The Strongest Upgrade System

4864--Andrew Heavenly Sword Formation

Above the void, beyond the sky.

Long Fei and Tongtian face each other.

But at this time, standing still, does not mean that they did not fight.

At this time, it is the collision between Tao and Tao.

I saw that on Tongtian, the power of Heavenly Dao was surging, like the sword of Heavenly Dao, wrapped in the momentum of penetrating the heaven and earth, rolling down.

And Long Fei, at this moment, is also surging with a kind of power. Eight large characters surround the body.

On the Avenue of Common Life, everyone is like a dragon!

At the beginning, Long Fei established such a way in the ancient world, so now, breakthrough is beyond Realm, the same is true.

He still uses the power of humanity to re-establish the mythical world.




On Long Fei's body, there are dragon shadows one after another, and the will of all beings turns into dragons, which is extremely ferocious.

"The power of humanity?" Tongtian's expression changed. At first, Long Fei did not show any strength when he made breakthroughs. Even he only felt that Long Fei had broken through to that layer of Realm, which was beyond the scope of Heavenly Dao, but he never knew what Long Fei had found.

what way.

Now, as soon as Long Fei exerted his power, he completely understood.

"No wonder, no wonder the three emperors will protect you even if they turn against us. It seems that they have already calculated something." Tongtian said in a deep voice.

Long Fei was noncommittal.

He saw the performance of the three emperors in his eyes. If nothing else, the fact that they are willing to fight Saint for themselves has already shown their determination.

At least, this is extremely gratifying to Long Fei.

They are the ancestors of the human race, they set up their own way, and the three of them can stand on their own, which means that they still adhere to the aspirations of the human race in their hearts.

"It's useless to talk too much. Since you are willing to be Heavenly Dao Saint and supervise the common people, you should think about this day." Long Fei said indifferently.

Saint shepherds the common people, the common people are like cud dogs.

This is the root cause of oppression and resistance, and nothing else.

"Hmph, ignorance. Without Heavenly Dao, the heavens and the earth would not exist, where would the common people come from? If the common people are free, if the heavens are not the heavens, how can they survive?" Tongtian said with a sneer in his eyes.

Long Fei was taken aback.

It's not that he hasn't considered this issue.

Babel is right, any world, any country, has its own rules.

Now Heavenly Dao is the big rule of the whole world.

"You're right."

"Any world needs a rule." "But the rule is not equal to restraint, not equal to control. All kinds of frost and heaven are free, and they are born free, so why should they endure no calamity? Just for faith, the demon clan is trying to reach the sky. This is you

Heavenly Dao, so Heavenly Dao, what's the use? "Long Fei sneered.

If the mythical world is really still clear and bright, the system will not give him a task to repeat the mythical world. If nothing else, at least the system's three views are still very positive.

Since this time, let him repeat the myth so thoroughly, it shows that the previous myth has decayed and needs to be recast.

And Tongtian also chose to remain silent at this time.

As Heavenly Dao Saint, he knows better than Long Fei. Because, Heavenly Dao is not the way of nature, but the way of the ancestors.

The Taoist incarnation of Heavenly Dao has already gone haywire.

But after a while, Tongtian's face turned cold, and he directly sacrificed four long swords.

Kill the immortals, kill the immortals, destroy the immortals, trap the immortals!

Above the four swords, the Sword intent is vertical and horizontal, and the immortal light shines, containing terrifying power.

"Heavenly Dao changes, no matter what, it's not your turn to make comments, and it's not your turn to overthrow."

"Sword formation, get up!"

Tongtian shouted loudly and his eyes narrowed.

Boom boom boom.

The next moment, the terrifying sword formation condensed directly in the void.

In an instant, Long Fei felt that the entire outer world had become a world of swords. The endless Sword intents are intertwined, and they are extremely fierce.

"Sure enough, it is Heavenly Dao's slaying saint. As soon as the sword formation came out, he looked at him with contempt." Long Fei's eyes were slightly condensed.

In the Tiantong Sword Array, every Sword intent revealed a terrifying and killing intent, and Long Fei even had a feeling that this Sword Intent, let alone Golden Immortal, even if it was a semi-holy, would definitely resist if he wanted to. not easy.

"Devil Killing Sword!"

Long Fei shouted loudly.

The Demon Slayer Sword was in his hand, and he swung it violently.

The long sword of white bones flickered in his hand, which was completely different from the Sword Ray of the sky.

However, this does not mean that the Demon Slayer Sword is not good.

After all, the Demon Slayer Sword is now the fifth-level Demon Slayer, which is extremely terrifying.


Demon Slayer Sword Ray whizzed away, rushed directly into the sword formation, and suddenly collided with thousands of Sword intents.

Boom boom boom.

In an instant, a terrifying aura emerged after another.

Even in the outer world, it is difficult to bear this kind of power, and one hole after another is pierced by Sword intent.

"If you only have this means, stop as soon as possible. The sword formation of this sect master is not so easy to break." Tongtian's voice was cold, and he pushed it in his hand.


The sword formation ran rampant, pressing down.

Just a second thought, it came directly above Long Fei's head.

Long Fei's expression remained the same, his body was slightly bent, and the invincible punch condensed again.

"Invincible punch!"

As soon as he drank it, Long Fei's eyes were as hard as iron, and a resolute domineering appeared on his body. It seems that this punch is invincible.

I am invincible, I am the only one!


With one punch, the entire Immortal Execution Sword Formation began to shake violently, roaring continuously.

Deng Deng staring.

Tongtian took three steps back, and his eyes were incomparable.

He also didn't expect that Long Fei's means would be so terrifying, but a punch had already shaken his sword formation.

"Your sword formation is not very good. The Demon Slayer Sword can't be broken. It's not because of my strength, but because of your kendo skills." Long Fei said lightly.

Cultivation Base breakthrough, the benefits brought to Long Fei are indescribable. Not to mention that the basic combat power has increased dozens of times, even the physical strength has also improved.

Coupled with the transformation of the physical body by Dantian's power in the demon pot before, under this punch, it is no less than Jiulong Yutian.

"Hmph, the tongue is fast. You have the ability to wait for you to break the sword formation of this sect." Tongtian did not give a step, suppressed the shock in his heart, and then moved his hands to hold a sword in the sword formation out of thin air, and then out of thin air a stab

"Zhu Xian!" Tong Tian shouted loudly, and he used the body of a Saint to cast the sword of Zhu Xian.

boom. In an instant, Long Fei only felt a huge sense of oppression from the power of the sword formation, and even he felt his scalp tingling. Under this kind of pressure, Long Fei could even feel the light of the eternal life being suppressed and dimmed.


"It's terrifying, this sword already has the power to cut the Dao." Long Fei was clear-minded.

This sword is too strong.

That is, he stood up straight after breakthrough. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that under this sword, even the fruit of the Tao will be chopped.

Thinking of this, Long Fei did not dare to be careless.

"Kowloon Yutian!"

"Sanctions at the end of the law!" Without any hesitation, the Demon Slayer Sword disappeared from Long Fei's hand, but the Realm King's Blade took its place, and then slashed out.

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