The three demon gods are incomparably arrogant, condescending above the void.

And the people in the Dragon Court Mountain are also extremely silent now.

Too strong, just the breath, has already caused an extremely heavy pressure on them.

"How is this possible, they are stronger than the original Yang Jian!" Xuan Yu was helpless.

Although she had known for a long time, the road Long Fei was going to take was definitely a road that no one else had ever touched before, and it was full of crises.

But I didn't expect that it would be so black, and the supreme powerhouse would come to the door at every turn.

"The stronger the people who come, the more it shows that the strength of Long Fei's big brother is stronger. The more it shows that the path that Long Fei's big brother is going to take has already affected them." Xiao Yu'er said firmly.

The people here are too strong, they can't stand it.

But compared to the crisis, Long Fei can get closer and closer to his own goal, and they also enjoy it in their hearts.

"Mother? The mistress of the Dragon Court? So weak! It seems that the Lord of the Dragon Court may not be strong enough to take it." A demon god said in the void.

His eyes were full of contempt.

"Presumptuous, if my Dragon Court Lord is here, you probably won't even have the courage to speak." Ao Guang shouted angrily.

"You are presumptuous!"

But at this moment, the demon god suddenly shot.

A demonic force swept over in an instant and descended on the Dragon Court.


Before Ao Guang could react at all, he was swept away by this force, and the whole person was directly repelled, vomiting blood.

"Who gave you the courage to talk to this seat like this? When this seat was in ancient times, your dragon family didn't even dare to fart. Now, it's your turn to be a little dragon in front of this seat?" The headed demon said. , looked gloomy.

"Hmph, the demon clan? When my dragon clan roamed the world and controlled the sky, your demon clan was not born yet." Ao Guang retorted, enduring the pain.

However, the nature of the dragon has been inspired by him during this period of time, and he will never compromise.

He surrendered to Long Ting because Long Fei himself had the breath of Long Ancestor. If not, how could he endure the Dragon Clan to follow him and become slaves of two surnames.

In the void, the demon god was stunned for a moment, and his anger was even worse.

For nothing else, just because what Ao Guang said now is the truth.

When the Dragon Clan swept across the sky, the world had just opened up, the Monster Clan Saint Nuwa had not yet been obtained, and the Monster Clan were just a group of beasts with undeveloped intelligence, not to mention cultivation, even survival was instinct, and it was even more impossible to become a clan.

The dragon clan is different. The dragon clan can be said to be from the same period as Qilin, the ancestor of the demon clan.

"Looking for death! Originally, I came here today to give you Dragon Court a chance to surrender to my demon clan. I didn't expect you to be so arrogant."

"Since this is the case, then destroy your prestige first, and let you know that when my demon clan is born, the heavens are invincible." In the void, the demon god said.

The next moment, this person directly incarnates ontology.

It is a half-human, half-demon being, with tiger stripes and bird wings, but with a human body, holding a spear in his hand, majestic.

"British move!"

"Demon God Hero!"

Ao Guang and Ao Run spoke with shock on their faces. Before, although I had already guessed that the three were Monster Power. But now that the main body is exposed, let only know the origin, it is so big. "You still have some knowledge, you actually know the existence of this seat, but it's too late. If you annoy this seat, you will pay for it with your lives." Yingzhao shouted, and the spear in his hand flashed a cold light and pierced it directly. After leaving the void, he moved directly towards Ao Guang.



At this moment, the entire Dragon Court was filled with terrifying pressure.

The coercion rolled down, and the entire Dragon Court was trembling wildly, and between the roars, the Buddha wanted to be cut open piece by piece.

However, this crushing only ended in an instant.

The foundation of Dragon Court is the cornerstone of Immortal Gate.

The cornerstone of the Immortal Gate is a product of the system. If the system produces something like this, it will not be enough for Long Fei to grow from the Tianwu world to the present. It can be said that just when the power of the spear was about to hit the Dragon Court, the cornerstone of Xianmen directly burst out with a terrifying ray of light, and the golden dragon of luck instantly whistled from it, directly swallowing the power of this attack in one bite. , and then revert to


Deng Deng staring.

Yingzhao's body suddenly retreated hundreds of feet at this moment, the whole person's breath was shaking, and his face was flushed.

"Long Ting luck?"

"How could it be so tyrannical in a short period of time?" Yingzhao's face changed drastically.

The tyranny of Long Ting's luck completely exceeded his expectations. Even his attack could not stop the power of luck.

In the final analysis, this is also because of Longfei's previous integration.

Today's Dragon Court luck is the most fundamental and purest Dragon Court power.

"This is not better. The more tyrannical the luck of the fairy court, in the end, it will serve my demon clan and become the luck of my demon court." At this time, another demon god turned into its original form.

It is a gluttonous, extremely hideous.

The hair on the whole body is as sharp as barbs, and the double hogs on the top of its head are full of violent aura.

"Yes, no matter how powerful Longting is, it is useless in front of my demon clan. After all, it is just a wedding dress for us."

The last Demonic Beasts has also changed its original form. It is a big monster with a human face and a tiger body. Several tiger tails are like Optimus Prime, which is shocking.

At this time, the faces of the three demon gods were full of rebelliousness. Except for Yingzhao, the remaining two had a fierce aura condensed on their bodies, looking at the dragon court, full of greed.

The next moment, the three figures came forward together, and the Monster Qi on their bodies erupted at the same time, as if they wanted to shoot.

But at this moment, above the void, a crack burst open.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei's figure stepped out of it.

When he saw the three demon gods above the Dragon Court, Long Fei's eyes froze.


Long Fei never thought that it was the demon clan who came to offend Longting.

The witches came, but didn't move. "It's almost time, the system is about to wake up, and the daddy will have broken through by then. Even if the demon clan is behind Saint, it will be useless. Right now, the demon clan is coming to the door, just take this opportunity to start the war between heaven and earth." Long Fei thought. Shen, eyes moved, body

It sank in an instant, came directly to the dragon court, and faced the three of them.

And gluttonous, Yingzhao and Lu Wu also found Long Fei at this moment, and their eyes froze instantly.

"Lord of Dragon Court?"

The expressions of the three of them changed, because they didn't find out when Long Fei appeared.

"I've only been away for half a day, but you guys actually hit Long Ting directly. Daddy really wants to know who gave you this courage!" Long Fei said in a deep voice.

Invisibly, he directly called back what Yingzhao said before.

A moment ago, Yingzhao also said that Ao Guang was not qualified to make irresponsible remarks in front of him. In the blink of an eye, it was Long Fei who came directly and domineeringly, and returned them in full.

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