On the vertical day, Long Fei and Chong Shan came to the auction grounds early in the morning, looking at the boundless sky, their thoughts were different.

For Long Fei, it is natural to have extremely high expectations.

Long Fei's heart was infinitely excited when he thought that a thousand peerless systems would appear in his hands later.

The system represents experience.

As long as the experience is in place, the strength will double in an instant.

Therefore, even though Long Fei has experienced so much, he is still looking forward to it. But beside him, Chong Shan's face was full of sadness.

Long Fei being here alone is an absolute suppression. What he was afraid of was that Long Fei, relying on his own strength, would come with an overlord clause and leave directly.

At that time, even returning to the first world would be extremely troublesome.

"Happy, how can I say that this auction has been successfully completed. Come with me, you still look like this, are you looking down on me?" Long Fei said lightly.

Looking at the heavy mountain with a bitter gourd face, I laughed in my heart.

"It's so hard now, what will happen later?" Long Fei thought to himself.

Of course, Long Fei is revenge. Back then, Chongshan used him as a gun and used him from behind. How could Long Fei forget this matter? He didn't kill Chongshan just because Long Fei still had worries in his heart, that's all.

As for today, Long Fei never imagined that he would distribute the things handed over by the people of the 50th World to Zhongshan. As for what happened after Chongshan, Long Fei didn't believe that according to Chongshan's ability, it would be difficult to protect himself.

The big deal is to directly throw the blame on yourself or the fifth world.

It is impossible for a person like him to put himself in a dangerous place.

"I can't laugh." Chongshan said.

The eyes became more indifferent.

The more relaxed Long Fei acted, the more flustered he felt. Long Fei is definitely not the kind of person who will consider things from the standpoint of others. On the contrary, he has always followed his heart when it comes to flying.

"Huh." Long Fei chuckled lightly.

Too lazy to continue talking.

However, I thought a lot in my heart, that is, has Zhongshan seen something?

But no matter what, Long Fei wouldn't let go of the given things.

Like this, time flies by. And the expressions on Long Fei and Rebirth's faces became more and more ambiguous.

"Why haven't they come yet? Could something have happened?" Chong Shan was extremely anxious.

He waited until now, the only hope in his heart was to wait for these people to come, and then Long Fei had no other thoughts, he took some things and left directly.

In this way, although there will be losses, it is also harmless.

But now, the situation has changed abruptly. If the people from the Fifth World don't come, all the waiting will be meaningless to him.

On the other hand, Long Fei frowned deeply at this time.

"Looks like I'm still too kind." Long Fei said in a deep voice. I originally thought that he opened the door yesterday, so that the other party can be smarter, hello me, hello everyone, so as not to go to war.

But now, the facts show that Long Fei's thoughts are still too simple.

"Long Fei, you mean they won't come?" Chong Shan said.

"It doesn't matter if you come or not, I'm getting impatient waiting. Bei Qi, let's go, let's go directly to the system center." Long Fei turned around and said.

Bei Qi had already been in love with Long Fei for a long time now, so he naturally did not dare to neglect Long Fei's words.

"Now, you have seen the situation. It's not that I don't give it, but the people in the fifth world are too inflated. So, when you return to the first world, you should know how to say it." Long Fei said, with a calm tone. .

Chongshan opened his mouth to speak, and wanted to make his last struggle, and wanted to walk with Long Fei.

But before he could speak, Long Fei glanced at him, and when he reached his lips, he stopped instantly.

He also felt that if he said one more sentence now, Long Fei would kill him without hesitation.

"I'm leaving now." Chong Shan said quickly.

Don't dare to stop for a moment.

But in his heart, he hated the people of the fifth world to death.

"A bunch of idiots, you can never imagine who you are provoking. The people who can chop up the auction floor into pieces are also people you can test? Wait to die, a bunch of idiots." Chong Shan's heart was also filled with anger.

Similarly, he has already thought of the wording, that is, directly throw the blame to the Fifth World, and throw the blame to the system center. Of course the same, how could he forget Long Fei.

After a while, Chong Shan left directly, and even took away the dilapidated auction house.

In the floating world, Long Fei's eyes flashed fiercely.

This decision of the Fifth World was really beyond his expectations. He thought that his shot yesterday was enough to shock them and make them fearful.

Unexpectedly, they finally made such a choice.

"My lord, I think that since they dare to go against your will, they must be fully prepared. Do we want to know a little more?" Bei Qi said.

"Yeah Long Fei, although you are very strong now, since they dare not come, it is estimated that they have some support. Let's take a look and talk about it." Xuan Yi also persuaded.

Although he has absolute confidence in Long Fei, he still has some worries in his heart.

"No, it's just a group of turkeys, nothing to worry about. But it's just right, they have done this, and the contradiction between the system center and the auction house has been buried. Next, let me enlarge it infinitely." Long Fei faintly said.

Although this sudden situation made Long Fei annoyed, it opened up a new route for Long Fei. After all, whether it is the system center or the auction floor, the water behind it is too deep. Although Long Fei is confident that he is not afraid of his own strength, but if he can find a little trouble between the two parties, Long Fei is still very eager in his heart.

"Auntie, don't worry about him. This big bad guy is so powerful and has never let us down. Since he said nothing this time, he must be under his control." Xuanyi said.

The crowd nodded.

Naturally, Bei Qi didn't dare to say more. He directly controlled the floating world to leave here, and the destination was naturally the center of the system.

As for this place, he is naturally familiar with the road, because he has entered it before, although it is only a day, but he already knows the location well.


The center of the system was silent.

In the system center, dozens of figures have gathered here, and these people are none other than people from the fourth world to the sixth world of the system.

"I said, it's just one person, as for scaring you like this? As for you saying that he is the Supreme system, it is impossible. Even in our fourth world, the Supreme system is only a handful, you say one How is it possible that outsiders have the Supreme system?" A voice suddenly appeared.

It is the controller of the fourth world system center, and his system is the unparalleled peak.

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