The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4868 Wanshen Tower Wakes Up

Long Fei's eyes shrank, and boundless fighting intent burst out in his heart.

At the same time, the mind is also hooking up with the system.

He didn't know whether his own Demon Slayer Sword could withstand the power of Heavenly Dao, but if he wanted to destroy Heavenly Dao, his current strength was simply not enough.

"System girl, what should I do now?" Long Fei asked.

Actually is not relying on the system, but Long Fei wants to understand the specific power category of Heavenly Dao's power, so that he can make the next choice.

At this point, Long Fei couldn't back down even if he was fighting Dantian and the coffin of immortality.

Besides, Ying Hook was seriously injured because of him.

If Saint cannot be made to pay the price, even if he is safe and sound, Long Fei will not feel at ease.

"Master, the power you have now can't withstand Heavenly Dao's suppression. But don't worry, I have already thought of a countermeasure." The system girl responded.

"What way?" Long Fei's eyes lit up.

"Master, have you forgotten? I have been repairing the Panshen Tower. I devoured the power of the demon pot before, and now the Wanshen Tower has been condensed." The system girl said.

"The power of the Pantheon?" Long Fei's heart moved, and a figure flashed directly in his mind.

If the Panshenlou really recovers, when the time comes, I will summon the former one, what Heavenly Dao, and slap it over with one palm. "That's right. However, although the Pantheon Tower is revived, it is different from before. Because I took the initiative to revive it, it is already a product of the system. It is now being implanted in the system. After it is completely completed, the master can use it, maybe it can still be used. have to

to the system reward. "The system girl said.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, but immediately understood.

Although it is said that the current one has evolved to the ultimate. But the power of the system comes from the Supreme plane. If you want to use the power of the system, you will naturally be affected by the Supreme plane.

Otherwise, the previous system girls would not have taken great pains to escape Supreme's inevitable detection.

It can only be said that although the system girl has the means to evade the inspection of the Supreme plane, his system is already an alien, and to a certain extent, it has been out of the control of the Supreme plane.

"How long will it take to really complete it?" Long Fei asked.

Now, Long Fei doesn't have time to think about Supreme. If you can't even survive the catastrophe in front of you, it's useless to think too much.

"It has entered the final stage now, and it will take a few minutes to complete it completely. However, in these few minutes, it is up to the master to find a way." The system girl said.

Long Fei was heartbroken.

Just as I was about to speak, a system prompt suddenly appeared in my mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for resuscitating the Panshen Tower. The system is currently being implanted, and the system is 30% implanted. Please continue to wait for the player."

The system's icy sound appeared.

And when Long Fei tried to contact the system girl again, he found that the system girl had disappeared.

"A few minutes? Then resist. I still don't believe that the power of Heavenly Dao is really so powerful that it can destroy me in a few minutes." Long Fei gritted his teeth.

In this situation, it can only be tough.

There is simply no better way.

And at this time, above the void, Tongtian's complexion became extremely silver, with a smirk, pointing to the sky.




In an instant, in the purple vortex condensed on the dome, one after another force began to pour into Tongtian's body. Moreover, with the injection of this power, the Four Immortal Execution Swords in Tongtian's hand also began to emit a terrifying luster.

Brush brush.

Immediately after, the terrifying Sword intents began to wreak havoc.

Every sword contains the supreme power of heaven.

That kind of power crushes people's souls and destroys people's will. It seems that in front of this breath, everything is ants.

Even Long Fei felt an irresistible force at this time, acting on the soul, and it was extremely painful.


For a moment, the coffin of immortality trembled.


The coffin lid of the coffin of immortality is beating even more at this moment, and the power of immortality flows out one after another, expelling the pressure. This is how Long Fei's expression returned to nature.

But even with the shock of the power of immortality, Long Fei still felt some pain and suffering. "Dare to struggle? Long Fei, accept your fate. Although these four swords are still the swords of the sect, but now you have the power of Heavenly Dao, the sword of Heavenly Dao, you are a different kind of Heavenly Dao, and you will surely die." Tongtian's face was cold and unparalleled , watching Long Fei in this Heavenly Dao power

Under the oppression, he was able to resist and persist, and he was even more unhappy in his heart.

At the same time, the heart of killing Longfei is also more firm.

Not only him, but the Supreme Beings and the others saw everything in their eyes, and finally recognized Tongtian's words.

He has just broken through, and even the power of Heavenly Dao can resist.

If you give Long Fei some more incidents, I am afraid that the entire Heavenly Dao will be a jerk in front of him, vulnerable to a single blow.

In one thought, in addition to manipulating the power in their hands, everyone also blessed their own Saint's will on the power of Heavenly Dao brought out by Tongtian.


For a time, the power of Heavenly Dao was even more turbulent.

At this moment, Tongtian is not the only one, but the five saints of Heavenly Dao.

There is only one will of the Heavenly Dao Five Saints, and that is to obliterate Long Fei.


In an instant, Long Fei's heart sank, the power of immortality and the soul of immortality were difficult to restrain.

After all, the power of immortality under his control is limited, but at this moment, the will of the Five Sages of Heavenly Dao is everything.

At this moment, all of them want to kill Long Fei.

Without it, it's just because the power displayed by Long Fei is too terrifying. If it is not suppressed now, it is very likely to become their nightmare in the future.


"Five Saints shot and killed one."

"No, daddy, let's win, let's fight completely."

Yinggou was furious, and when he turned around, he wanted to return to Longting. But before he left, the reception had already spoken.

"Win the hook, stay. Long Fei can carry the power of Heavenly Dao, but you may not be able to see it."

"If you dare to move, you will be suppressed by the power of Heavenly Dao." The receiver threatened. At this time, they absolutely do not allow any accidents. And obviously, they are equally afraid of winning. Now inspired by the power of Heavenly Dao, the will of Saint comes to destroy Longfei. If the winner is let at this time, they will inevitably fall into passive


At that time, it will be even more difficult to kill Long Fei.

Therefore, at this time, they absolutely do not allow any accidents.

At this time, Long Fei's complexion also became extremely gloomy. Under the impact of Heavenly Dao Saint's killing intent, his soul began to ache, even the power of immortality was useless.

Time and time again, Long Fei's figure began to gradually become rickety.

"System, how long will it take?" Long Feiqiang endured the pain and asked. "Ding, the current implantation completion rate is 80%, and it is estimated that it will take another minute." The system voice fell relentlessly.

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