Long Fei was immediately stunned, and a basin of cold water was poured into his heart instantly. It is no exaggeration to say that before the system didn't tell him the news today, Long Fei felt that he was invincible.

Even in the face of the Supreme system, he will be invincible.

But now it looks like it's far away.

"But, what force is tracking me? Could it be the origin world where the challenge is located?" Long Fei was puzzled.

"The system has not found it. But it can be inferred that it has something to do with the system that the player gets. The system recommends the player not to use the system for a short time. Unless the player Cultivation Base breaks through again, or the system level is low and directly upgrade to S-level." The system said.

But it's more of a warning than a suggestion.

Long Fei felt unhappy in his heart.

Originally, he was going to use this power to return to the ancient world to see his own relatives, but now he can only go to waste.

But Long Fei also knew that the system was not joking. And he also recalled when he was in the refining system with one eye, and the owner of the other eye looked at each other across the air.

At that time, the other party said that he would definitely find him, and he said nonchalantly that he would wait for the other party to come.

It didn't matter anymore after that.

But now it seems that he is a joke in this game. The opponent's strength has alerted the system, and even consumes strength to resist the opponent's tracking.

For a while... the long-lost sense of urgency resurfaced in my heart.

At this time, the system also fell silent.

After a moment of contemplation, Long Fei woke up and was no longer entangled in this matter. Instead, the reincarnation turned his gaze to Bian Jiang.

"So, you have given me the resources of the entire Fifth World now?" Long Fei asked.

It's not Long Fei's character to be unfounded. When he was in Tianwu Continent, he knew some extremely powerful enemies, and it is the same now. No matter how strong the opponent is, he cannot let Long Fei stop what he wants to do.

"Sir, I really want to surrender." Bian Jiang, who dared to be disobedient, knelt directly in front of Long Fei and said tremblingly.

He was really scared. After seeing Long Fei's attack yesterday, he already knew clearly that in front of Long Fei, the result of these people was only one word at the end, and that was death. So he went straight to the point and surrendered directly.

But now it seems that Long Fei is not satisfied.

So in an instant, his heart was shrouded in fear, and he immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Long Fei felt extremely helpless when he saw Bian Jiang's performance.

"Okay, in that case, I will spare your life. You continue to be the controller of your system center. However, you have to help me with one thing." Long Fei said.

Bian Jiang looked at Long Fei incredulously, as if receiving amnesty, with infinite gratitude in his eyes.

"As much as you say, no matter what it is, I will do my best to do it." Bian Jiang said.

"I want to know which force in this world went to the eighth world not long ago and brought back a woman." Long Fei asked.

This is the purpose of his entry into the fifth world.

All processes are not important, only the result is important.

"Sir, wait a moment, I'll ask someone to ask." Bian Jiang said, and then the figure slowly retreated.

"Sir..." At this moment, Bei Qi spoke weakly.

"What? You want to stay in this fifth world?" Long Fei asked.

Long Fei already knew what Bei Qi wanted to say. Long Fei's experience is too much, and he has read countless people. As long as he opens his mouth, Long Fei has already guessed it. "I..." Bei Qi was slightly embarrassed.

He just wanted to stay in this world.

Long Fei is very strong, but he also knows that the gap between him and Long Fei will get bigger and bigger. If he continued, he simply couldn't catch up with Long Fei's footsteps. Moreover, he is also a contented person. Being able to come from the seventh world to the fifth world is already extremely satisfying to him.

"Okay, I get it. I said before that I respect your choice. Since you choose to stay here, it's fine here. If you give these things to you, it's not a waste for us to get to know each other." Long Fei said , and threw the storage ring he had obtained from Bian Jiang to Bei Qi.

"No, my lord, this is too precious." Bei Qi did not dare to accept it.

This is Bian Jiang's life-buying money, which can make Long Fei raise his hand and spare his life. It can be seen that it is absolutely extraordinary.

"It's okay, you deserve it." Long Fei said lightly.

"My lord... I didn't want these things, I..." Bei Qi said again.

"Okay, I still don't know what you're thinking? Don't worry, I can't wait too long." Long Fei said, his figure landed on the floating rage world, and he turned to leave. Only Bei Qi was left, and he stayed in the original place with a dull expression on his face. above the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a day has passed.

Long Fei's suspended world just stayed above the void. When Bianjiang arrived, Long Fei was already waiting in front of the suspended world.

"Sir, I have found the information you want. Those are people from the spirit and demon world. A few days ago, they left the world with great success, and when they returned, there was already one more person. It's exactly what they said." Bian Jiang said.

Long Fei nodded.

"But..." Bian Jiang said again at this time.

"But what?" Long Fei's eyes sank.

"But my lord, there are countless masters in this spirit and demon world, and the dark council is behind it. And recently, I heard that people from the upper world have been in frequent contact with them. If your lord is an enemy of them, you may have to think about it in the long run." Bian Jiang said.

Long Fei was taken aback.

Logically speaking, Bian Jiang should hate him very much now, wishing he died. Unexpectedly, he would even take the initiative to care about his safety.

And even Bian Jiang himself, naturally, he never imagined that what he said today would actually become the capital for his survival in the future.

"Okay, I know what you said. You just need to give me the coordinates of the spirit and demon world. By the way, if you encounter something beyond your control in the future, just say, I have spared you from dying. Also, Beiqi will Stay here, you should know how to do it." Long Fei said.

This is just a matter of who is the main one. Long Fei believes that with Bian Jiang's mind, he must have guessed his own request. So not saying more.

Bian Jiang's face was extremely disappointed, but he still didn't dare to show too much. In just a moment, he returned to normal and handed over the coordinates of the spirit and demon world to Long Fei.

Long Fei didn't stay any more, he controlled the floating world and left directly.

At this time, Bei Qi also came to his side.

Naturally, he didn't know what Long Fei had explained to Bian Jiang, but just as he was about to speak, he saw Bian Jiang kneeling directly.

"Master Bei Qi, you will be the controller of the fifth world in the future." Bian Jiang didn't hesitate at all. It could be seen that he was really too afraid of Long Fei.

Bei Qi was stunned, completely unaware of what was going on.

It wasn't until later, when the Tai Neng auction house was rampantly killed in the fifth world, and all the system centers were controlled and almost destroyed by humanity, did the two know what Long Fei's words meant...

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