In an instant, the two turned their heads and left.

But unfortunately, it's too late to leave now.

No matter what their combat power is, since the light of the boss is flashing, it must be the boss. This is the first time I encountered such a funny boss, how can I let the other party escape?


The next moment, Long Fei jumped, plucked the green onion in the dry land, and the whole person directly turned into a phantom and walked away. Reappeared, already in front of the two of them.

"Long Fei, do you want to die? I tell you, I am the lord of a city. If you dare to hurt me, then you will have a deadly vengeance with the Dark Council, and you will face the endless pursuit and killing of the Dark Council."

Mo Fang threatened.

Now, he can only move out the Dark Council.

Long Fei was too terrifying, and he could kill an excellent-level system controller with a single burst. This kind of power, in his opinion, is a kind of crushing from scratch.

What is even more terrifying is that so far, they have not shown more of their power.

His subordinates, those with advanced systems, couldn't hold it with a single punch, so they were directly obliterated by Long Fei.

Everything has shown that if Long Fei wants to kill him, it will be easy.

"Threat me?" Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

Is he afraid of threats? never existed. Moreover, between him and the Dark Council, he has already described fire and water, and the degree of life and death must be divided.

On the other side, Chen Zhong didn't say a word, and there was only fear in his eyes.

Even all the small thoughts in his heart have completely dissipated at this moment.

Long Fei, don't mess with it!

There was only this belief in his heart at the moment.

"You can't mess with it, absolutely don't mess with it. This idiot, isn't it good to live? Why can't you bow your head? Why must you threaten him?"

"Is this kind of person you can threaten?"

"A bunch of idiots, I really don't know where the shit luck came from to get an excellent system."

Chen Zhong thought to himself, and looked at Mo Fang in the void with pity.

Must die!

He had already expected Mo Fang's end, and he even dared to threaten at this time, so there was no accident and he would definitely die.

Mo Fang, on the other hand, did not have such a cognition, nor did he have such a clear understanding.

When he saw Long Fei saying nothing, he thought that Long Fei was frightened by his own words, and quickly said again

"You killed Liu Fufeng of Aoyue Palace, basically it's a dead end. But it's not absolute, as long as I use my City Lord's decree to recommend it to the top, with your means, the Dark Council will definitely protect you. But if you kill If you lose me, you will lose such an opportunity. Which is more important, I think you should know in your heart. "

"So, let me go."

"Trust me, we can cooperate, and we can even cooperate very happily." Mo Fang said one after another.

At this time, Long Fei finally had a reaction.

Long Fei stepped forward, came to Mo Fang, and looked up and down.

"Your Excellency, what are you looking at?" Mo Fang asked.

"I see if you are an idiot." Long Fei said indifferently.

Just now, when Mo Fang was talking, Long Fei had been thinking about how this person's IQ could become a boss.

"You..." Mo Fang's face turned cold.

How could he possibly endure being so humiliated by Long Fei.

"What am I? Daddy wondered, with your IQ, how did you become the city lord." Long Fei said lightly, before turning around, he punched out.


The figure of the Rubik's Cube was blown away directly.

At this distance, he might not even be able to hide.


Mo Fang's figure flew out thousands of feet with a face, but he couldn't stop. The whole person gradually became illusory in the process of flying upside down, and finally disappeared without a trace directly in the void.

Then, Long Fei looked at the last person.

This person is the last strong man in this dark dungeon, and he is also the enshrined of the City Lord's Mansion.

Looking at Long Fei's eyes, the man's eyes immediately began to slacken, and a great panic directly swept his heart.


Grade rolling, divine soul rolling.

" are Perfect's system?" Fu Ming said tremblingly, and knelt down in front of Long Fei.

He didn't want to die, so he chose to surrender directly.

"Transcendent?" Long Fei was taken aback.

On top of excellence, is Transcendent!

"Sir, your system is extremely powerful, and it has absolutely crushed my system! The villain implore the adults to spare my life. I can lead the way for the adults, I know a lot, much more than that waste, I can give the adults. Bring greater convenience." Fu Ming's voice trembled and began to beg for mercy.

At this time, he had lost all his fighting spirit and had no choice but to beg for mercy.

Otherwise, Mo Fang and Gu Ren are his lessons.

Long Fei's expression froze, and his eyes looked directly at Chen Zhong above the floating world.

In an instant, Chen Zhong felt like he was in The Underworld.

"Sir, don't listen to this old man, he doesn't know anything, he knows shit. Lord, you must not keep him, he is a scourge. Although he has surrendered now, I can feel that he is not sincere. "Chen Zhong said frantically.

Like a frantic hen, mad and angry.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, but did not expect that Chen Zhong would have such a big reaction.

"Ding, player pay attention, the system detected a special system power, and the system held by the player was created for the same person."

It was also at this moment that the system voice suddenly appeared, and what was said was naturally Chen Zhong.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Chen Zhong with deep meaning.

And this sight made Chen Zhong's heart fall into the ice cellar instantly, panicking.

Fu Ming took a look and thought that Long Fei had chosen him, so he stood up directly, just about to be loyal, but suddenly felt his eyebrows froze, and saw a fist shadow already descending.


Punching out, a ray of light directly penetrated the named head, and then exploded instantly.

Chen Zhong gasped as he watched Fu Ming who was dead. He knew that he had escaped another life-and-death disaster.

"Damn, it seems that I will work harder in the future. This person is unreasonable. There must be many people who want to ask for mercy to be his dog in the future."

"Fortunately, I have the advantage of Innate now. I must consolidate my position and defend my territory." Chen Zhong thought to himself.

Naturally, Long Fei didn't know what Chen Zhong was thinking at this time.

Instead, stand on the spot and wait for the system prompt.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing 300 advanced system holders, gaining 300 experience points, 3000 energy points, 300 immortality points, and 30 invincibility points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the excellent boss Rubik's Cube, gaining 10 experience points, 1000 energy points, 10 points of immortality, and 1 point of invincibility."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the Dark City Master Order."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the Phantom System. The system can be used for system upgrades."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting 30,000 energy points and some advanced systems."

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