He is now in a completely desperate state.

Without the slightest doubt!

He knew very well that his current situation was extremely dangerous. Not to mention whether this floating world is Long Fei. Even if it is not, his end is also death, just a little earlier.

But if it is, his fate will change, no matter who he is, he can only lie down in front of Long Fei.

"Hmph, boy, you are courting death. I don't care what your status is in the center of this system, but I can tell you responsibly that you have angered us."

"Also, if you insist so much, it must be a secret."

"I see it, even at the cost of offending us and letting this floating world come in, maybe it's a conspiracy. However, I can only tell you that you are too naive. You are very strong in our auction house. I don't know."

Several people in the auction house had disdain and contempt on their faces.

Bei Qi said nothing.

However, the only thing that made him happy was that several people didn't make a move now, and it was obvious that they were no longer ready to close the auction house. This result was the last straw for him.

At this time, the black spot outside was also getting bigger and closer.

And Bei Qi's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

He didn't know if the owner of this floating world was Long Fei, but almost all his mind was condensed on this floating world.

And that floating world finally caught everyone's eyes.

"Moling City!" Bei Qi saw the city logo floating in the world, and his heart suddenly burst again.

For him, this is hope. And, the hope is growing.

However, the distance was too far, and he couldn't see whether the person in the floating world was Long Fei.

"Six people? One man, five women? Is this what you expect?" At this moment, the person from the auction house suddenly said again.

And as the voice fell, Bei Qi's heart became even more excited.

Five women, one man, this is too suitable for Long Fei. Although it looks a little different from his cognition on the human head. However, this camp is very close to Long Fei.

At this moment, Bei Qi felt that he was breathing very quickly.

Gradually, the floating world got closer and closer, and the expression on Bei Qi's face became more and more excited.


He finally saw the figure floating in the world, who else could it be if it wasn't Long Fei!

In silence, Bei Qi only felt like a wandering child, and now he has finally found his own home. In addition to being excited, even tears were left behind.

He knew that he finally made the right bet!

Also, he finally didn't have to die.

As for Long Fei's strength, he never doubted it. As long as Long Fei appeared, the owner of this auction house has been modified.

No matter who it belonged to before!

But at this moment, it was destined to belong to Long Fei.

Boom boom boom.

At this time, the floating world finally came to the front, but it stopped.

Naturally, Long Fei also saw Bei Qi in his current state, and felt a little cruel in his heart.

"Could it be that I was a little cruel to let a system controller make such an expression?" Long Fei thought to himself.

Of course, he also saw the expressions of several other people in his eyes, and immediately understood.

"It seems that Bei Qi is hanging around here, which is a little different from what I thought. Especially now, it seems that Bei Qi is still insisting, which leaves a gap for me." Long Fei thought to himself.

Thinking about it, the hostility in Long Fei's heart grew a little.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Long Fei wanted to kill.

Of course, the reason is not only because of the aggrieved appearance of Northern Qi now, but more importantly, he feels the breath of heavy mountains here.

"Oh, it's really a narrow road for the enemy. This time, some accounts have to be settled." Long Fei thought to himself, and then looked at the only gap left.

"Open the door." Long Fei said.

The tone is domineering and firm, unquestionable.

"Sir, you're finally here. If you come so late, I feel like my life will be explained here." Bei Qi's eyes filled with tears, endlessly holding back his anger.

But Long Fei didn't care.

On the contrary, when Xuan Yang and others saw this scene, they shook their heads slightly, showing some pity.

"Sure enough, there really is a problem with this person, and it is really your person. However, even if you are here, do you think you can run wild here? Do you know where this place is?" At this time, the auction house said one of them.

"Is it important? Say my words again, open the door." Long Fei said coldly.

Not at all.

The Tianneng Auction may be awesome, and the background may be amazing. But wanting to use this to threaten Long Fei was wrong.

In the world of Long Fei, there is absolutely no threat. Even the original heavy mountain was just taking advantage of Long Fei's weakness. Therefore, in Long Fei's heart, he had already sentenced the auction house to death, and he had already swore secretly that when he rescued his own woman, he would have to make the entire Tianneng auction house pay the price.

"Presumptuous, do you know what you're facing? It's the Tianneng auction house. Ignorance is not scary, but the scary thing is that you still use ignorance as your standard of behavior. Boy, give you a chance, kneel down and apologize now, maybe I can still give you a way out, otherwise..." Suddenly, the person from the auction hall suddenly said.

A look of arrogance.

Just as he was talking, his words stopped abruptly.

At this moment, the person beside him suddenly turned around and looked at him, full of surprises.

But when they turned around, panic appeared on their faces.

Because at this time, the mouth of the man in front of him was still open, and the expression on his face was still unattainable. But his head has been separated from his body.

Finally, after a moment, a head rolled heavily to the ground.

Even in the end, his consciousness dissipated, and he didn't know how he died.

"You want to give me a chance, but unfortunately, I won't give you a chance. And the two of you, I won't say it a third time. You only have three breaths, and after three breaths, if the door has not opened, He is your fate." Long Fei said.

Domineering, like a ruler.

Everything must be done according to his will.

In an instant, infinite panic appeared on the faces of the two of them, and their figures burst back again and again.

"Enemy attack!" Suddenly, one of them shouted loudly.

However, before he could continue to speak, a light flashed, and his head rolled down instantly, and blood spurted out like a column.

"Forget it, since you don't open it, then I can only destroy this door. Just right, Quan should give Chongshan a gift." Long Fei raised his mouth, smiled evilly, and immediately faced a door that was about to close in front of him. The door slammed out.

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