Regarding the system, it is impossible for Long Fei to say that he has no complaints in his heart.

If this time it wasn't for him to put his life to death, and to survive after falling into madness, even if he didn't die now, he would be disabled.

"Ding, congratulations to player for clearing the fourth floor, Primordial Dragon."

"Ding, the player has two choices, directly reward 500,000 experience, or start the turntable." The system voice fell.

In Long Fei's heart, a grass-mud horse galloped past in an instant.

Turntable? Also f*ck the turntable?

It can be said that apart from absorbing the power of Primordial Primal Chaos, I have gained nothing, and I am lonely, and I have not gained any experience.

As soon as he thought of this, Long Fei wanted to say that he directly needed 500,000 experience.

However, when Long Fei saw it on the turntable, his words stopped.

"My Cao, System, is this compensation?" Long Fei was shocked.

So shocked.

Above the turntable, it is no longer a simple experience, and all kinds of strange things have come out.

The origin of the ancient Leize, the power of the origin of the ancient dragon, a bottle of the Blood Essence of the ancient creature...

All are ancient.

If it was before, Long Fei would definitely sneer, and he didn't care about this kind of power at all.

But now it is different, especially after passing these levels, Long Fei also has a certain understanding of these ancient creatures.

Powerful, speechless, unparalleled power.

Don't think too much, no matter what kind of power, if he gets it now, he will definitely make his current dragon body and flesh body go a step further and directly reach the level of the destiny of heaven and earth.

If that is the case, it is definitely not as simple as adding one plus one, and there may be some unexpected results.

Long Fei was moved.

It has to be said that this wave of operation of the system is a naked temptation.

It seemed that he had already guessed that there would be conflict in Long Fei's heart, whether he would participate in this turntable, so he directly presented this fatal temptation that Long Fei could not refuse.

"Ding, please make your choice. After ten seconds, it will automatically be regarded as the default choice of 500,000 experience." At this time, the system sound appeared again, giving Long Fei no more time to think about it.

ding ding ding...

A crisp sound kept appearing in Long Fei's mind, and each sound urged Long Fei to make his first choice.

"Ding, there are three seconds left."


Long Fei listened to the voice in his ear, finally before the last voice to choose

"Start the turntable." Long Fei shouted directly.


Gambling is not guaranteed to lose!

"Damn, I don't believe it, my luck has always been like this." Long Fei thought to himself.

Of course, there is also a crucial reason that there are three layers below. Even if he lost the bet this time, he still had a chance to choose. The next three floors, he didn't believe it, his own experience couldn't be filled.

This is also because the original rules have already stated that this copy, at most, can make Long Fei's experience complete, but it will not make breakthroughs.

So, even if this time he won't get anything, the next three layers, he still has full confidence and experience.

It is precisely because of such a retreat that Long Fei has the confidence now.

"Ding, the turntable is activated." The system turntable began to spin frantically, and it was difficult for the naked eye to catch it.

Even Long Fei can only see an outline.

Simply, Long Fei closed his eyes.

After three breaths, Long Fei opened his eyes with a look of anticipation. Even though he is already old now, he still has a little heartbeat for this game of heartbeat.

The system turntable, at this time, began to slow down.

"The ancient power, the ancient power, the too expensive power!" Long Fei also began to cheer himself up, every word.

His eyes were staring at the pointer on the turntable and locked directly.

Finally, the pointer stopped.

And impartially, it turned out to be the one with the smallest area on the turntable.

"Damn, this is going to be a rhythm that is going to turn the sky." Long Fei's heart was shocked, and then there was a burst of ecstasy.


This time, luck is really heaven-defying.

It turned out to be really drawn to the ancient power.

Moreover, it is certain that this power, even on the turntable, is definitely the most powerful one, no one.

"Ding, congratulations to player Long Fei for drawing a bottle of Primordial Spirit Blood."

"Ding, the blood of the ancient creatures contains the essence of the blood of seven ancient creatures. But the power is too violent, please use it with caution." The system is very friendly this time.

Long Fei went too lazy to even respond, and directly put the blood of this ancient creature in his hands.

In an instant, Long Fei felt that an extremely longing feeling erupted from the depths of his heart.

Desire, devour, greed.

It seems that the power in this bottle has a fatal attraction to him.

But Long Fei didn't dare to be careless.

Even the system prompts to use it cautiously, which means that this power will definitely pose a threat to his current situation.

"I still have to wait. There is not enough time, or if it is swallowed, the mission may be finished directly." Long Fei forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart and put this bottle of blood in the system space.

"Ding, open the next floor in thirty seconds, the ancient emperor crocodile." The system voice also fell.

Long Fei was silent.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense with the system.

But fortunately, this time the system has no openings, what restrictions are proposed.

Thinking of this, Long Fei was still a little emotional.

"Ding, player in this layer, can't use ancestral dragon power, can't use the power of heaven and earth, can't use system power, can't use immortality power." Just when Long Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

The sound of the system came as expected.

"I f*ck!" Long Fei couldn't help but swear.

"System, did I give you face? You are getting more and more excessive?" Long Fei asked.

"Ding, does the player still want to be bound by another force?" The system voice appeared again.

Long Fei was stunned.

Just be silent.

Admittedly, speechless.

He also understood that the system was targeting him.

"Okay, you are awesome. When I get to the place of origin, I must find that person, turn you into a slave, and instill 10,000 kinds of self-recuperation as a servant." Long Fei said viciously.

But after saying this, Long Fei stopped talking.

Because the time has come.


The whole space changed, and Long Fei's figure had appeared in another world.

But what surprised Long Fei was that this layer of space was completely different from before. Not only is it bright, but it is also upgraded, and there is also the monstrous Spiritual Qi.

If it wasn't for Long Fei's understanding, he is now in the system world, and he is doubting whether he has returned to a paradise in the system world.

"Is this moving the entire world of practice to this space?" Long Fei couldn't believe it.

The next moment, he raised his footsteps slightly, ready to take a look at this space.

But at this moment, Long Fei was stunned, and for the first time a panic appeared in his eyes.

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