Not the enemy of unity at all.

Just one fight, Nezha's figure was blasted out directly. Even Nezha's strength couldn't even break the opponent's defense.

Is Nezha strong?

This is beyond doubt.

Although Nezha has not yet been fully developed, this power should not be underestimated.

Nezha's figure reappeared, but he was already seriously injured. He walked to the front of the Demon Palace again step by step, staring fiercely at the Demon Lord in front of him.

At this time, Nezha's three heads and six arms have been stained with blood, and his body has been cracked, which is terrible.

"Still standing up? Not bad, very good. I can see through your system, but it is an Integrated Union of several forces. There should be a force in your body that is suppressed by the system and has not awakened. If you really awaken If you come here, you might still be qualified to fight me, but now you are totally unworthy." The Palace Master Zhengmo said.

Nezha didn't say a word, gritted his teeth, and wanted to make another move, but at the moment he made the move, outside the body of the demon, the endless Devilish Qi surged directly into a huge fist.


The punch hit Nezha directly.

"Forgot to tell you, my system, in addition to being able to breed spirits and demons indefinitely, has another function. That is the power brand. This is the power you attacked just now, and I will give it back to you now." The voice fell above the void.

Nezha's face changed suddenly.

But it was only for a moment, the panic in his eyes was suppressed by Nezha.

Only a light remained in his eyes.

That is unyielding.

"Dad taught me so much, but he never taught me to admit counseling. Come on, it's a big deal." Nezha roared and mobilized his energy again.

However, his current physical body simply can't bear the means he used before.

Click click!

In the blink of an eye, Nezha's body began to crack, even more serious than before. Moreover, this kind of power is a kind of internal splendor. It is no exaggeration to say that if Nezha continues to forcibly mobilize his own power, the biggest possibility is to collapse directly.

"Boy, stop now!"

"Nezha, stop."

Whether it's the mad king or Xuan Yang in the floating world, they all hurriedly spoke.

They had seen the unusualness of this righteous demon long ago.

But still full of hope for Ne Zha.

Because of their trust in Long Fei, they knew that this power was given to Nezha by Long Fei. Since Long Fei thought that Nezha could stop it, they naturally believed that Nezha was fine.

But now, they found that they were wrong.

The power given by Long Fei may be very strong.

But Nezha has not really controlled it yet, and the people he faces are not weak, even strong.

At this time, they had to open their mouths to stop them. They were afraid that Nezha would have any accident. Otherwise, they would not know how to face Long Fei at that time.

But now, Nezha's eyes didn't have the slightest luster, as if he hadn't heard their words, his own momentum was still improving.

The spear was like fire, bursting out with endless killing intent, piercing the void.

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar, and Nezha hit Qilin's arm and attacked the Lord of True Demons frantically.

Then, a punch from Pangu.

The three forces were mobilized by Nezha again. It is no exaggeration to say that the explosion of these three forces, even the peak of the peerless system, may not be able to withstand it.

"Replaying the old tricks, that's all you have to do." The Lord of True Demons was full of disdain in his eyes. In his opinion, Nezha no longer poses any threat. Even if Nezha used this kind of power in his heyday, it didn't cause any harm to him, let alone now?

The current Nezha is seriously injured and has no qualifications to control this kind of power. Forcibly controlling it, but it can only make him die faster.

There was contempt in the eyes of the Lord of the Demons, and a ruthless expression was drawn at the corners of his mouth, and his hands were raised slightly.

The next moment, countless spirits and demons gathered under his hands and shot in the air.


There was a loud bang. Nezha's figure was directly blasted away, and all his means were turned into ashes under this palm.

It was directly annihilated, and it did not even pose the slightest threat to the Lord of True Demons.

"Weak, really too weak. Originally, I wasn't going to take action. But Spirit Devil Venerable has already dispatched spirit guards, which shows that he doesn't want you to move on. If you left directly, I wouldn't bother. Take action. After all, you are so weak, even if you continue to walk, you can't stop the power of the spirit guards. In the end, it is also a dead end. It's a pity that you are too clueless to dare to challenge my authority. Let you know today that in front of me, you are too weak to come here." The Lord of Righteous Demon said lightly.

A look of arrogance.

Gradually, his footsteps came directly in front of Nezha.

Now Nezha is dying.

When the power reaches their level, there is rarely a distinction between superior and inferior.

The gap, the gap is really too big. Between fights, it is life and death.

"Why not?" The Demon Lord mocked.

Nezha's body was stiff and blood was all over his body.

But Nezha's eyes still revealed unyielding, staring at the righteous master in front of him.

"Tsk, are you still not giving up? Since that's the case, I'll let you give up completely." The Demon Lord's eyes flickered fiercely, and he grabbed Nezha's arm.

Push hard.

Stab it!

An arm was torn off by him.

"Stop!" At this moment, the mad king moved.

He knew that he was not the opponent of the Lord of Righteous Demons in front of him. He was also waiting for a miracle, but unfortunately, Nezha didn't break out after all.

But now, Nezha was right in front of him. Thinking that the arrogant boy who was helping him regain his confidence just a moment ago was torn apart by life, he couldn't bear it any longer.


The Demon Lord sneered, and then slapped back.


The mad king's body was instantly knocked into the air, and he immediately retreated thousands of feet.


The mad king spurted out a mouthful of blood, and this palm almost made him lose his soul.


That kind of absolute power almost made him despair, and it was not something he could bear at all. Under this palm, his fleshly body almost collapsed, and it was impossible to get up.

And the Lord of Righteous Demon didn't even bother to take a look, but re-fixed his gaze on Nezha.

When he saw the anger and unyielding in Nezha's eyes, his eyes were even more dusty.

"If you don't accept it, the weak must have the consciousness of the weak. If you don't accept it, I will fight you to accept it!"

The Lord of the Demons shot at random, grabbed Nezha's two arms, and his strength exploded.

Stab it!

The two arms were torn off directly by him.

Immediately, blood was spilled.

In the suspended world, the girls couldn't bear to look directly, and even Xuan Yu and the others couldn't help but want to take action. If they hadn't been stopped by Tu Shan Xiaorong, they would have already rushed out of the suspended world.

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