this time, even if it is the golden dragon of luck, it is only the power drawn from the dragon talisman of Long Fei's power, and it cannot even exert 10% of the power of the golden dragon of luck.

"Three-eyed thief, I think you did it on purpose? You know that Long Fei is no longer in the Dragon Court, so you dare to shout like this? If Long Fei is there, he can be sent flying with a slap." Xuanyu said.

"Yes, the big brother is really invincible. You are just bullying us because the big brother is not there." Xiao Susu also said, looking up stubbornly.

"What?" Yang Jian was startled in the void. He never expected that Long Fei would not be in the Dragon Court at this moment.

"Not here? Hmph, whether he is here or not, the Dragon Court will be destroyed today. Even if he comes back, it will be a dead end." Yang Jian drank coldly, unrestrained and unparalleled.

"But now, since he is not there, there is no need for this Dragon Court to exist."

"Tianmu Shenguang, sweep me!" Yang Jian's Tianmu flashed, and the divine light shot out again.

In an instant, the entire golden dragon of luck disintegrated directly and dissipated into the heaven and earth. Even the entire Dragon Court was swept away by the divine light at this moment, trembling unceasingly.

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