
Maybe arrogant.

But in Long Fei's eyes, it was a joke.

This kind of thing has long been left to him to play. Use a kind of power that Long Fei has already given up to deal with Long Fei? It's just a fool's dream.

No, it's delusional.

"Damn, boy, you are too arrogant. Under the power of this palace, no one has ever dared to be so arrogant. Today, you must die!" Palace Master Aoyue was enraged.

Then the huge body jerked forward.

Following his movements, the giant kun above the void also began to move.

I saw the giant kun open its bloody mouth and immediately began to devour it.

The whale swallowed the sea and sucked it, and even Long Fei's corpse in the suspended world was swallowed into it. And looking at this situation, the entire Huantian City will be swallowed up soon.

"Sir, no, I can't hold it anymore. His system level is too high, and in a few breaths, the floating world will collapse." Huo Du said suddenly.

Now he is in a dilemma.

After leaving Long Fei, the people of the Dark Council will not let him go. But if it is so rigid, the final outcome will definitely be swallowed up.

In desperation, he could only ask for help.

At this time, the figures of the Jingtian Palace Master and the Qiling Palace Master also began to appear.

The two looked rebellious.

full of contempt.

"This is what you call extraordinary? Doesn't it look good? Aoyue killed him alone. Look at him, he doesn't even dare to take action." said the master of Qiling Palace.

"Maybe he is really injured. I knew that he was injured so badly. Yesterday, the Palace Master did it himself, where is there any need for you." The Shocking Palace Master said.

Looking at Long Fei who was motionless, there was a hint of remorse in his eyes.

Indeed, he regretted it. Yesterday, he still had some doubts in his heart, guessing whether Long Fei was really injured.

Now seeing Long Fei's performance, he is also certain that Long Fei was not disguised at all, but was really injured. I thought to myself, if I hadn't worried too much at the time. Now, he might be the one who killed Long Fei.

At that time, the credit will naturally belong to him alone.

But now, since Aoyue had already made a move, even if he made another move, it would be useless.

In his heart, this is why he gave all the credit to Aoyue.

On the other side, the palace master of Qiling Palace also had envy in his eyes.

Killing Long Fei, although the reward is not many, is another opportunity.

Because with them, they are not even qualified to enter the Dark Castle. But if the task is completed, it is another matter, basically it is equivalent to a frontier official, and it is like a pilgrimage to Beijing.

This kind of opportunity is much more reliable than a simple reward.

"Hey, it's unexpected to see such a result. This time, it's really too pitiful," said Palace Master Qiling.

Jingtian Palace Master smacked his lips, and his eyes were even more depressed.

At this time, Palace Master Aoyue's face became more and more gloomy.

His body was already huge, but at this moment, with the swallowing of the giant kun on the void, his body increased sharply at this moment.

It seems that the power that was swallowed in, after a circle, finally merged into his own body.

"Boy, have you seen it? This is the power of this palace, and there is nothing in the world that I cannot swallow." Palace Lord Aoyue shouted.

Long Fei shook his head again and again.

The strength of this devouring also made Long Fei feel no pressure at all.

"You think too much, you can't swallow everything, I'm standing here, you can swallow one and I'll see?" Long Fei raised his mouth and said disdainfully.

"Dead duck is hard-mouthed, since you can pretend like this, then I'll take a look. When I devour you, I'll see what kind of pretend you're using." Palace Master Aoyue snorted coldly.

The next moment, above the void, the figure of the giant kun turned sharply and sucked at Long Fei directly.


In an instant, Long Fei only felt a stench coming.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei felt the madness of the void in front of him.

It seems that in the face of this power, nothing is enough to hinder, if there is, it is directly swallowed.

"Oops, no. My lord, take action quickly. If you don't take action, the entire floating world will be swallowed up."

"Sir, help."

"Sir, that one... No, Chen Zhong is about to be swallowed up." Huo Du started screaming frantically.

His system is only the peak of the excellent level. In front of the power of Aoyue, the power of the system is directly suppressed, and it does not even have the power to resist, so it can only be passively endured.

Therefore, the only hope now lies in Long Fei.

At this moment, he finally had no scruples and begged for mercy.

"Calm down." Long Fei said lightly. Then took a step forward and came directly to the floating world.

"Devouring me? Then see if you have this appetite. The destiny of heaven and earth, move!"

Long Fei's eyes flickered with a cold light, and he couldn't help but say, the whole person's body began to skyrocket wildly in an instant.


"His power is still growing, how could this be?"

In an instant, the expressions of the Jingtian Palace Master and the Qiling Palace Master changed drastically.

They could clearly feel that the power emanating from Long Fei was countless times more terrifying than before.

As for Aoyue, at this time, her body that was almost eight feet tall also began to shake violently.





A variety of emotions spread directly in his heart. At this moment, when Long Fei shot, he was left with only these feelings.

As for the giant kun on the void, at this moment, all movements stopped. Looking at Long Fei, whose figure was directly up to the sky, the figure began to burst back.

"Come on, don't you want to swallow it?"

"I see if you can swallow it." Long Fei snorted coldly.

After activating the power of Heaven and Earth Fate, he is the Pangu tribe.

No, it is a stronger existence than the Pangu people, because he is a Pangu body with the heart of Pangu, and those who fought against the previous mythical world are not on the same level.

You know, even the power of those people can sweep this seventh world, not to mention the current Long Fei.

The giant kun, trembling at this time, wanted to return to Aoyue's body in the wailing.

But how could Long Fei let him go.

Direct volley punch.


This punch, smashed from the sky, erupted with the power of falling to the ground, and landed heavily on the giant Kun.


The giant Kun whimpered, and the figure fell directly from the void. Under Long Fei's punch, it collapsed directly, and finally turned into a pure force, floating between the heavens and the earth.

And this power is the energy that has not been transformed after he swallowed it every time.

As for Aoyue, at this moment, her body has also undergone tremendous changes, her whole body seems to be deflated, and it has directly changed to your normal size.

"With this little strength, you still want to devour me?" Long Fei sneered in a deep voice.

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