The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4831 Gods And Buddhas Are Cut

The light of immortality flickered in the eyes, and the coffin of immortality in the soul was also shaking.

Yes, at this moment Long Fei is ready to be tough. Already mobilizing the power of the coffin of immortality, even if the Buddha is in front, Long Fei is not ready to back down.

"Joke, what else do you have now?"

"Your power is equivalent to a fake in front of this Magic Treasures. How dare you be arrogant?" Puxian was furious. In his opinion, Long Fei had nothing to do. At this moment, he was just bluffing, and there was nothing to fear.

"Equal to false? Is it?" Long Fei's voice was indifferent.

I was very upset.

The power of Jiulong Yutian has always been invincible, but I didn't expect that this time, this time Puxian would be shriveled in front of him. For Long Fei, this is a shame.

That's fine. More importantly, Long Fei knows how many pairs of eyes are fixed here at this moment.

If he just retreated like this, he would become a laughing stock in this mythical world.

Long Ting's luck will inevitably be affected at that time, and it will be even more difficult to conquer the mythical world and repeat the myth.

Therefore, everything is doomed, Long Fei will never retreat.

Moreover, the current Puxian is too pretentious, and he is too complacent. He seems to think that Long Fei has been settled. The arrogance and disdain on his face makes Long Fei feel angry.

Can't bear it.

Absolutely intolerable.

Therefore, at the moment when the power of Jiulong Yutian was erased, the eyes of immortality in Long Fei's eyes were activated directly, ready to use the coffin of immortality.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, he is an evil obstacle, he is full of evil. It is the right time to suppress him." Aside, Lingshan Lingyi Buddha said.

I can't wait to kill Long Fei. Even, the eyes have already given birth to the light. Because now, Long Fei has really affected the world Karma, killing the gods, beheading the Buddha, killing King Yama, all tied together, stirring the world. If you suppress Long Fei, what you get will be a gift from heaven and earth


Even Long Ting's luck will be deprived of the past.

It can also be said that this is the moment they have been looking for.

At this time, in Ling Xiao's palace, Jade Emperor and Tai Shang looked at the two people in Foshan in the picture.

"Damn, people from Lingshan actually want to pick peaches? Damn it!" Taishang said in a deep voice.

Although Long Fei's brutality terrified them, in this Ling Xiao's palace, they still had their own trump card, which was the meaning of Saint.

But now, after being taken by Lingshan first, Venerable was dispatched directly, and the purpose of it can be imagined.

But Jade Emperor looked at the scene in the field at this time, although his face was angry, but he said

"Pick peaches? I'm afraid the peaches are too hard and will pierce their hands." Jade Emperor said lightly.

"Your Majesty? What do you mean?" Taishang asked in a brooding tone.

"Meaning, did you show a little fear when you looked at the Lord of Dragon Court? Besides, if he only had that little power, would he really dare to conquer my Heaven Court alone?" Jade Emperor said, his eyes widening.

Tai Yi was stunned, no longer speaking, but looking at the picture self-respect.

At the same time, above Lingshan.

Tathagata is also always paying attention to this battle. When he saw Puxian using the three methods of golden lotus to crack Long Fei's method, the people on Lingshan were all smiles.

"Amitābha, my Buddha is merciful, this evil hindrance will finally be put to death today."

"Suppress this tease, and peace will be restored between heaven and earth."

"The power of the two Venerables is indeed the blessing of heaven and earth." The people of Lingshan are full of emotions. At this point, they have no worries at all, only madness. For the battle ahead, it seems that everything has become a foregone conclusion.

Even Tathagata had a smile on his face.

Although the victory was important, he was more concerned about what happened after Long Fei was suppressed.

Because of this battle, Heaven Court was severely damaged, and it was really difficult to compete with their Spirit Mountain for faith.

It can be said that now they are using Long Fei's hand to consume Heaven Court. Now that Heaven Court is cut, they will suppress Long Fei again. When Lingshan becomes the best of The Three Realms, it will be a matter of course.

But unfortunately, this is only what they think for granted. They underestimate Long Fei too much.

At this time, Long Fei's body had begun to change, the eyes of eternal life swept into the void, and his eyes turned, which shocked Puxian and the other person.

And Jade Emperor and Tai Shang in Ling Xiao's palace, at this moment, they all felt an irresistible supreme power.

"This breath, this breath is so terrifying, it seems to be more domineering than Saint's power." Jade Emperor said.

"Yes, it seems that His Majesty guessed right. The Lord of Dragon Court really has the means. It seems that this time, Ruyi Scepter's abacus is going to fail." Taishang responded, his eyes locked on Long Fei. Seems to want to infer something.

But at this moment, Long Fei's eyes turned, and Taishang's figure burst out.

"What? It's unpredictable? Could it be that this power is still in this world?" Too shocked, his chest was heaving.

This was just a glance from Long Fei across the screen, if he stared in front of him, he would be backlashed too.

Puxian and another person, who were the targets in Long Fei's eyes, were the first to bear the brunt, and their faces became extremely embarrassing.

"Detain Sun Buddha, hurry up, there are still means for this evil obstacle." Puxian said.

At this moment, even though he was in control of the three-method golden lotus, he felt boundless pressure.

Long Fei's breath contained great terror.

"Okay, watch me bind the demon." Detaining Sun Buddha's face was also grim.

At this time, Long Fei's body was shaken, and he felt the seriousness of the situation. He couldn't help but start to take action.


A rope burst out from his hand, shuttled through the void, and came directly in front of Long Fei, and then the brilliance flashed and turned into ten million, winding in the void, entangling Long Fei.

But Long Fei didn't seem to feel it, and the light of immortality in his eyes just glanced at it lightly.

I don't care at all.

"Sanguang suppresses the world and sweeps away the demons."

At this time, Puxian Venerable also shouted loudly, and the three-dharma golden lotus in front of him also began to burst into light, shrouding Long Fei in it.

But Long Fei did not dodge or evade at all.

What is even more terrifying is that their power erupted at this time, acting on Long Fei, like a mud cow entering the sea, Long Fei did not change at all.

"No, it's impossible, the power of the three lights, the quasi-sage has to retreat three times, how can you have nothing."

"No, back, fast back. He is using a power we have never seen before, and this power is simply not something we can bear."

Puxian and fear Liusun shouted loudly, terrified.

It's a pity that since Long Fei has even used the coffin of immortality, can he still give them a way to live?

It doesn't exist, this kind of power can kill even the temple master of the Wuji Temple. Is a Buddha very much? "Retire? Do you want to retire now? The coffin of immortality, come out!" Long Fei's voice was like frost, and it came out coldly.

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