In the suspended world, somewhere, Long Fei stood with his hands behind his back.

He saw the battle in front of the Demon Palace clearly. Even a few times he couldn't help but want to make a move, but he knew better that if he made a move this time, it would be even more difficult for Nezha to really get out of himself in the future.

So, he just looked at it.

Fortunately, Nezha brought him a surprise.

Supreme system!

"System, can Nezha's system still be upgraded?" Long Fei asked.

This is bullshit.

It is no exaggeration to say that now Nezha's system, the violent power, can already run rampant in this world. In this fifth world, there are not many who can confront Nezha.

If Nezha's power is not the limit now, and there is still room for upgrading, it will be unknown to what extent it can reach in the future.

"Yes! But it's up to you. This system is created by the player, and you can add alternative powers without limit, but after those powers are integrated, they can reach the critical point of the Supreme system. At that time, Nezha's system will be able to break through again." the system explained.

It can be seen that there is a bit of shock in the system's words.

Long Fei's eyes filled with joy

"Continuous fusion of power? This is possible. But now it seems that this world should not exist." Thinking in his heart, with a thought, Long Fei reappeared in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, under the coffin of eternal life.

At this time, Long Fei could clearly perceive that there was already some kind of connection between himself and the coffin of immortality. It seems that as long as he is willing, the coffin of eternal life can immediately recognize the master.

"It seems that my clone is now in this coffin of immortality, and it is about to reach its peak. The body of immortality... I'm looking forward to it. But now, the strength is enough, so let's keep it as a hole card." Long Fei thought .

He was not too anxious to integrate.

Especially knowing from the system that the so-called Supreme system, in the place of origin, seems to be a little trouble, so Long Fei is a little more alert.

He didn't know how his own power would change after becoming the Lord of Eternal Life, but for Long Fei, if it was a critical moment, it might be a means of saving his life.

"Little Taoist priest, we should go." Long Fei said lightly.

The words fall.


Coffin open!

The power of immortality turned into brilliance, flashing the world, surging, as if to explode.

But in the end, when he noticed the existence of Long Fei, they all fell silent again, and there were a few lines wrapped around Long Fei's body directly, as if showing goodwill.

It's a recognition!

Long Fei had never had this feeling before.

"Damn it, it really is a gap. Before I wanted to use the power of the coffin of immortality, I asked my grandfather to tell my grandmother. I can't think of it now, and it actually took the initiative to join me." Long Fei thought to himself.

Gap, naked gap.

Thinking that when he used the power of the coffin of immortality, he still needed to discuss with the other party, and combined with the current reversal, Long Fei felt relieved.

As if sensing the change in Long Fei's mood, the power of immortality surrounded Long Fei, jumping up and down, as if explaining.

"Okay, I know. Don't worry, I won't be angry because of this. Besides, I couldn't bear it at all." Long Fei said lightly.

He could feel the message that the power of immortality conveyed to him.

Then, Long Fei looked at the coffin of immortality again.

He knew that the coffin of eternal life had a spirit.

"Come out and talk?" Long Fei asked.


The coffin of immortality shook.

At the same time, Long Fei also had a message in his heart, that is, he can't walk away now.

No way to be arrogant, it seems that even now Long Fei is one step away from the Lord of Eternal Life, he is not Giving face.

Hearing this response, Long Fei pouted extremely helplessly.

The next moment, Long Fei didn't bother to care about another artifact, and with a wave, the figure of the little Taoist appeared from the coffin of immortality.

"Brother!" said the little Taoist priest.

Long Fei took a fixed look and asked, "How do you feel?"

The little Taoist priest now doesn't look any different from before, but Long Fei can perceive that the current little Taoist priest has changed. Very confident.

It seems that everything in the world has been ignored.

"Okay, surprisingly good. I never thought that one day I would also be able to have an immortal Taoist body." The little Taoist priest was very excited and full of gratitude.

If it wasn't for Long Fei, he might have basically fallen into this world. Now, it has been reborn from the ashes.

How could he not be excited.

"The Tao of Eternal Life?" Long Fei was stunned for a moment, obviously also a little curious about this question.

"The Tao of Eternal Life is the physique that is closest to the power of eternal life. That's what the master told me when he brought me into his sect. He said that if one day I have the opportunity to follow the Lord of Eternal Life, I will be able to awaken the Taoist body of immortality, and at that time, I will be able to get rid of Samsara's suffering. Use my physical strength to continue her life," said the little Taoist priest.

As he spoke, his eyes became more and more excited.

"The old way of eternal life? Did he already know that I would become the master of eternal life?" Long Fei touched the bridge of his nose.

Kind of weird.

At the beginning, he had summoned the Hall of Eternal Life under the coffin of Eternal Life, entered the three thousand worlds behind the door under the guidance of the old Tao of Eternal Life, and cultivated three thousand ways. In his eyes at that time, the old way of immortality was just like that, ordinary.

But now that the little Taoist priest said this, Long Fei felt that the old Taoist was a little mysterious.

"Master also said that when I awaken the Tao of Eternal Life, let me follow you. When you become the Lord of Eternal Life, as long as you open your mouth, the Charm King will be able to get rid of his fate." The little Taoist insisted.

Long Fei did not speak.

"It seems that my cheap master is still very mysterious." Long Fei thought to himself.

But to say that this old man is mysterious, it would be better to say that the Temple of Promise is even more mysterious.

After all, it is a kind of terrifying existence that is not inferior to system traffic.

"Senior brother, don't you agree?" At this moment, the little Taoist priest's voice fell again, looking at Long Fei, full of pleading.

Long Fei smiled

"When I become the Lord of Eternal Life, I promise you two eternal life." Long Fei said domineeringly.

Unparalleled momentum.

What Long Fei could not have imagined was that at this moment, as his voice fell, the color of the sky suddenly changed, and then, a word descended from the sky.

Directly branded on the eyebrows of the little Taoist priest.

"Damn! Follow your words?" Long Fei was stunned.

I never imagined that my words now possess such terrifying power.

Long Fei couldn't see that word, but Long Fei could feel it. After the word entered the little Taoist's eyebrows, the more he could feel in his heart, there was a new kind of difference between himself and the little Taoist. Inexplicable connection.


It can be said that now the two have become closer because of this sentence.

At the same time, in the first world, in an unknown place, in a huge cage.

A woman with a beautiful appearance, but with scars all over her body, was also shrouded in the word at this time, and finally did not enter the eyebrows.

However, this power was fleeting, and it didn't cause anyone else's attention at all.

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