The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4862 Make A Big Wave

At this moment, Long Fei had been waiting for too long.

From the very beginning of beheading Manjusri, Long Fei has already had the conditions for breakthrough.

However, due to the factors of the Supreme plane, the system was closed. Otherwise, this Realm would have already made a breakthrough. There is no need to hesitate in front of Saint like now.

Just do it directly.

Fortunately, this moment is not too late. Perhaps, it came just right.

Now, Saint is in front, just to let them confirm with their own eyes that they have taken this step by themselves.

Boom boom boom.

Long Fei's body was full of breath, and terrifying power surged through him.

"Breakthrough? This kid has really come this far." Yinggou laughed, extremely mad.

Before breakthrough, Long Fei's combat power was comparable to Xeon who did not use that power, and now he has made breakthrough.

It is already considered to be the strongest of the heavens.

Even if it is Saint, it is impossible to suppress Long Fei casually as before.

"It's finally here. It seems that this time, there is hope." Ying said lightly with the corner of his mouth twitching.

"Breakthrough? Impossible? How is this possible!"

"Under the control of Heavenly Dao, that sequence has reached the extreme, who can break through? Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Fake, impossible!"

Saint was shocked.

They are Heavenly Dao Saints, who have won the battle of heaven-defying since more than 2,000 years ago. Heavenly Dao has long ago controlled the powerhouses between heaven and earth, and it is impossible for anyone to break through that level.

Such as Yang Jian Nezha.

If it wasn't for Heavenly Dao's suppression, they would have already made breakthroughs.

But now, Long Fei made a breakthrough right under their noses, breaking their cognition in an instant.

At this time, Long Fei didn't care what they thought at this time.

At this moment, he was immersed in the sound of the system and could not extricate himself.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for leveling up, the current level is beyond the first-level. Experience 0/10000."

"Ding, the player has broken through to a new level, and the system has planned the level. The details are as follows: detachment, life, and immortality. Each stage is divided into third-level."

"Ding, congratulations player cultivation Manjushri Manjushri Mantra. (Describes the immunity of Lingshan's power of luck, and Buddhism's attack immunity.)"


A series of voices appeared in the system, in addition to prompting the cultivation level, it also burst out about the thing that killed Manjushri last time.

For a time, Long Fei felt that there were a lot of things in his mind.

But these things are of little use to him now.

In addition to this Manjusri Guangfa mantra for him, it can make him have some uses when dealing with Lingshan in the future, as for other things, he can directly ignore it.

Of course, these are not the point.

More importantly, with Long Fei's breakthrough, Long Fei can clearly feel that at this moment, he looks at the sky and the sky again, and then looks at the starry sky, which is extremely thorough, and even he can clearly perceive Heavenly Dao's run.

For a time, the feeling of captivity filled his mind.

The whole world is a huge pasture.

And beyond this ranch, is Heavenly Dao.

The power of Heavenly Dao is like a circle of circles, which surrounds this world in circles, and in the heaven and earth, the principles of all living beings and the planning are clear.

Even if he broke through to this Realm at this moment, he just broke through a layer of shackles, breaking away from the control of Heavenly Dao, and trying to fiddle with this Heavenly Dao power, but it still feels extremely far away.

"Is this the Heavenly Dao? The Saint represents the heavenly shepherds. What he said is really good." Long Fei sneered.

Perceiving that layer, Long Fei finally understood why he was unwilling to be subservient to winning. After thousands of years of layout, he had to fight the sky again.

I finally understood why Ying Hook would be so angry even if he didn't do it with his own Nether Lord, he was the only War Saint.

In such a world, who is willing to be a slave?

For a time, Long Fei's heart was burning with anger, and then he looked at the Six Saints of Heaven and Earth, and his eyes were full of pity.

The so-called Heavenly Dao Saint, to put it nicely, is supreme. But to put it uglier, it's nothing more than a watchdog on a ranch. "The six saints of Heavenly Dao are really pitiful. However, since you are willing to be under Heavenly Dao, it is doomed that we can't be good. It's just right, since this battle has already begun, let's break out completely." Long Fei's eyes were cold, and he said lightly


Brush brush!

For a time, all eyes were fixed on Long Fei.

No one will doubt the truth of this sentence!

Because the current Long Fei already has this qualification.

Even the Six Saints of Heavenly Dao fell silent at this moment. Because now, Long Fei after breakthrough already has the capital to fight them.

Then, Long Fei's eyes swept across the crowd lightly, his eyes were as indifferent as knives.

But the Six Saints of Heavenly Dao remained silent.

At this moment, they really felt the seriousness of the situation. Long Fei made a breakthrough right under their noses, directly reaching the level of Primordial Yuan.

At this level, even if they wanted to suppress it with the power of Heavenly Dao, it was already impossible.

More importantly, Heavenly Dao's power is basically useless to Long Fei. Otherwise, under the Heavenly Dao rule, Long Fei would not be able to break through.

And now, Long Fei's breakthrough has already shown that he has jumped out of Heavenly Dao and become a person outside your Tao.

In other words, from beginning to end, Long Fei was never under Heavenly Dao's supervision.

"Long Fei, you are too presumptuous. Don't you think Heavenly Dao doesn't exist?" Taishang asked coldly.

"What about Heavenly Dao? I'm already outside Heavenly Dao. Even if it's Heavenly Dao, what can I do?" Long Fei replied softly.

Heavenly Dao?


At this moment, in Long Fei's heart, he was completely divided, and it was no longer a fatal threat.

"Long Fei, you have already broken through to this level, don't make trouble again, outside of Heavenly Dao, you can live forever."

"Yes, Long Fei, you have to be clear. If you make another move today, let alone your Dragon Court, even the world will be turned into ruins. At that time, what can you do?"

"This saint can allow you, the earth on earth, belongs to your human race. Heaven Court will no longer restrain the human world, and the demon race will open up the Monster World, how?"

Taishang, Tongtian and Nuwa spoke in succession.

They were already afraid and had to step back. Especially Nuwa, even knowing that Long Fei had collapsed his own Magic Treasures, he could only swallow his breath and did not dare to attack at all.

"The earth on earth? It's a really good calculus. Now Heaven Court, Lingshan and Yaozu, the top forces of The Three Realms have basically all arrived."

"How can you retreat in one sentence?"

"I don't care about the world. What I want is the whole world." Long Fei said directly, extremely domineering.

This is also the first time that Long Fei has declared his own belief in this mythical world.

It is his mission to repeat the myth, and he will never give up. Now the saints of the heavens directly want to use the human world to make Long Fei stop.

Totally impossible.

Then, Long Fei took a step back and came to win.

"How about a big wave?" Long Fei asked tentatively.

"Big? How big?" Ying looked at Long Fei with interest. "Try it, Saint is real, immortal!" Long Fei's eyes were sure, murderous intent overflowing.

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