The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4836 Saint Was Born

In the blink of an eye, another seven days passed.

For seven days, Long Fei guarded the Dragon Court, condensing the luck of the Dragon Court.

And with the birth of the demon clan and the witch clan, Long Fei did not let the dragon clan continue to expand. Now Long Ting stands in a hundred thousand mountains, commanding a radius of ten thousand miles, and the earth on earth, although it is not a giant, but it is enough for the current stage.

After all, now the entire world is no longer as good as before.

The birth of the Lich made the forces between heaven and earth even more complicated.

Although it is still calm now, it will be turbulent soon. What surprised Long Fei was that this time, both Buddhism and Heaven Court had become extremely silent. Ever since Long Fei overturned Heaven Court and killed Buddhist Venerable, he had been extremely silent, and there was no sign at all. ,want

Defeat Long Fei.

Even the birth of the demon clan and the witch clan did not show any attitude, as if they had never discovered it at all.

And all this, Long Fei never paid attention.

At this point, Long Fei didn't have any thoughts in his heart, the only thing he could wait for was the system to wake up.

At this time, it was only a few days before the leap from the system girl said.

"Come on, soon, when the system wakes up, there must be a way to revive you." Long Fei looked at Tu Shan Xiaohong, who was still in a coma, and said faintly.

What Long Fei didn't know was that at this time, both Heaven Court and Lingshan had returned to a peaceful state.

Everyone was in awe, with excitement on their faces. "Your Majesty, Saint is finally going to be born. In the past, Saint could not escape from the world, so these chaotic ministers and deviant people felt that they had an opportunity to take advantage of it. However, everyone under Saint is ants, and I, Heaven Court, are the orthodox enshrined by Saint. ,he

They are nothing but rebellion after all. " Taishang Laojun said leisurely.

However, Jade Emperor just glanced at the sky lightly at this time, and did not respond. It seems that Saint came into the world, for him, there is no excitement.

But the rest of the gods were different. Before the Conferred Gods, they were the disciples of the three religions, and the Saint was the leader of the three religions. Now that the Saint came, they naturally had confidence.

At this time, a ray of light descended from the sky.

Thousands of miles are dense, and it is instantly stunned!

"Here, Saint is finally here."

"Hahaha, now, my Heaven Court is finally able to regroup, what Long Court, what Lingshan, it's all a joke."

"Yes, under Saint, everything is a cloud, who dares to be arrogant in front of Saint?"

The gods of Heaven Court were all excited, and they had waited too long for this moment. Not to mention that before, the incense and luck were all taken away by Lingshan, and they could only swallow their anger. What's more important is that now, the Dragon Court is protruding, killing Heaven Court, and killing them even more. The so-called fairy gods, the so-called Heaven Court, is reduced to a smile


And now, since Saint is back, it's a chance for them to turn around.

Jade Emperor asked and sighed, looking at the dense purple air falling from the sky, his face changed, from the previous silence and calmness, to a smile and excitement like many immortals.

Whoosh whoosh.

At this time, three figures appeared directly.

It is the Saint of Heaven and Earth, the Lord of the Three Sects.

Intercept the teaching to the sky, explain the beginning of the teaching, and the teaching of the people is too high.

The three figures have appeared above Heaven Court, and all of them knelt directly to the ground.

"Have seen Saint."

The voice was uniform and very excited.

"Jade Emperor, what's going on?" Taishang asked with anger in his eyes, looking at the dilapidated Heaven Court.

"I can't wait to leave for such a short time, why did Heaven Court suffer so much trouble? Did someone make trouble with Heaven Court again?" Yuan Shi also asked.

As for Tongtian, he was silent and said nothing, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

After all, above Heaven Court, there are not a few immortals that he intercepts. And he, the big loser among the Conferred Gods, naturally didn't want to get involved at this time.

"Tell Saint, save me Heaven Court."

"I Heaven Court, it's so hard!"

Jade Emperor immediately stepped forward and began to cry, completely devoid of the majesty of the Lord of Heaven Court.

And many immortals are also silent at this time.

Looking at Jade Emperor's performance, although they felt that it was not very elegant, no one dared to show it. At this moment, only Jade Emperor has this qualification to talk to Saint.

Moreover, they also highly approve of Jade Emperor's approach. After all, only babies who can cry get milk.

In front of Saint, they are the disciples and grandchildren of Saint, and naturally they have to show some grievances, so that Saint can be dissatisfied.

"Say, what's going on!" Yuan Shi's voice sank.

Jade Emperor was slightly shocked, and he opened his mouth to talk about the establishment of Heaven Court from Dragon Court before, and Heaven Court to send troops to conquer. After that, Long Fei went to Heaven Court by himself.

Even, Long Fei is directly described as a scum full of heinous and evil.

"Presumptuous! It must be someone who was in chaos and rebelled against the world in the mouth of the Taoist ancestor. I didn't expect to be so daring, damn it." Yuan Shi was furious.

The moment Jade Emperor's voice fell, the three of them had already guessed that this must be related to the Heavenly Dao collapse.

"It seems that Daozu is right. This person really has the ability to go against the world. Moreover, just now this seat has deduced, and the loss of Lingshan is not a few, and it is also related to this person."

"Even, he has colluded with the aliens in the underworld, and has a close relationship with the person who was heaven-defying more than 2,000 years ago. It seems that they really don't care about me." Tai Shang Also a low voice.


When they were called to maintain Heavenly Dao, they had already guessed that there might be chaos in the world.

Unexpectedly, the current result is worse than they thought.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world is in chaos.

"Hmph, I'm stubborn, I don't know what it means. I'm still waiting, how can a kid who came out of nowhere be able to make a difference?"

"This seat is going to suppress it." Yuan Shi was furious.

Originally, in the entire Heaven Court, the people who taught them were in important positions. However, now being killed by Long Fei, the loss is terrifying.

"Junior, wait a minute, now the powerful clans of the ancient world have already appeared, the lich is born, the underworld is in turmoil, and there is no place in the world. But, for us, is it not a chance?" stopped.

Yuan Shi was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickered, and then he nodded sharply, "Senior brother is right, now there is chaos between heaven and earth. For Heaven Court, although it is a hardship, it is also an opportunity. Those two junior brothers, they picked us up back then. It’s also time for them to spit out the peaches,” Yuan Shi said.

, met with Taishang, pulled up to the sky again, and walked away together.

At this time, on the top of Lingshan, he was also furious. The two Western Saints, Yeyin and Zhundi, listened to Tathagata's report, and their anger was hard to suppress.

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