Primordial Chaos shouted angrily, full of horror.

Now that this layer of space is under his control, he can naturally perceive clearly that the Qi of Chaos is dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Long Fei's figure, wrapped in the power of chaos, not only has not been assimilated, but the aura of the flesh has become more and more tyrannical.

"Who are you? What kind of power are you, and why are you able to devour my breath? No, this is absolutely impossible." Primordial Chaos became irritable.

At this moment, he began to panic.

Heart is even more hated.

Because he had already sensed that the strength of Long Fei was unusual before, and he had already surrendered. But Long Fei's attitude made him persevere again, so now even if he wants to go back, there is no chance.

"Nothing is impossible. I have to say, the breath of your primordial chaos is very different from the power of chaos that I have been exposed to before. Even this breath can devour that power. Unfortunately, you will never Know what kind of enemy you are facing." Long Fei opened his eyes and said.

But when I finished, I felt something was wrong.

Because of this kind of dialogue, when he was still in the ancient world, many people from the heavenly family spoke up.

I just didn't expect that, now it's reversed, and it's my turn to speak.

With a wry smile, Long Fei suppressed the thoughts in his heart. Because he knew that even if he said these words, it was not the arrogant state of Tianjia.

Because he didn't change his mind.

In other words, he wasn't actively provoking.

If it wasn't for the person who moved him under the abyss, he wouldn't even understand what was under the abyss.

All I can say is that everything is doomed.

And this is Karma.

Therefore, for the enemy, Long Fei will never have any mercy in the future. If a few words now can make the other party's heart break down, for Long Ei, it will be even more enjoyable.

"Your power... No, it actually has true meaning, how is this possible. My ancient power is already one of the most powerful forces between heaven and earth, and it can still be suppressed by your power. How is this possible." Taikoo Chaos All amazed.

"The power of the ancient times?" Long Fei was taken aback.

This time, even Long Fei's heart skipped a beat.

In his heart, there is a kind of unknown about the word Taikoo.

But he believes that this is definitely an existence that is older than the power of the ancient world. Not to mention that this power is full of power and antiquity, just the fact that the power of immortality cannot be easily cracked can already show that this power is extraordinary.

"Ah, stop it, don't swallow it any more. If you swallow it again, I will die." Primordial Chaos roared, panicking infinitely.

At the same time, a mini figure appeared.

It seems to be the primordial chaos body.

It can be said to be mini, but there are several feet in size.

"Hold up?" Long Fei sneered with a mocking expression on his face. Now that it has reached this level, the other party is still delusional and wants to give up, which is really stupid.

"If I couldn't devour your power, would you choose to let me go? No! So, do you think it's meaningful for you to say such a begging for mercy now?" Long Fei said, giving no chance at all.

The next moment, he got up directly and released all the power of the heaven and earth, and his body began to soar at this time, and instantly became several tens of meters in size.

And with the change of Long Fei's body, the power of Heaven and Earth Fate also burst out even more.



Crazy Devour!

The power of chaos in the entire space poured into Long Fei's body like a wind and a cloud.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire space has regained its clarity.

It is the Primordial Chaos, and under the swallowing of Long Fei, the body began to shrink continuously.

As if what Long Fei devoured at this moment was his body.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I admit defeat." Primordial Chaos said without any morals.

But Long Fei was unmoved.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Will Long Fei give up this kind of power that can make his body stronger? impossible!

It's like when you're fighting a boss, when you can explode with the last hit, let the other party run away!

Long Fei said that he would never do such a disgusting thing.

"Ah, ah, human, you are so cruel. But don't worry, you can't kill me. We will meet again soon, and then I must let you know, what is life better than death, and I will witness it with my own eyes. How do you die." Primordial Chaos roared.

There was unwillingness in the roar.

Ke Longfei completely ignored it.


Finally, Primordial Chaos was powerless to resist, and directly under Long Fei's devour, it finally exploded, and finally turned into a pure chaotic aura that entered Long Fei's body.

In the system space, Chi Xue was dumbfounded.

Such a terrifying existence disappeared like this.

"Your Excellency is stronger." Tu Shan also said with a smile.

Chi Xue was stunned for a moment, and then he realized it, looking at Long Fei with a look of awe.

And Long Fei has closed his eyes now, he quietly felt himself.

Now, in his flesh, there are two more powers.

No, it should be three forces.

The first is the power of repression.

The second is the power of Yin spirits.

The third is the power of chaos.

The three forces have completely melted into his flesh and blood, making his physical body at this time go a step further.

"Half step has been immortalized. Moreover, this is a kind of immortality in terms of power, which is completely different from the immortal avatar in the coffin of immortality. In the future, if I integrate the immortal avatar, what place of origin, what Longbatian, everything It's scum." Long Fei laughed wildly in his heart.


Of course, he now has that qualification.

Compared with the ancient world, he is now many times stronger. Long Fei felt that even if he was facing some kind of Zun Zhou, he didn't need his own skills, the power of immortality, or even the fate of heaven and earth.

Even if you use your pure physical strength, you can still explode with one punch!

Thinking of this, Long Fei was infinitely excited.

You know, it has only passed the third floor, and there are four floors below.

"Confirmed the eyes, this abyss master is a good person. As long as Chen Zhong and the two are still alive, I think I want to be friends with him." Long Fei thought to himself.

However, there was one more thing that Long Fei looked forward to.

Now that this layer of space has been cleared, it's time for rewards.

Long Fei wanted to see how much experience the system would give this time.

"Ding, congratulations player for clearing the third floor."

"Ding, in view of the player's previous dissatisfaction, the system will change the experience reward method, and the player will choose by himself."

"Ding, the first one, the system directly rewards 500,000 experience."

The system sound fell.

Long Fei's heart moved slightly, because he now has more than 900,000 experience.

500,000 is equal to nearly half.

But relatively speaking, there are already quite a few.

But Long Fei was still a little unwilling in his heart and asked with a frown.

"What about the second?"

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