At this moment, Aoshan has fallen into madness. Long Fei's words made him feel as if he had been dissected, and all the secrets were directly exposed to others.

The anger had overwhelmed all his sanity.

There is only one thought in his mind now, that is to kill Long Fei, and he doesn't care about anything else at all.

As for Long Fei, the expression on his face also became slightly solemn, and he shook his head slightly.

"Hey, it's a pity. It seems that this system-level boss will not change his strength due to changes in his emotions at all. But it's okay, this way, it just cuts off his back." Long Fei thought in mind.

Although the solution made him a little disappointed, it did not make Aoshan's strength more tyrannical. But now, Aoshan has no more thinking, so taking the initiative to attack, just cut off his retreat.

Otherwise, if he considers that Long Fei can behead Wang Gobi and dares not take action, he turns around and flees, even Long Fei will feel a little troubled.

But now, this concern can disappear.

The next moment, Long Fei looked at the palm of the other's hand and was not afraid.

"System skills?" Long Fei thought to himself.

He could feel that the power displayed by Aoshan at this moment was not simply the energy given by the system, but more like the skills he displayed.

He can feel the killing intent contained in this palm, and it comes with a locking function, just like the mad punch of the gods before him.

For a time, Long Fei also had some reverie in his heart.

"Forget it, I can't hold it anymore. Even if I use any power to kill you, the result is the same. However, it's time for me to return to myself."

"Blade of the Realm King, come out." Long Fei shouted.

He also thought about this. Before, he was still thinking about using Dantian's power. However, although the Dao of the three thousand worlds controlled by Dantian is extraordinary, it seems a little powerless in the rules of the Supreme world. Unless he can integrate his own clone, then the reversal and qualitative change can occur, and the power can be raised to the same level as the current forbidden power of heaven and earth, or the power of the current system. But right now, it's still not enough.

And when he came to this world, Long Fei had already learned by sensing the power of Wang Gobi that there was a sky-hunting army in this world. Of course, although it may not be in this world, if you still use this power, you may be noticed by the other party.

Although Long Fei is not afraid.

But the road still has to be taken step by step, and the meal has to be eaten one bite at a time. He was too busy to deal with them at all.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Long Fei decisively decided the power of the system.


A long knife appeared in Long Fei's hand.

As soon as the long knife appeared, he was eager to try it in Long Fei's hands, and began to tremble constantly, as if he had been silent for too long, and wanted to show his might.

"Don't worry, it won't be long before the entire Supreme world will be terrified by your existence." Long Fei said softly, and then faced the void with a single stroke.


A knife, without any bells and whistles, is the most common knife.

A touch of disdain and ridicule flashed at the corner of Aoshan's mouth, but after a while, the expression on his face changed and became extremely exciting.

In front of his eyes, the space collapsed, the void burst, and wherever the knife light passed, a piece of void murderous intent was directly formed, as if as long as he got close, he would sink deep into it and be obliterated by the long knife.

"No, it's impossible! System skills, this is the power of the system. You... you actually control this kind of system, and the system level is so high. This is impossible, it is absolutely impossible. Who are you? Who are you? ?" Aoshan's figure came to an abrupt end, and even the skills that he played out gave up halfway.

Of course, this is not within his control.

Because in front of Long Fei's sword, his system skills are scumbags, and he doesn't even have the courage to face Long Fei's sword head-on.

And the situation here is naturally seen by everyone.

In an instant, a look of disbelief appeared on everyone's faces.

"Impossible, what's the situation? The means of the controller are basically the top power in the peerless level, and the average person can't bear it at all, but why does the power in the face of this person disintegrate by itself."

"My God, could it be said that this person's system level is still higher than Wushuang?"

"Impossible, Supreme is above the peerless. How is this possible!"

Countless people were stunned, and the results in front of them made them all feel collapsed, and a deep sense of powerlessness emerged in their hearts. It is no exaggeration to say that Long Fei's sword not only directly disintegrated Aoshan's power, but also collapsed their hearts.

Even the strongest Aoshan can't stop this handy knife, if they were replaced, why would they resist?

All of a sudden, a desire to escape appeared in everyone's heart.

Here, for them, it is already a purgatory on earth, and they cannot stay any longer, otherwise they will die.

As soon as they thought of this, their figures began to want to retreat.

But how could this scene be hidden from Long Fei.

Want to go?

Totally impossible!

"I want to go now? Do you know why I told you so much nonsense just now? It's not that daddy is afraid of you, but that the power when you came has not dissipated."


Long Fei shouted loudly.

Immediately, the blade of the realm king, as if alive, was released directly from Long Fei's hand.

Puff puff puff!

In an instant, countless heads rolled to the ground directly under Long Fei's knife, without any resistance, it was a direct kill.

At the same time, Aoshan in front of him was also hit by the previous knife light without any accident, and his entire body split directly from the middle, and finally fell heavily.

The whole process is completely torture.

"Hey, it's too weak." Long Fei sighed, he really wanted to say something before he shot, you are free.

But obviously, these people are not even qualified to let him say these words.

There is only one reason, that is, his system is enough to crush them.

Then, Long Fei, who was familiar with the road, put away the systems left by these people after they died.

"Look, the opportunity has already been given to you. But there's nothing you can do. The person you called is too weak to be attacked." Long Fei looked at Aoyang and said coldly.

"You..." Aoyang trembled in his hands and wanted to speak, but found that in front of Long Fei, he was not even qualified to speak. A head fell.

He just couldn't understand it until he died.

Why, Long Fei is so powerful.


At this time, the sound of the system appeared.

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