The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4841 Dantian Mutation

At this moment, all the fighting stopped.

Including Bai Qi, his complexion became extremely solemn.

"If you don't take action, do you really think you can't do it without means? Under the Innate Treasure, you are a scum. It's easy for me to kill you!" said the ancestor of Ming He.

"Great, the ancestor is invincible."

"Hahaha, this is the world of cholera, the first person who shattered Heaven Court and slaughtered Lingshan? Shit, our ancestors are truly invincible."

"Look, he's dead. As long as he dies, the ancestors will free up their hands, and then all these ghost soldiers will have to die."

The four demon kings were excited, and at this moment, they seemed to see hope.

It's too sad. In this battle, they were completely suppressed and beaten. In front of Bai Qi, they were basically powerless to fight back.

But now it's different. Long Fei was suppressed by Ming He's ancestor, so Bai Qi naturally doesn't need them to face it.

As soon as Bai Qi leaves, the rest of the time will be replaced by their unilateral massacre.

"Lord of the Dragon Court, are you alright?" Bai Qi put away his sword, rose in the sky in an instant, and came to Long Fei's side.

"Don't come here, this karma is not simple, and your karma is also not shallow." Long Fei concentrated, saw that Bai Qi wanted to get close to him, and opened his mouth to remind.

This karmic fire is extremely difficult to deal with, even Long Fei felt a variety of negative emotions that were difficult to suppress, breeding in his heart.

In my mind, there are people who have been beheaded on the road of cultivation.

The God of Destiny, all kinds of Xuan Family, the land of chaos, the heavens and the world, the faces of the enemies are extremely hideous, and with the burning of the karmic fire, they are infinitely enlarged, as if they are about to fall into The Underworld.

However, even if Long Fei used the power of his soul to suppress him now, it would be of no avail.

"Damn, are you forcing a daddy?" Long Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he was ready to use the coffin of immortality.

But at this moment, the Dantian suddenly started to riot.

Directly drag Long Fei's mind into it.

I saw that in the Dantian at this moment, the red karmic fire was burning, cleaning the turbidity, making the Dantian more crystal clear, like an embryo that had not been opened.

Click click!

But at this moment, a crisp sound came.

Above this embryo, there was a crack.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of light burst out from the embryo, and immediately disappeared.

But Long Fei was shocked at this moment.

This ray of light, others do not know, but Long Fei's heart is very clear.

"Natural fire?" Long Fei was shocked.

He can be sure that the ray of light just now is the fire of nature.

In an instant, Long Fei had a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

"Yes, he can burn me with the fire of karma, and I can smelt him with the fire of nature. Let's see who's fire is more powerful!" Long Fei thought to himself, and his eyes regained clarity.

The next moment, Long Fei moved in his heart and began to use his strength.

What shocked Long Fei was that at this time, no matter what he did, it seemed to be of no avail, and he couldn't activate the super pill refining technique at all.

"Damn, what's going on? Could it be that in this world, the super pill refining technique has also failed?" Long Fei was very depressed. He had just thought of a solution, but he didn't expect that it would not work.

But also at this moment, a flash of fire appeared in Long Fei Dantian.

And with the appearance of the fire, Long Fei raised his head instantly, just in time to see a ray of light descending from the endless unknown land.

"Huh? Is this the force in Dantian pulling?" In an instant, Long Fei was stunned.

However, what Long Fei didn't know was that the appearance of this firelight directly aroused the shock of Heaven and Earth Saint.

In the Eight Views Palace.

Taishang is sitting on the futon and is meditating for cultivation.

The next one is Tongtian and Yuanshi.

After returning from outer space, they gathered together to deduce the affairs of heaven and earth together.

But at this moment, the three of them opened their eyes at the same time.

"Innate fire? How is it possible, how is this possible?"

Too terrified. "The Taoist ancestor once said that before the ancient gods opened the sky, a flame was born between the heaven and the earth. Without a trace, into the endless void

No, how could it reappear here. "The Supreme Master hurriedly started to deduce, but it was a pity that in just an instant, a mouthful of blood was directly spit out.

"Senior brother, can you be sure, that's the fire of Innate?" Yuan Shi asked, his eyes were extremely heavy.

"It's not wrong, I also felt a touch of heart palpitations. In this world, apart from that kind of existence, how could there be an existence that makes our heart palpitate?" Tongtian also said.

In an instant, the faces of the three of them sank.

"No, you must tell Zu about this matter, otherwise the world will really go into trouble, and Heavenly Dao will collapse." Taishang said, very decisive.

Yuanshi and Tongtian glanced at each other and nodded at the same time. Then, the three turned into a streamer and disappeared.

Similarly, in the Wa Palace, Nuwa is preparing to meet the powerful men of the demon clan.

But between the openings, all movements suddenly stopped. "Impossible, impossible. How can there be such a thing in this world? Damn it! Kunpeng, for the time being, you integrate the demon clan, the world has undergone great changes, and before the return of this palace, you must not act rashly, otherwise, my demon clan will be wiped out. ."Female

Wa said, and then disappeared instantly, heading towards the sky.

At this time, above the Western Spirit Mountain.

The two of them were the same in receiving and preparing. They were frightened at first, and then after the backlash was unsuccessful, they chose to enter the outer world and make a report.

Of course, the appearance of this power, except for the Saint of Heaven and Earth, is not qualified to see it at all.

At this time, in the underworld, Long Fei's hands were wrapped around him.

And the fire that fell from the sky finally broke the shackles of the underworld and came to the void of the underworld.


Time and space seemed to stop at this moment. With the appearance of this fire, everything was frozen.

Even Long Fei felt a boundless pressure on his body. At this moment, in addition to his clear self-awareness, he couldn't even move.

As for Ming He and the others, it was the same at this moment, as if they were sluggish, dumbfounded on the spot.


It was too late, but it was fast, and a fire came directly in front of Long Fei, without any shackles, directly into Long Fei's Dantian.

Long Fei's consciousness also sank into Dantian in an instant. The fire was too terrifying, and he entered his own Dantian inexplicably. How could Long Fei not be worried.

But at The next moment, Long Fei saw this ray of fire, and it blended directly with the ray of light that burst out from the Dantian embryo.

Click click.

The embryo, which was incomparably managed, cracked a bit again, but there was still no tendency to burst.

Long Fei pondered in his heart, and couldn't understand why he was burned by the fire of karma, which would cause such a change. But at this moment, an inexplicable perception appeared in Long Fei's mind, that is, he can use the super pill refining technique now.

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