Long Fei's eyes caught electricity and stopped on several people.

But now these people have a natural fear of Long Fei, and a look has made them feel cold.

This kind of thing has never happened in the seventh world. This is an era of a system for all people, a world where everyone has a system. Competing with each other is also a competition of system power. No one has ever used this kind of power.

However, this kind of power is already unwilling to compete with them.

"Who are you? You are not from the seventh world, you are using pure physical strength." Liu Fufeng shouted.

At this moment, Liu Fufeng's complexion has changed, and he is already afraid of Long Fei.

"You are wrong, I am a person from this seventh world. However, my system is not something you can know." Long Fei pretended to be deep and said lightly. He knew that the world of the national system, if he really admitted that it came from outside, would really cause an uproar. It is even very likely that the world will not tolerate the existence of its own, and if it causes the whole people to hunt down,

It's really helpless. "Impossible, the power of the system can't be hidden. The power you just displayed doesn't seem to have any systemic aura. Well, Jialuo, you actually colluded with the aliens outside the seventh world. This time, even if it is the system. neither will the center

leave you alone. "Liu Fufeng shouted loudly.

Calvary and Jialuo looked at Long Fei helplessly.

In any case, they did not expect that Long Fei's methods would be so powerful.

And Long Fei's eyes also became deeper at this time.



Every word, for Long Fei, would be a sting. Forget about aliens, after all, relative to the place in this world, everything without a system is alien. However, the word "chicken" made Long Fei's heart be filled with murderous intent.

For a moment, Long Fei covered his palm with his backhand.

It was a fluttering palm, but the absolute power was raging in his hands. Before Liu Fufeng could react, he was directly knocked into the air by Long Fei's palm.

However, Liu Fufeng's strength is obviously not comparable to those of the previous people. At the moment when Long Fei's palm fell, dark forces appeared in front of him, carrying part of the attack for him.

But that's it, under Long Fei's slap, the man's face instantly turned red and swollen quickly. "You dare to hit me? You bastard dare to hit me? Believe it or not, as long as this young master shouts, the place will be blocked, and everyone will know that you are an outsider. How dare you treat me in this seventh world

When they take action, they are provoking the dignity of our world, and you will die ugly. "

"However, if you kneel down and beg me now, and sign a master-slave agreement, if you become my slave in the future, this son may consider to spare his life." Liu Fufeng said, full of threats.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that if he didn't say this, he might have lived a little longer.

And when he said these words, Long Fei's killing intent broke out completely.

"You're right. But I want to remind you. If it wasn't for you to remind me, I almost forgot. If there are too many people, it will be difficult to handle." Long Fei sneered and said lightly.

Then he punched Liu Fufeng violently.

This punch, unexpectedly, landed on Liu Fufeng's face almost in the breath. This time, Liu Fufeng didn't even have the strength to resist, and his heart was shattered directly by Long Fei's punch. "You..." Liu Fufeng vomited blood, his eyes filled with disbelief.

A moment ago, he was still immersed in the fantasy of enslaving Long Fei. He felt that as long as he was under the threat of own, Long Fei would not dare to do more, so he could only obediently submit to own's feet and kneel in front of own.

And he can justifiably study Long Fei's power system.

But unfortunately, everything is an illusion, and everything has become a bubble under Long Fei's punch.

At this time, Liu Fufeng's followers began to flee like crazy.

"Flee! He killed Young Master Fufeng."

"Quick, run away. Then notify the council and smash this person into tens of thousands of pieces."


One after another figure shouted in his mouth.

But unfortunately, their figures have not yet lifted off, and a figure has fallen in front of them.

"I want to go, have you asked me? Doing too much injustice will lead to suicide. You have embarrassed me several times, and today is your retribution." Calvary's figure vacated the sky, and behind the whole person, a big sun that covered the world appeared directly.

Under this power, the temperature around him suddenly increased sharply, and even Long Fei felt extremely hot.

If it weren't for his current physical body, he was really strong enough, and he would have to retreat in the face of this power.

And under the scorching sun, these people didn't even have the chance to escape, and they all became firemen directly, and in just a moment, they were burned to ashes.

There was no accident even with Liu Fufeng's figure, and it was directly destroyed by the corpse, leaving only a crystal chip.

Long Fei also looked at Calvary with a solemn expression.

"Your strength is not weak, why do you have to endure it?" Long Fei asked.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Calvary's power, compared to Liu Fufeng's, is completely crushing the opponent on a level.

That is to say, if he didn't do anything this time, it would be easy for Calvary to give these people to the sand.

"Hey, Liu Fufeng isn't scary. What's scary is the dark council behind him." Gallo explained.

Then, regarding the existence of the Dark Council, Jialiu explained everything to Long Fei.

It turned out that Liu Fufeng was just an unknown person at the beginning. All they have is a bland system. Even, he was born in the same place as Calvary. However, the power of the system associated with Jialue was too powerful, completely crushing Liu Fufeng, leaving Liu Fufeng with no sense of existence. Therefore, Calvary has been secretly persecuting, and finally Calvary can't bear it anymore and will abolish it. Unexpectedly, because of an accident, Liu Fufeng was spotted by the people of the dark council and changed the system for him, so that he had a system to control the dark power. However, any system needs to evolve step by step and improve step by step.

Unleash mighty power. Unfortunately, Liu Fufeng couldn't hold back the hatred in his heart. He started looking for Calvary several times, but in the end he was forced to retreat again and again. To Calvary's surprise, the Dark Council sent an expert to directly destroy Calvary's family.

, and even Calvary's power plummeted because of that incident.

Originally, Calvary was going to fight to the death, but it was only because of Jialuo that Calvary had to endure it.

It is precisely because of this that the first scene appeared, Jialiu forbearance, while Liu Fufeng was terrified. Long Fei listened and nodded slowly. For Calvary, there is only sympathy in my heart. But what surprised him even more was that the power of the system in this world... could be replaced.

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