A faint smile appeared at the corner of Long Fei's mouth, this senior brother has already explained everything, and there is no need to continue to show more.

"Don't worry. It seems that this tiger man has also had his memory sealed. I'll help him recover first." Long Fei patted the little Taoist priest on the shoulder and said lightly.

The little Taoist nodded innocently. He had no doubts about Long Fei's words.

"Not yet?" Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, the mad king, who had a bit of arrogance on his face, suddenly looked cowardly. Obediently walked down from above the void.

Obviously, he already believed more than half of Long Fei's words.

Then, Long Fei repeated his old technique, directly placing his palm on the head of the mad king.

After a while, the mad king also recovered, but he was still immersed in shock and digested that memory.

"Dad, what the hell is going on here?" Nezha was completely in a state of bewilderment. He promised to challenge him all the way, but now he has somehow become his own.

"It's like this..." Long Fei explained the origins of his own in the Temple of Life, the world behind the door, and the little Taoist priest in front of him.

"So, I was born in the world behind that door. So, I'm still very close to them." Nezha's face softened.

Looking at the little Taoist priest and the mad king in front of him, inexplicably got a good impression, and even took the initiative to come forward to comfort them.

"What a poor little Taoist priest. Long Fei big brother, please help him, don't let him go through this kind of Samsara suffering again." Xiao Yu'er said.

"Yeah Long Fei. It's too difficult for a little Taoist priest, Samsara time and time again, just to let her live one more life. This kind of feeling is very enviable."

"Damn, you must help him."

The three Xuanyi said one after another, and even Tu Shan Xiaoya and Tu Shan Xiaorong seemed to be hesitant to say anything.

Long Fei blushed, a little embarrassed.

what's going on?

What the hell is so envious?

Why do you feel like you're slapping your face?

Why does it feel like he is a fickle radish and doesn't change his mind at all.

But soon, this was covered up by Long Fei.

"Brother is not a scumbag, brother just wants to use his broad arms to give all of you a support." Long Fei comforted himself in his heart, showing that he did not bear this ruthless cauldron at all.

But again, Long Fei was ready to help the little Taoist priest without a few people talking. The little Taoist priest is his junior brother and his relative. How could he forget what the little Taoist priest in the Temple of Life had done for him back then. Coupled with the attitudes of several people, Long Fei believed that if he dared to say half a word, he might arouse public anger.


"Don't worry. I used to be powerless, but now that I have encountered it, this time I will definitely help the little Taoist to solve all the hidden dangers behind it. Never let him fall into Samsara again." Long Fei said firmly.

At this time, the little Taoist priest and the mad king had recovered.

Although this experience was too incredible for him. But the memory in their minds will not lie, they have already believed everything.

"Senior brother." The little Taoist said with a blushing face.

It was as if he had fought against Long Fei before and was abused by Long Fei, as if he had failed the assessment, for fear that Long Fei would be disappointed.

"Unexpectedly, after a while, you have become so powerful. Now I finally know why your brothers are willing to mix with you." The mad king also sighed with emotion.

Although he followed Long Fei into the Hongmeng world at first, he only helped Long Fei. Although Long Fei was very strong back then, there was at least a limit.

But now facing Long Fei again, he felt that Long Fei was an abyss, and after one more look, he felt awe in his heart.

"Hahaha, now you know the charm of daddy. How about it, do you want to consider accepting a boss, and I will cover you in the future." Long Fei said.

"Forget it, the little Taoist and I still have things to do." The mad king waved his hands quickly.

After all, he is also the master of the dark realm. If he is suddenly allowed to recognize a boss, he will feel uneasy psychologically.

"Don't worry, my junior brother's business is my business. You helped me in Hongmeng Realm at the beginning, but this time, it's me who will help you." Long Fei said firmly.

Directly relieve the embarrassment of the mad king.

Moreover, Long Fei's words are just a joke, and if you accept a younger brother, you have to follow the fate.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what happened, how did you enter this fifth world and still be the devil here?" Long Fei asked.

That's what really surprised him.

The little Taoist priest and the mad king looked at each other with embarrassment.

"Brother, to be honest, we were suppressed." The little Taoist looked embarrassed.

"Repression?" Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and then a chill erupted from his body.

"Yes. We originally appeared in the first world. At first, the Mad King and I felt that with our strength, even if we were not invincible, we should be able to rise quickly, and then we could investigate the location of the Charm King."

"However, it turned out that we were too naive."

The expression on the little Taoist priest's face was surprisingly solemn, even with a bit of grievance. "They are not human at all, they just treat us as dolls. We established our power in the first world, and then we were beaten up. The mad king and I were beaten to death. But the other party didn't kill us, and gave us to banished to

Second world. "

"Then the people in the second world are the same. Whenever we have a little hope, they will take action and destroy all our hopes. Then, the third world, the fourth world, until now..." The little Taoist priest I was almost crying.


Every time when there is a little hope, it is shattered by others. This kind of pain is unimaginable.

Long Fei couldn't help laughing, and felt a little distressed in his heart. No way, the harmless appearance of the little Taoist priest has always made people think that he is the weaker party. As for Xuanyi and the others, their eyes turned red.

At this moment, they even felt that the little Taoist priest was very affectionate, and for the woman he loved, he had been defeated and fought again and again, and he was indomitable...

Seeing this, Long Fei also felt a sense of crisis.

"No, this topic must be ended as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will be detained as being ruthless." Long Fei thought to himself.

At the same time, he took a deep look at the little Taoist priest, and felt that the little Taoist priest was a true lover who did not reveal his appearance.

"Okay, I don't need to talk about this matter. I will follow my senior brother in the future. No matter what the background of those people is, senior brother, I will definitely vent my anger for you." Long Fei said fiercely.

In order to restore his image as a good man, Long Fei paused for a while, and then said, "Even my junior brother's woman dares to rob. This kind of scum must die. My junior brother's woman is me..." Long Fei said Suddenly, I felt that the atmosphere was not right, and suddenly I saw the eyes of the little Taoist priest, the mad king, Nezha, and even Xuanyi and others.

With a strange emotion, he stared at Long Fei. "What are you thinking? What I said is that my younger brother's woman is what Long Fei wants to protect. No matter who it is, he must die." Long Fei finished speaking in one breath, for fear of misunderstanding again.

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