The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4849 Questioning Saint

The boundless void is terrifying.

As Lu Wu's breath completely dissipated, Yingzhao and Taojiao were also completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, they realized that the man in front of them was something they couldn't afford to provoke.


The two of them were ruthless in their eyes, and they were ready to retreat in an instant.

At this time, they had no more options, and escape was their only thought.

However, they wanted to leave, but it was too late.

At the moment when the two figures moved, they felt a tremendous pressure, crushing directly from above the void.

In all directions, boundless coercion.

It's like a big clock that directly buckles them in it.

"Do not!"

"Long Ting, you dare!"

Both roared.

This power made them think about the previous Lu Wu in an instant.

Because at this moment, they fully understood that Long Fei never thought of letting them go, and Lu Wu was not satisfied after refining, and even they had to refine in public.

"Don't dare? There is nothing in the world that I, Long Fei, dare not do." Long Fei said coldly.

Killing one is killing, killing three is also killing.

Anyway, it is already a bad relationship, and there is no room for recovery.

Long Fei has never been a good person, especially now that the three of them are taking the initiative to provoke him. Naturally, Long Fei did not let them go.

The next moment, Long Fei raised his hands, and the too low furnace appeared again.

But this time, it was even more terrifying, directly shrouding the figures of Yingzhao and Taojiao.

"Do not!"

"Lord of Dragon Court, you are forcing the demon clan to turn against you. It's just a Lu Wu. Maybe the demon clan will not be okay? But, if you dare to move the two of us, Saint will be angry!" Yingzhao said. , very flustered.

Yes, just panic.

The lessons learned from the past, they saw Lu Wu's fate in their eyes, the whole life of Cultivation Base was vanished, and every life was refined into a Medicine Pill.

This result, for them, is simply a nightmare.

They have been through countless years, and after the opening of the sky, except for Saint, the most powerful group, but now they are reduced to a Medicine Pill.

No matter what, they couldn't accept this result.

For a while, the two began to struggle constantly.

It's just a pity that struggle is useless. When Long Fei cast the furnace of heaven and earth, their fate was already doomed. Unless Saint shot, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to break free from the control of this power.

The next moment, Long Fei once again mobilized the natural fire in Dantian.


The fire is already on.

Following Long Fei's hands, it burst out directly, pouring directly into the furnace of heaven and earth, entwining the bodies of the two.

But at this moment, Long Fei felt an inexplicable sense of weakness.

The entire Dantian seems to be slowly closing, stopping the power supply.

"Huh? What's the matter, is there a limit to how this power can be used?" Long Fei was stunned, and 10,000 alpacas crossed his mind instantly.

At this critical moment, if the power in Dantian cannot be used, the fire of nature cannot be activated.

This joke is so big!

But fortunately, the flames wrapped around Yingzhao and Taojiao were enough at this moment.

At this moment, Yingzhao and Taojiao, both of them were entangled by the fire of nature, and the whole body's demon power has been refined. The breath went straight down from the peak of Daluo in an instant.

Da Luo late stage, Da Luo middle stage, Da Luo early stage!

Almost every breath, the source of the two's demon power will be directly refined.

"Lord of Dragon Court, you have to die. Wait, Saint will not let you go."

"When Emperor Wa returns, it will be your death."

"It's not just you, even the entire Dragon Court will pay for your mistakes. Just wait, my demon clan will surely pacify your Dragon Court."

The two roared in despair.

The same scene has reappeared. At this time, there is no power to return to the sky. They watched as Lu Wu was refined into a pill under this kind of power. At this time, there is no other thought in my heart except despair.

But at this moment, a mutation arose.

Above the void, a purple light washed away. Fall directly on the integration of heaven and earth.


Long Fei's heart sank, and at this moment he felt a nameless coercion descend upon him. This breath is extremely violent and supreme, as if it is the dominant power that controls the world, touching a kind of extreme, above ordinary power.

"Saint?" Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

As soon as this breath appeared, Long Fei had already guessed it in his heart. The only one who can display this kind of power is Saint.

In an instant, Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

Looking up, I saw a figure standing above the void.

It's Nuwa!

Among the Saints, the only saint of the human race is the emperor of the demon race!

"Nie Barrier, actually refining a demon god into a pill, no matter where you came from, or what your purpose is, today, I will definitely kill you and restore the heaven and earth." Nuwa said coldly, his eyes were frosty.

Although she was still suppressing it deliberately at the moment, she could still see that boundless anger was erupting.

As for the reason, you don't need to think about it.

Because Nuwa, although she was made holy because of the creation of human beings, in the final analysis, she is the demon emperor.

"Mother Nuwa!" Long Fei stood with his hands behind his back and said.

This empress is naturally because Long Fei is a human race. No matter what the Karma of Nuwa's creation is related to the human race, this is a merit, and Long Fei, as a human race, naturally has to remember it.

Nuwa's expression froze, a little surprised.

I thought Long Fei would be infinitely hostile, but I didn't expect that Long Fei would be so magnanimous. "Ms. Nuwa, although you are the saint of the demon race, don't forget that you are still the mother of the human race. The demon race rules the world, and you once stood on the human race's standpoint when the common people died. Why are you now abandoning the human race? Why don't you care?" Long Fei said.


What he said, of course, was the battle of the Lich.

Long Fei didn't know much about this.

But it is certain that if it weren't for Nuwa, it would have been a disaster for the human race at that time.

But now, Nuwa's attitude is too firm, directly standing on the demon clan's position.

Although Long Fei was not afraid of Saint in his heart, he was still a little chilled.

"Heavenly Dao is just what Heavenly Dao is going to do. Ben Gong has nothing to do, but your appearance is a variable of Heavenly Dao, you are outside the Dao, and you are already heaven-defying. Now you are slaughtering the demon clan, refining the demon emperor, and more. It's betrayal." Nuwa's voice was cold.

A simple Heavenly Dao trend, which takes everything directly.


Long Fei sneered, and the corner of his mouth flashed coldly.

"Heavenly Dao? Empress, the so-called Heavenly Dao is just the way of one person. Although he is an Innate person, it is not necessarily true that his way is correct."

"Who stipulated that his way is the sky? Who else stipulated that I must keep his way?" "Niang Niang, can you ever remember that when you mended the sky, weeping blood and mysterious yellow, the Heavenly Dao in your mouth, and then What have you done?"

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