Destroying the world, this is not the first time for Long Fei to do this.

The only difference is that the Galaxy Cluster world was destroyed before, and now it is the Supreme world.

In Long Fei's hands, two systems appeared in exchange. It wasn't that he didn't move, it was the troll system and the spirit system.

More than half of the system conditions for creating the Demon Lord have been completed.

In addition to the positive magic system, and the true magic system of Bawanghua itself, the distance to fusion is only the last one.

Eternal Demon!

It's just that I don't know where the system is now. Even if Long Fei has any thoughts in his heart, he can only suppress it.

"System, what method can I use to deal with the situation of the Overlord Flower?" Long Fei asked the system directly after solving the spirit and demon world.

That's what he's most concerned about.

"System fusion is not possible now, unless five systems have at the same time, it is possible to successfully merge. Otherwise, it will only make him more painful." The system voice fell.

"Five systems? Where is the Eternal Demon's system?" Long Fei asked quickly.

Originally, he thought that he now had at least four systems, which could restore the Overlord Flower, but now it seems that he thought it was too simple.

"The system can't perceive it." The system left a voice silently.

"Then what should I do now? Where can I find it?" Long Fei was a little annoyed.

I thought that if the world of spirits and demons was solved, everything would be solved.

But now it seems that it is all his wishful thinking.

"Long Fei." At this moment, Bawanghua suddenly said.

Long Fei leaned over directly and came to Overlord Flower's side, looking at the haggard face and sluggish vitality, as if Overlord Flower was suffering infinite pain, Long Fei felt a pain in his heart.

"I'm here." Long Fei didn't say much, but there were only two words, but a smile appeared on Bawanghua's face.

They have been through a lot over time.

But immutability is their true heart.

She needs it, he's here!

Just like at the beginning, Long Fei broke into the other party's conspiracy layout regardless of the situation, just to protect the Overlord Flower.

That was his guardian, and it never changed.

"I thought I would never see you again, it's so nice to see you..." Bawanghua said with difficulty.

It seemed like she didn't say a word, it was torture for her.

Long Fei's face already had two lines of clear tears.

"You don't need to say more, I know it all. In the future, no matter what, I will carry it." Long Fei said firmly.

"No, let me say it. I'm afraid I won't have a chance again." Overlord Flower is extremely weak.

Except for Long Fei, no one knew what kind of pain she was suffering at this time, the kind of pain that scorched her soul.

"I know, I know it. Don't worry, I won't let you have an accident." Long Fei's eyes were full of overlord flowers, and his hands were slightly hard.

"It's still the same as before, just so confident. But I know that you will endure a lot. On my side, you don't have to be so tired, but you have to remember that in this life, you owe me a family. Also, I It's your eternal Overlord Flower." Overlord Flower's spirit became weaker and weaker.

It seems that after saying this sentence, her soul has been emptied.

After saying this, she closed her eyes.

Long Fei's expression stiffened.

"No!"? Long Fei's voice ripped apart the world, and the feeling of endless grief instantly filled the entire sky.


In an instant, Long Fei was injured, and the world mourned.

There was no light in the sky, and the rain began to drift.

But this rain is blood rain.

It seems that in the dark, the laws of this side of the world are also affected by Long Fei's emotions, and they feel the same sorrow as Long Fei.

The stars began to dim, and the countless stars began to change, everything withered, and the creatures cried.

Vaguely, there was a whimpering sound coming from the distant unknown.

In the ancient world, at this moment, the whole world began to vibrate.

Everyone looked up at the void.

Tears were on her face.

"Why is this? I'm so sad all of a sudden."

"It seems that this part of the world is mourning. What happened?"

"No, I don't want this feeling."

At this moment, the creatures in the ancient world began to mourn, and some even began to kneel and pray.

Soon, if there is a first, there will be a second.

In an instant, the entire ancient world began to pray.

Above the mountain, Liu Luoxi, Lan Mei, Su Su...all the women of Long Fei, as well as Mu Wan'er, Long Zhanting, Long Wudi, Long Yingdao...

There were tears on everyone's face.


"Long Fei!"

They all felt it, and the reason for this feeling was because of Long Fei. All of a sudden, everyone started to worry.

However, they are incapable of power, and can only start to pray like all beings in this world.

At this time, in a certain starry sky.

The central location of the Endless Star package is a shrine.

"The power of eternal life? It is the power of eternal life, who is it, why is the power of eternal life full of sad emotions, what happened? Check, give me a thorough investigation!" In the temple, suddenly A sound erupted.

Likewise, where the Supreme world originated.

A shock, but also because of the inexplicable sadness in this endless universe, swept a storm.

The fifth world, which is the closest to Long Fei, is the most obvious.

The energy of heaven and earth is dissipating inexplicably.

In the center of the system, Bei Qi looked in a certain direction.

"It's your lord, what happened?" Bei Qi's face was flustered.

But he knew that even if he knew that this matter was related to Long Fei, he had no other choice. If there is anything in this world that even Long Fei can't handle, then even if it's him, it's useless to go.

Elsewhere, in the Dark Council, the Lord of Darkness turned pale.

"The damn world of spirit and demons has angered this evil star after all." The Lord of Darkness scolded and pondered slightly, and then he chose to go without hesitation.

The screen turned around and returned to Long Fei.

Long Fei's hair turned blood red.


Boundless anger!

He hates, hates this day, hates this place. He worked hard for cultivation, so that one day, the people around him would not be hurt in the slightest.

However, even if he is so strong now, he still can't stop him, watching his beloved woman just fall down in front of himself.

Long Fei just knelt on the ground halfway, holding the Overlord Flower in both hands.

At this moment, his mind was blank, like a walking corpse, looking at the front dumbly.

Xuanyi and the others were even more silent at this time, with tears flashing on their faces.

They wanted to comfort Long Fei very much, but they didn't know where to start.

But, at this moment, Long Fei's eyebrows suddenly flickered, and then, a coffin slowly emerged.

Long Fei's eyes moved along the coffin, and vaguely, there was a glint in his eyes.


The coffin was slowly opened, and in Long Fei's arms, Bawanghua's body began to slowly vacate, and was finally buried in the coffin.

And Long Fei finally came back to his senses, and his eyes glowed again.

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