A figure slowly appeared from behind and walked over step by step.

Every time he took a step, he could see an inexplicable aura flashing across his body.

In an instant, Long Fei felt his scalp go numb!

This is where?

This is Ember Abyss space, how could a figure appear here? What is even more terrifying is that he can see with his naked eyes that the power here seems to be intimate with this person.

That's kind of scary.

"Are you the controller of this layer?" Long Fei asked, trying to calm down.

But the middle-aged man in front of him shook his head gently.

"No?" Long Fei asked again.

"Not exactly, you should say that I am actually the master of the entire Ember Abyss space. Or as you understand it, the master under the abyss." The person in front of him said lightly.

Long Fei's heart suddenly passed.

This is the Lord of the Abyss!

In an instant, a sense of crisis appeared in my heart.

If there is darkness in front of you, then this is equivalent to directly being king to king.

No, in the current situation, there is only one king on the opposite side.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I haven't met such an interesting person for a long time. Even if this Jade Abyss space is just something that I have at my fingertips, in the end, that's what I did. You can go all the way here. , I still have some ability." The middle-aged man said lightly.

Long Fei's expression froze.

not simple?

Do it by hand?

But also him?

In a sentence, although it is plain, the contempt in the words is self-evident. As if what Long Fei did, in his eyes, was playing a family.

"Master of the Abyss? Master of Ember Abyss, Master of Returning Ruins? Do you have a lot of names, and your tone is not small." Yang Fan sneered.


Long Fei has never been afraid of anyone.

"What? Do you think you have arrogant capital in front of me now?" The middle-aged man glanced at Long Fei lightly, obviously seeing through Long Fei's mind.

Long Fei narrowed his eyes and stared at each other.

"If you weren't here now, I could beat you to death." Long Fei refused to admit defeat, especially a person who belied himself to nothing when he opened his mouth, and Long Fei didn't have the slightest favor in his heart.

"You look like you don't agree? It's okay, I'll give you this chance. Come on, hit me!" The middle-aged man pouted with contempt at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you kidding me? I don't believe you can't see through my current state. I have no power right now." Long Fei knew that since the other party could come here quietly, he must know the state of his own.

Things that can be seen at a glance, it is better to put them directly on the table and get to the point.

"Do you think I came to see you now with power?" the middle-aged man asked rhetorically.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and looked at each other in disbelief.

"How is this possible, aren't you the Lord of the Ruins? Is your power limited here?" Long Fei couldn't believe it.

There is absolutely no need for the other party to lie to him, and there is no reason to lie to him.

Since the other party said that he has no power at all now. So naturally, there is no Cultivation Base on him.

But precisely because of this, Long Fei was even more puzzled. Logically speaking, there is absolutely no need for the other party to do so. Because in this world, he is the ruler. If you come to face yourself with a body of power, then your own life and death are all between the opposite thought.

As for whether it is fair or not, Long Fei will not consider it.

Not to mention it!

Because the existence of this world is itself an injustice.

The middle-aged man shook his head, "My power is not limited, but it doesn't mean that I want to see you and come in with power. Because even if I don't have the slightest power now, you can't help me when you are in your prime." said the man.

Long Fei sneered in his heart.

Until now, he has never seen such a crazy person.

He actually said that in his heyday, he couldn't help but have no power. This is no longer contempt, not contempt, but ignorance.

Can't stand it!

Can't stand it!

"Since that's the case, you give me back my strength? Let's fight one-on-one!" Long Fei retorted.

His eyes were also full of sarcasm, as if he was about to pierce the mask of the other party.

But what Long Fei never expected was that the other party just hesitated slightly, then nodded directly, "Try it for you!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand.


A ray of light fell directly on Long Fei's body.

In an instant, Long Fei felt the familiar power returning to him.

One after another.

The power of the system, the power of the forbidden power of heaven and earth, the power of the ancestor dragon, the Taoist method, the Dantian, the time and space...

All come back!

Long Fei directly closed his eyes in great enjoyment, greedily enjoying the feeling of power returning to himself.

I have to say, this feeling made Long Fei addicted.

Because it is lost and then gained, it makes people feel more cherished.

But he didn't notice that at this time, the middle-aged man didn't move at all, just looked at Long Fei lightly, with a touch of disappointment on his face.

After a few breaths, Long Fei felt that his flow had returned to its peak.

turn sharply

"Come on, weren't you very arrogant just now? Give me a chance, then I'll give you a chance now to restore your strength and duel!" Long Fei said proudly.

Arrogant? No one will be the same.

If nothing else, just being arrogant, Long Fei has always been stubborn, and will never admit it.

"No. Just follow the agreement just now, you can shoot." The middle-aged man was still indifferent, spread out his palm, and let Long Fei shoot.

Long Fei's face instantly darkened.

The clay figurine still has a three-point fire. Before, your own strength was not on your own, so you could only endure it if you pretended to force Long Fei. But now, Long Fei has recovered to his peak.

Still so arrogant?

How could it be tolerated.

In an instant, Long Fei shot directly, and the shot was a punch from time and space.

In an instant, as soon as the punch was released, the entire space began to distort, as if it was directly confused, destroying all falsehoods, and directly adding space and time.

"Do your own thing, don't live." Long Fei coldly said, under this punch, he has absolute confidence that he can obliterate the opponent.

But this middle-aged man still had a faint smile on his face, as if he didn't feel the slightest danger. Even until the punch landed on his face, there was still no response.

Long Fei just looked at it coldly.

But the more I looked, the more panic I felt in my heart.

This indifference, this smile, seeing Long Fei's heart numb, as if his own power, in the eyes of the other party, is a joke.

This kind of expression, this kind of heart, he did not have. Just as he faced the provocations of everyone at the beginning, he completely ignored it.


Because the dragon never cared about the power of the ants.

Thinking of this, Long Fei trembled inexplicably, and immediately turned his eyes straight ahead.

At this moment, the middle-aged man finally moved.

He opened his mouth slightly and spit out a word


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