In the blink of an eye, the suspended world once again spanned millions of miles.

Ahead, an indescribably huge city appeared in front of them.

Long Fei looked at the scene in front of him and was amazed.

"This is the largest city in the seventh world, Central City!" Zuo Si explained.

Along the way, he's always been on his toes. Moreover, he observed Long Fei from time to time. As long as Long Fei showed a somewhat curious expression, he would take the initiative to explain.

"Central City? Yes, very appropriate." Long Fei said.

Long Fei was looking forward to it when he arrived on the road, but when he saw it now, it did not disappoint him.

The whole city is very grand.

Not only that, this city is still an independent world.

Yes, it is an independent world.

Seeing that Long Fei was full of praise for this central city, a smile appeared on Zuo Si's face. Even, there is a little sense of superiority, and his face is full of relief.

It seems to be saying, look, there are good things in our system center.

However, suddenly.

When Zuo thought about the three words "good things", he couldn't help looking at Long Fei.

Just found that Long Fei's eyes are looking up and down the world.

Eyes full of longing.

It was as if the world had already taken a fancy to him.

"Damn it, this lunatic, isn't he thinking of the system center? After all, if that's the case, didn't I say that I'd lured a lunatic here?" Zuo Si's heart trembled, and his scalp felt numb.

When he looked at Long Fei again, he found that Chen Zhong's eyes were filled with endless longing.

Then, he looked at Huo Du again.

And Huo Du's eyes were just staring at him, and his eyes were still flickering.

"Damn, damn..." Zuo Si's heart suddenly became numb, and his heart sank to the bottom.

However, it cannot be stopped by now.

Soon, the suspended world has descended on this void.

At the moment when the floating world appeared, the entire Central City caused some commotion.

"Whose suspended world is this, so crazy? Don't you know that the suspended world cannot pass through the central city?"

"How arrogant is the floating world of only 100,000 miles? I really don't know whether to live or die."

"No, you see, all the corpses in this floating world are corpses, and they are also the corpses of dark creatures."

Immediately, everyone's eyes changed as they looked at the floating world.

At this moment, no one felt that Long Fei was crazy, and even thought that Long Fei was a hero.

This is their 7th world has always been ingrained in the concept.

Because they and the Dark Council are mortal enemies, they are generally proud of slaughtering the Dark Council. Now that Long Fei is coming from a suspended world full of dark creatures, they naturally have no resistance in their hearts, but are full of reverence.

Yes, it is reverence.

Suspended in the world, Chen Zhong saw the eyes of the residents in the city below and immediately spoke.

"My lord, I'm right. Look, they look at you as if they were worshipping gods." Chen Zhong said, his eyes very proud.

It's as if this honor was created because of him.

Huo Du didn't change much, as if all this had been expected.

But vaguely, his heart also gave birth to excitement, as if he, as a person floating in the world, is also a prosperous one.

Only Zuo Si, a group of embarrassed expressions.

In the bitter smile, the muscles of the corners of the mouth were mechanically pulled.

At this time, in the system center.

The people at the center of the system naturally saw this scene as well.

"It's too outrageous, it's completely arrogant, it's not taking our system center in the eyes."

"Give us a slap in the face as soon as you come? What does this mean? Are you telling the people in the city that our system center is incompetent?"

"As I said, this kind of person can't be given a face, otherwise he really thinks he has a face. Now, before the person arrives, I gave our system center a slap first. And Zuo Si, How does this work? It's really a shame for our system center."

The executives of the system center were full of anger on their faces. They didn't advocate making friends with Long Fei. If it wasn't for the controller, they would have even sent their energy to target Long Fei.

Therefore, seeing Long Fei's performance now, the coldness and killing intent in his heart erupted again.

It is the controller of the system system center, and there is a bit of displeasure on his face at this time.

He invited Long Fei, and there was indeed something to cooperate with.

However, seeing Long Fei's performance at this time, his face was full of dark clouds.

And all this, Long Fei naturally did not know, at this time Long Fei was above the void, and his eyes locked on the entire central city.

"Your Excellency, now that you have reached the central city, the suspended world should be put away." At this time, Zuo Si said.

He could already guess the thoughts of the group of people below, and he couldn't help but complain a little more in his heart.

"Huo Du, put away the floating world." Long Fei ordered.

After all, when it comes to other people's land, I always have to leave some Face for them.

"I'm a peace lover, Face still has to give." Long Fei thought to himself.

Then, Zuo Si directly verified his identity.

Remember, a transparent mask suddenly disappeared, opening a door.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and secretly said that he still underestimated the central city.

To be able to deploy such a huge protection system, the strength of the system center is absolutely incomparable.

Moreover, he can feel that this kind of protective cover that is invisible to the naked eye has the protective ability to resist his physical strength.

In other words, with his current physical strength, it is not easy to smash this protection.

Thinking of this, Long Fei's eyes became a little more intense.

However, it is only dignified.

As for the difficulty that made him feel, this power is not enough to see.

Then, a group of three people followed behind Zuo Si and entered the entire central city.

Along the way, Long Fei finally realized why the other party tried so hard to let him put away the floating world.

Because, now the people in this world are looking at him.

full of frenzy.

Yes, it's frenzy.

What's more, Long Fei read a bit of ambiguity in the eyes of countless women.

However, they are not ordinary people, and naturally they will not directly shout out like those people Long Fei met in the cultivation world before.

"Hey, my charm is nowhere to be placed." Long Fei shook his head lightly in his heart.

However, Long Fei didn't take it to heart.

For him, the more important thing is to see what the system center is paying attention to.

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