Long Fei's eyes shone with light, and it is no exaggeration to say that the epiphany of this punch directly made up for Long Fei's shortcomings.

Time Fist.

Suppress time, collapse space!

As long as the opponent's strength is still within time and space, it is impossible to avoid this punch. Even, even if the other party has mastered the mysteries of time and space, they can freely circulate the river of time and space.

Long Fei's punch can also travel through the long river of time and space, stagnating in time and space to kill the enemy.

One word is strong!

Strong and invincible!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that my comprehension is so powerful that I could comprehend this kind of terrifying existence." Long Fei's heart turned back, and his heart was filled with excitement.

It can be said that when the fist of time and space is released, its power is no less than that of the fourth sword of the Realm King's Blade, and it is not inferior at all.

Even from a certain point of view, the lethality is even higher than the blade of the king.


A nirvana that belongs to one's own comprehension!

"It's not easy, this punch is not easy. What I have realized now is a primary state. If I can really go further, the power will be extremely terrifying. Moreover, this power comprehension has also completely awakened my Dantian. As the system girl said at the beginning, my Dantian is Fang Huanyu. Therefore, the power of my punch should have an inexplicable connection with Dantian's power." Long Fei thought again.

It was a surprise.

Dantian's power was originally used by him to carry the 3000 Dao Fa, and Long Fei thought that was the role of his Dantian.

Now it seems that I still underestimate myself Dantian a bit.

"Long Batian, ah Long Batian, I didn't think that your unexpected move would make me today. When that time comes, you will die under this punch, which is exactly where you belong." A killing intent flashed in Long Fei's eyes. .

Long Fei never forgot his old enemy.

It is even said that he has never taken it lightly. Even now, what Long Fei is thinking about is still to use the strongest means to target it.

However, this thought didn't last long in Long Fei's mind, and it just drowned. In the future, thinking too much now is useless.

What he needs most now is to break the space in front of him.

Then go to the last layer.

"It's time." Long Fei's eyes flickered, seeing the space in front of him flickering, light and darkness changing back and forth, holding his breath, then slowly raised his right hand.

And as Long Fei raised his fist, the entire space seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Black is absolutely black!

Ming, is pure Ming!

There will be no change at all.

"No, how is this possible, what kind of power is this, why can it cover my eyes, it's impossible, it's absolutely impossible." At this moment, a roar suddenly fell from the sky.

suddenly fell.

Long Fei's eyes moved slightly, and he already understood that this is the last and only existence of this layer.

The turbid nine yin!

It's true that at this moment, Long Fei still can't find the other party's figure. But now the reaction of Zhuo Jiuyin has already explained everything, that is, it is not enough to watch at all. In front of Long Fei's power, it has already caused him a kind of panic.

As soon as he thought of this, Long Fei's hands kept moving, and he slammed a punch against the void.


The world was silent, as if everything had come to a standstill under the power of this punch, became still.

At the next moment, the entire space suddenly trembled violently, and then the darkness disappeared instantly. The ray of light also began to be greatly enlarged at this moment, visible to the naked eye, and it spread directly to the sky in an instant, filling the entire space in an instant. .

In front of Long Fei, a giant python also appeared.

But with a human face.

Human face and snake body, and the scales of the whole body are blood red, like the flame of blood burning.

What bothered Long Fei even more was that the opponent's eyes, opened at this moment, revealed an indescribable terror.

"It really is a burning dragon!" Long Fei sighed in his heart.

Everything coincides with the turbid nine yin that Long Fei knows in his mind, but Long Fei feels that this turbid nine yin can be called immemorial, and its power is definitely not simple.

"The power of time and space, I can't imagine that your power contains the power of space and time. No wonder it can break my space. But do you think that you can break through this layer? Wishful thinking."

Sure enough, the next sentence of the turbid Jiuyin directly confirmed Long Fei's conjecture.

Long Fei's face was disdainful.

But don't care at all.

"What else can you do? The moment your real body appeared in front of me, everything was doomed, you can't do it!" Long Fei said softly, his eyes full of disdain.

He now has power. Not to mention an ancient creature, even if the Lord of the Abyss was in front of him, Long Fei dared to break his arm.

"Arrogant. The power of time and space is just one of my means. My real power is to travel through time and space to kill you in the past. At that time, even you in the past are dead. I don't believe that you are still qualified to survive. " Zhuo Jiuyin coldly said.

Long Fei's expression condensed, traveled through time and space, and killed his past self?

If that's the case, what else is there to do in this world?

How could such a heaven-defying power exist.

For a time, Long Fei's face also became solemn.

However, Zhuo Jiuyin did not hesitate at all, and the body was meandering into the sky. At the moment of skyrocketing, the whole world began to change, and above the void, a scene appeared.

A long river!

The figure of Zhuo Jiuyin instantly rushed into the long river and went upstream.

Long Fei looked at everything in front of him, but did not stop it. Instead, he watched Zhuo Jiuyin's movements and fell into contemplation.

"Reverse Brigade? It turns out that the Reverse Brigade I understand is a little different, can it still be like this?" Long Fei thought to himself.

Once the thought was mastered, Long Fei raised his hand again, and the entire figure also directly entered the power of the turbid Jiuyin, and then directly transformed into the body of Ancestral Dragon and went upstream.

Soon, Long Fei's figure directly caught up with Zhuo Jiuyin.

"That's it?" Long Fei looked at Zhuo Jiuyin struggling to travel through the long river of time and space, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

"Ah, it's impossible, how could you have such an understanding of time and space, and how could you possibly enter the river of time and space? It's absolutely impossible." Zhuo Jiuyin fell into a frenzy again and began to roar frantically.

"There is a kind of person called genius. All the things you think are impossible, in my eyes, are omnipotent." Long Fei said lightly, and then slowly punched out.


In an instant, a punch fell.



The sky was torn apart, the heavens and the earth were silent, and even the long river of time and space drawn out by the divine power of the turbid nine yin began to cease to flow at this moment, as if under the punch of Long Fei, the time and space had to be depressed.

But at this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred.

Zhuo Jiuyin roared fiercely at the void, and then pulled out his eyes.

"If you want to break my time and space, it is impossible. Even if you die, I will pull you down to The Underworld with you."

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