The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4859 Long Fei Wakes Up

Win the domineering mouth, Wuji all saints.

The real madness, even Saint in front of him, can only listen obediently.

"Win, are you really going to turn the sky upside down and fight against Heavenly Dao Saint like me?" Taishang gritted his teeth, but the East Seat in his hand stopped, and he didn't dare to take another step.

As Win said, he was scared.

If Long Fei were here, he would be shocked too. I will definitely break the casserole for you to the end, look at the victory of the year, what did he do, and the saints are so jealous of him.

"Stop talking nonsense, the widow will give you three breaths. After the three breaths, if you don't stop, this emperor will do it."

win said.

Still violent and domineering.

For a moment, Tiandi Saint's face became extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, all the forces in The Three Realms are present.

As Heavenly Dao Saints, they have always been the objects of respect from others. Wherever they go, others will surrender, and they will say that the Saint is on top. Where have they suffered such humiliation.

However, in the face of the threat of winning, they couldn't take it seriously, and one by one fell into embarrassment.

"Two breaths!"

Ying opened his mouth indifferently, his eyes were as cold as frost, and he looked down on the world.

"Win, you've gone too far!" Nuwa's voice was full of anger.

"If you want to make a move, you can also try it. I think a few of the demon clan will survive." Ying said, only I am the only one, which is undoubtedly obvious.

Suddenly, Nuwa was silent.

The Tongtian three people were even more embarrassed at this time, neither did they shoot, nor did they stop.

Continue to shoot, they are really afraid that winning will be reckless and directly attack their Taoism. But if they don't make a move, it means that they admit to winning, and from now on, the majesty of Saint is no longer there.

"One breath."

Ying opened his mouth again, simply and directly.

And at this time, the one million Qin army led by Bai Qi was shocked at the same time.




The sound of killing soared into the sky, and for a while, the momentum was unparalleled.

The six Great Saints were so embarrassed at this time that they were able to squeeze out the water. But in the end, the own method was taken back.

"Forget it, God has the virtue of good life. At this moment, Yinggou is on the verge of death, and it is useless to kill." At this time, Daoist opened his mouth and gave the saints a step down.


As several Saints stopped, Ying Hook's body was no longer under control and fell directly from the void.

At this moment, he was injured too badly, if he hadn't hanged in one breath, he would have died long ago.

At this time, Ying flew out directly, came directly to the side of the winning hook, and caught the winning hook.

"It's hard work!" Ying said lightly.

"Don't worry, he can't die. But that kid Long Fei is dead." Yinggou said, and glanced at Nuwa, his eyes filled with resentment.

Ying was stunned for a moment, and his expression instantly froze.

"What did you say? Long Fei is dead?" Ying took a deep breath, and the breath on his body instantly condensed, overwhelming the world.

"I don't know if I live or die, but it has been taken into the refining demon pot by Nuwa for nearly a few hours."

Win Hook said.

In an instant, Win's face changed.

Not to mention a few hours, even if the demon god was taken into it, it would definitely not last for a moment.

"Give me the demon refining pot!" Ying said directly, his words were extremely domineering and could not be refused.

"Presumptuous, you're too arrogant, I'm already a kind of extra-judicial kindness if I don't kill and win the hook, and you still want to beg for this palace's demon refining pot?" Nuwa said.

Nuwa naturally refused. This kind of thing is not just a simple ignorance, but a provocation.

"Don't force the widow to take action, otherwise, you won't be able to bear it." Ying said, his eyes narrowed, killing intent burst out.

Whoosh whoosh.

But at this time, the six saints stepped forward at the same time and faced the victory.

"Win, don't go too far."

"Enough, this world is still under Heavenly Dao. If you really have the ability, you will pierce this heaven, and then come back and be arrogant in front of me."

"Yes, under Heavenly Dao, how can you?"

Several people spoke, their faces burning with anger.

They have already taken a step back, and this step, no matter what, is impossible to take any further.

Ying's expression was also more gloomy. He looked at Nuwa, and then at the refining demon pot in the void. He took a step forward and was about to shoot.

Winning is like that. If you are too lazy to talk nonsense, if it doesn't make sense, just fight.

But at this moment, a mutation arose.

The demon refining pot, which was still shining in the void, suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura at this moment.

"Huh?" Ying's footsteps paused, and then a happy expression appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, I knew that this kid can't die." Yinggou also laughed. At this moment, they all felt the breath of Long Fei in the refining demon pot.

"No, it's impossible. In a few hours, even a quasi-sage can be refined, how could he still be alive?"

"This is absolutely impossible!" Nuwa's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly cast a spell to control the refining demon pot.

It's a pity that at the moment when she made her move, the demon refining pot flew into the air in an instant, directly avoiding this method.

"Haha, not dead, I'm still waiting for hope."

"Okay, I know that since the inheritance of the fire falls to him, how can he die like this."

"Hahaha, my human race is hopeful." The three emperors were also pleasantly surprised. Looking at the demon refining pot floating in the void, without any reservations, they sacrificed Magic Treasures in an instant and blocked in front of Saint.

The screen entered a deadlock again.

However, the difference is that it was Saint who stopped them before. Now, it is they who stop Saint.

"The bet is right, the bet is right! I knew that the reminder from the ground book would not be wrong, the mess is really going to start this time." Zhen Yuanzi laughed loudly.

At this moment, he was extremely grateful that he had made a choice, otherwise, he would definitely be annoyed for the rest of his life.

At this time, above the Dragon Court, I heard the voice above the void, and when I saw the riotous demon pot refining, the sorrowful faces of each and every one revived their brilliance.

"Big villain! I knew that he couldn't just die like this." Xuanyu cried, but she wept with joy.

"Long Fei, big brother, is fine, great, great." Xiao Yu'er burst into tears, her great sadness and joy can only be expressed in tears.

"grown ups!"

Ao Guang and Ao Run also made a deep voice, but at this moment, his heart was also extremely excited.

Tu Shan Xiaoya's face also showed a touch of relief at the corner of her mouth, she smiled lightly, and let the tears slide down the corner of her mouth.

All of this shows that Long Fei is still alive.

However, they only guessed that Long Fei was still alive, but they didn't know.

At this time, Long Fei in the demon refining pot had woken up.

However, even Long Fei himself was awake for some inexplicable sense.

"It's okay? I'm actually okay? Could it be that the system girl saved me?" Long Fei looked puzzled.

Then I tried to contact the system, only to find that the system did not respond.

"No, it's not the system. It's Dantian!" Long Fei's eyes moved, and he looked directly at Dantian. He happened to see that the image of the Innate Eight Trigrams that he had refined before had already taken shape, and even the thick one. 's eggs, and cracks appeared again.

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