The entire Tiandang Mountain turned scarlet.

The blood color spread, the wailing, and the crying were infinite, as if the purgatory on earth had descended, it was terrifying.

This is simply a massacre, one person slaughtered the world.

Tian Shan saw that his scalp was numb, and there was fear in his eyes.

As for Tian Qi, his face turned pale instantly.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible. Not long ago, he was a waste, how could he be so powerful in such a short period of time? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Tianqi roared.

For him, this was simply a fatal blow.

It was so terrifying, the little Taoist priest's transformation directly shattered his heart. Not long ago, the little Taoist priest was like a dead dog, taking his life and death at his fingertips.

But now, he has transformed himself into a god that he cannot afford to offend. When he thought about what he had done to the little Taoist priest, his heart was even more bleak.

He was afraid.

He was really scared at this moment.

What Tiandangshan son, what Supreme is invincible, are all floating clouds. All these powers, at this moment, could not save his life. If the power of the little Taoist falls on him, he will surely die.

Can't stop it at all!

"Father, no, let's go, we can't resist it at all." Tian Qi directly begged Tian Shan, wanting to leave.

"Don't worry, with me here, this power won't hurt you." Tian Shan said lightly.

These words were naturally hidden from Long Fei.

This is not true. The power of the little Taoist priest is very powerful, but the old guy in front of him is also not to be underestimated, and his power is also extremely terrifying. At least in Long Fei's opinion, the little Taoist priest's power could not kill him.

Of course, it's not that the little Taoist is weak. But this Tianshan has been practicing for countless years, and the power has already reached another level in the diary fish, and it is very likely to break through the level of the Supreme world and enter another category.

It is even said that there is already a taste of origin in his power.

So in this case, it is very difficult for the little Taoist priest to kill the opponent. At least, the little Taoist priests can't do it now.

Tian Qi's face was filled with joy, and when he heard his father say that, his face was relieved.

At this time, the voice in the void finally disappeared. And the hundreds of thousands of strong people who came here also disappeared without a trace.

It seems like it never happened.

And the eyes of the little Taoist priest also looked at Tianshan at this moment.

At this moment, his eyes burst with intent

"It's your turn." The little Taoist said lightly.

"Little beast, I never thought that you would have today. If you had known it earlier, you should have been humiliated to death in the first place. But it is not too late. If you only had this kind of means, you would be dead today." Tian Shane said.

Heart burning with anger.


The long-planned plan failed directly.

For him, this result was tantamount to a shattered dream.

But the little Taoist seemed to have not heard it, but said to himself.

"Once upon a time, I was forced to kneel here, my tendons and hamstrings were overturned here, Dantian was broken, and my soul was scattered..."

"Once upon a time, you asked me to live in front of the King Charm rather than die, wagging my tail and begging for pity."

"Once upon a time, you shattered my hopes again and again, and made me despair in the endless hope... Everything was for you."

The more the little Taoist spoke, the more excited he became. The anger in his eyes was almost burning, and the whole person was full of rage, as if he had become a dead person.

The expression on Long Fei's face also froze instantly.

He knew that the little Taoist priest had suffered inhuman treatment, but he never thought that it would be so miserable.

Scenes and scenes appeared in his mind.

"Condensing the space-time picture." Long Fei sighed in his heart.

He is the manager of time and space, with this level of identity, it is easy to see what happened here, and it will not even affect anyone else.

In an instant, Long Fei's mind changed directly, and scenes began to appear in his mind.

In the picture, the King Charm was held hostage, the little Taoist was forced to learn how to bark, his tendons and hamstrings were broken, and he was crawling on the ground... In the picture, the little Taoist and the King Charming began to wander. The little Taoist had a special physique. The Tao of Eternal Life, so no matter how much it has endured, it can always be restored to its original state. But at this moment, people from Tiandang Mountain came to the door again, and they were insulted.

Afterwards, the little Taoist became a crippled person.

The screen turns again, the little Taoist enters the second world, but still suffers the same fate. Whenever his Cultivation Base recovers and becomes stronger, the figure of Tiandangshan will appear on this day, uniting the power of that world, and attacking the little Taoist. repression.

Then... the third world, the fourth world, the fifth world.

Been through so much in between.

And the little Taoist has endured too much.

But what made the little Taoist feel that life was worse than death was that every time he gave birth to a little hope, it was directly dashed. And then he was in that fate Samsara, again and again.

Long Fei couldn't bear to look anymore, his eyes became blood red.

"No one can treat the people around me like this, never. Not even a god." Long Fei said lightly.

But this voice, only he can hear it.

And when this sentence fell in Chen Zhong's ears, his entire face instantly became terrified.

He had never felt such a terrifying aura on Long Fei before.

This kind of killing intent, this kind of resentment, this is the first time he has seen.

As if to crush the world, destroy the world and kill life. As if the world owes him an explanation.

"What's the matter? What did this killer perceive? Why did it suddenly become so terrifying!" Chen Zhong thought in his heart, panicking.

At this time, the power of the little Taoist priest had already attacked the Tianshank.

But at the moment of approaching the handle, an incredible scene happened. I saw a thing like a shuttle directly appeared in the hands of Tianshan.

This shuttle is also snow red.

"Hahaha, stupid, no need to think about it, I still have this thing on me. Do you think you are strong enough, do you think the people behind me don't know that the power you have will make you stronger?"

"No, they know everything. So now, they're leaving this power behind to make you experience despair again."

"I see, even if your power can destroy the world, it is useless in front of this power." Tian Shan laughed, and the smile on his face turned hideous.

There was also a touch of excitement in Tian Qi's eyes.

Obviously, he didn't know this kind of power either. But now seeing that the power of the little Taoist priest was directly entangled by this shuttle and swallowed directly, he no longer had any fear in his heart.

"Trash is trash, what if it becomes strong enough? In front of our father and son, it's not enough to look at!" Tianqi said proudly.

But at this moment, Long Fei moved, took a step forward, and came to the little Taoist priest's side, "Really? You seem to have forgotten me. Forgot that I am his senior brother! What he can't do, I will do it! "Long Fei looked at the two of them coldly and said lightly.

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