The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4872 One Thought Seals The Sky

Above the void, this moment became eternity, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the white-robed demon master who suddenly appeared.

"It's me." Long Fei took a step forward and said calmly.

Since it is a system summon, even if Meng Hao is the supreme power of heaven and earth, the lord of seals, and the supreme of that world, he is still under the control of the system.

Therefore, Long Fei faced Meng Hao with a proud attitude.

Meng Hao pondered slightly

"Although I'm very unhappy to be summoned inexplicably, it's very interesting. At least, you prove to me that my way is not dead yet. So, this seat will satisfy you once, no matter who it is, I can satisfy you." Meng Hao said lightly.

At this moment, Long Fei felt like a dog in his heart.

I thought that Meng Hao was summoned by the system, so he could obey his own command. Unexpectedly, this is another existence with self-consciousness.

As for the system summon, it's just to summon the other party. It was impossible for Meng Hao to obey his own orders. Fortunately, Meng Hao didn't get angry. Instead, it seemed that he had found another way.

"Okay, my conditions are very simple. Isn't your Excellency the vast star master? Then use your way of sealing the heavens to seal this Heavenly Dao." Long Fei said.

Now, the reason why Saint's power has become so powerful is the power of Heavenly Dao.

If the power of Heavenly Dao is sealed, at that time, Saint will no longer be scary in front of him.

Only at that time can he be killed.

"Fengtian? Good." Meng Hao smiled lightly and turned his eyes to Heavenly Dao Saint.

"The disciple under Heavenly Dao, Cultivation Base is not bad. But in front of this seat, it's too weak." Meng Hao said lightly.

move both hands

"The positive and negative methods are forbidden!" Meng Hao said casually. As his voice fell, the front and back of his hands were constantly reversed, and at this moment, the entire world beyond the sky underwent a huge change, and all power and existence began to repeat at this moment. The positive becomes the reverse, the reverse becomes

became positive.

"It's reversed? How is it possible, what kind of power is this?"

"It's actually confusing the power of Heavenly Dao, where did this person come from?"

"No, the power of Heavenly Dao has been confused."

Saint was shocked, no one could keep calm at this moment.

From Meng Hao, they felt an uncontrollable fear spreading in their hearts. Now it's just a trick, and it has already disrupted their minds.

In the distance, the three emperors also kept their eyes fixed.

So shocking!

All are incredible.

They couldn't understand at all, what kind of way Long Fei used to summon such a powerful person directly.

The win hook is okay, there is no big surprise. After all, that was how he was summoned by Long Fei back then. So when I saw this scene, I was relieved.

"It's too strong. It subverts the power of Heavenly Dao between backhands. It's awesome." Yinggou exclaimed.

Even he had to obey.

Meng Hao's methods were completely beyond his imagination and beyond his cognition.

After all, in this world, Saint is the only one. But now, as soon as Meng Hao made his move, the power of Heavenly Dao was already confused.

"This person is very strong." Ying Ye said in a deep voice, his eyes were extremely solemn, and he was obviously shocked by Meng Hao's methods.

As for Long Fei, he was equally astonished at this moment.

Meng Hao was too strong, and he was a bit of a mess. He almost single-handedly suppressed Heavenly Dao.

At this moment, Nuwa couldn't keep silent any longer. He turned around and rose into the sky. Above the void, he stood in a row with Saint.

"Senior Brother Ji, this person is the same as Long Fei. He is also a Heavenly Dao alien, a creature outside the Dao. Heavenly Dao has no control over their fate. If they want to suppress them, they can only rely on me to motivate them." Nuwa said, with a solemn expression.

Everything in front of him has shown that it is impossible to reverse the battle situation by relying on Saint's will to bless the power of Heavenly Dao motivated by Tongtian alone.

"Okay, Heavenly Dao can jump around, but aliens must be killed."

"The people teach the monument, Heavenly Dao's power!" Taishang said silently, but for a moment, he chose to mobilize the power of Heavenly Dao without any hesitation.


In an instant, the sky changed, and the infinite Heavenly Dao power surged up again, forming a Heavenly Dao vortex again above the void.

"Yuanshi's teaching monument, get up!" Yuanshi Tianzun also shouted.

"Golden Lotus of Merit, get up!"

"Shanhejijitu, get up!"

"Cangsheng Hongyuan, get up!"

Next, after a few sounds, the Heavenly Dao vortex above the entire void was also completely connected.



The sky is roaring, and the endless Heavenly Dao power bursts out at this moment, which is extremely terrifying.

The three emperors and others couldn't help frowning. In the face of this kind of power, they had no choice but to sacrifice their own Magic Treasures, but it was useless, and they retreated again and again.

"Long Fei, it is difficult for us to persevere under this kind of power, so we will retreat first." Emperor Fuxi said.

This kind of power is no longer what they can bear.

With the power of a Saint's Heavenly Dao, they might still be able to contend. But now, the six Heavenly Dao saints have no scruples, fighting with Heavenly Dao, mobilizing the power of the six Heavenly Dao, this power has been terrifying to the extreme. That is to say, in the outer land now, if it is in the world of mythology, I am afraid that the whole world will fall into disaster.

in robbery.

"Okay, please take care of the three emperors to take care of the winning hook, here is me." Long Fei said in a deep voice.

With this kind of power, even he felt an inexplicable pressure. If it wasn't for Meng Hao being in front of him, and Pan Shenlou carrying the coercion, I'm afraid he would have to choose to retreat.

"By the way, win the hook, you are waiting below. I said that I will give you an explanation today, and they will naturally make them pay the price." Long Fei said.

Ying Gou nodded heavily, and then disappeared with the silhouette of the Three Emperors in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, only Long Fei, Ying, and Meng Hao were left in the entire outer world.

Ying's expression remained unchanged, he held Tai A in his hand, and sank directly in front of him, and the power of Heavenly Dao was immediately isolated.

Even the power of the Six Saints Heavenly Dao can hardly hurt him.

But at this moment, the corner of Meng Hao's mouth was smiling softly.

"That's interesting! I am self-cultivating Karma, three forbidden movements, I respect it!" Meng Hao spoke again, using three kinds of supreme methods.

In an instant, the surging and uncertain power of Heavenly Dao stopped motionless at this moment, as if it had been frozen, and the turbulent Heavenly Dao vortex no longer moved, as if it was frozen.

"Impossible, Heavenly Dao is supreme, there is no power that can compete with Heavenly Dao."

"People's Education Monument, break it for me!" Taishang's voice was indifferent.

He is the head of the six saints, and now Heavenly Dao is being provoked, and even the power of Heavenly Dao of the six people can't hold it, which is already a deadly threat to him.

Therefore, the current Taishang was almost desperate, and even the monument of humanity began to crack, and he had to break free from Meng Hao's control.

At this time, Meng Hao shook his head slightly, "Heavenly Dao's disciples are nothing more than that. Let's just let this battle go. The ten bans are one, and the heaven is sealed in one thought!" Meng Hao said in a cold and charming voice.

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