Xu's eyes were full of surprise, and there was a bit of ambiguity in his eyes when he looked at Long Fei.

Long Fei felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

This look is too ambiguous, as if a hunter sees his prey, and a hungry man sees a plate of gluttonous feasts. The heat in his eyes makes him shudder.

"Don't look at me with this look, I'm normal." Long Fei couldn't help but said.

Originally, he thought that Xu was a person with a story. After all, a man who came out of the ruins must be unfathomable.

However, what kind of eyes look at now makes Long Fei feel that the hairs are bursting.

Xu's eyes changed, he looked at Long Fei incredulously, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Do you think you are handsome?" Xu asked.

A look of surprise.

Long Fei touched his own cheek very confidently.

"The face is cut like a knife, the eyebrows are drawn into the temples, the eyes are bright, and the bridge of the nose is firm..." Long Fei said lightly to himself.

This was an extremely long process, and it took a while before Long Fei's voice slowly came to an end.

"Strong strength, sweeping the heavens... very handsome!"

Long Fei said.

Serious look. You must know that he has been transformed by the system, and his charm point has already been fully opened. It can be said that where Long Fei is, except for his enemies, even men will not have any evil thoughts. As for women, let alone women, looking at Long Fei's side,

can prove everything.

"Heh!" But at this time, Xu sneered, watching Long Fei chatting, a trace of disdain and playfulness appeared on his face.

"What do you mean?" Long Fei asked lightly, a little upset.

What the hell is shaking his head like this and being disdainful?

Are you looking down on me?

"It's not interesting, I just think my attitude towards you has to change. I really don't understand, since you have the opportunity to come out of the ruins, why are you such a shameless man?" Xu asked.

"Damn, shameless, are you deceiving yourself?" Long Fei asked coldly.

He didn't expect that the other party would give such an answer. In Long Fei's opinion, this was deceiving himself and escaping reality.

"You are deceiving yourself! Although it is said that you are considered outstanding among the people I have met, your respectful appearance is really not compatible with being handsome." Xu said, with disdain in his eyes. ridicule.


Long Fei took out his long sword and stood directly in the void.

"I don't allow anyone to slander my appearance, let alone deceive myself in front of me and deny my charm. Come on, fight!" Long Fei was full of confidence.

If it was before, Long Fei would definitely not say these words. After all, the power of the other party's return to the ruins can really make him despair.

But now...

Who is afraid of whom?

"It seems that you came from the ruins with a lot of confidence. But are you sure, you want to fight now?" Xu said lightly, still very calm.

It seems that he has already guessed this scene!

"Come on, singled out, don't think I'm inferior to you. Besides, I advise you to restore your strength, otherwise I'm afraid that you won't be able to resist even a knife in front of me. That would be too boring." Long Fei said proudly.

He also has the body of returning to the ruins, but he completely ignores the strength of the opponent.

Moreover, in Long Fei's analysis, his power of returning to the ruins can also decompose the opponent's power. Even if he cannot suppress the opponent, the power of returning to the ruins of the opponent cannot affect his own power.

In other words, his current power can fall directly on the opponent without any difference, and can cause real damage. "I think too much. To be honest, I didn't want to shoot, but I think you really deserve a beating now. In your world's words, I allow you to pretend, but I absolutely don't allow you to pretend in front of me. " Xu said, turning around

, At the moment when the voice fell, the whole person jumped a step forward, and then came directly in front of Long Fei.

Long Fei's face changed, and his heart exploded.

Can't see clearly...

With his current strength, he could not see the opponent's figure at all, and could not capture the opponent's speed.

"Damn!" Long Fei couldn't help but scream in shock, and subconsciously Long Fei directly waved a knife in his hand.


With a swipe of the long knife, the knife beam instantly slashed the Shattering Void, but as if it touched something, a roar erupted directly. But Long Fei's face did not relax at all, instead he became more cautious.

Because he clearly felt that his own power was resisted.

That is to say, the knife just now may have attacked the opponent, but it did not cause any damage to the market. It can even be said that it was directly picked up by the opponent.

"How is that possible!" Long Fei's heart trembled again, he felt that his own cognition had been broken, and there were really people who could resist own.

Even Long Fei himself is not sure how strong the sword of the Realm King is now. But in short, the power of the Realm King's Blade is his strongest power right now, and he can sweep across the world, but he never thought that he would be taken over like this now.

For a moment, Long Fei felt a sense of crisis in the future, as if something had passed through the void and was approaching him at a terrifying speed.

"Taboo in heaven and earth!"

Without thinking about it, Long Fei shouted, and directly used the power of Heaven and Earth, the forbidden power.

But at the moment when Long Fei's voice fell, a pair of hands appeared directly in front of him and landed on his chest.

Deng Deng!

Long Fei burst back into the void, and flew out a distance of hundreds of meters in the void.

"That's it?" Xu's voice appeared again, mockingly. "Return to the Ruins!" Long Fei's heart was burning with anger. His current physical body is already the body of returning to the ruins. Even if he does not deliberately use this kind of power, the horror of this power can erupt, but he did not expect that it was not enough to see, and it was directly broken by the other party.


What is even more terrifying is that the other party is now an ordinary body, and there is no trace of power at all. It can be said that with the power of returning to the ruins, he directly broke Wanfa and came to Long Fei.

"I also have Guixu, I don't believe what you can do, I can't do it." Long Fei's heart surged with a kind of fighting intent.

The next moment, Long Fei did not hesitate at all, and directly used the power of returning to the ruins.

In an instant, Long Fei felt that everything in the universe became extremely empty, and everything in front of him became granular, even if it was a boundless star, even if it was a cage chain, at this moment.

Long Fei even had an idea, as long as his mind moved, he could turn this void into nothingness.

Of course, even the figure of Xu appeared in front of Long Fei.

However, it was this sight that made Long Fei's brain pause for a moment, "How is that possible!" Long Fei couldn't believe it.

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