Boundless Galaxy Cluster, flickering void.

A Star swept across the void, and the speed was as fast as a meteor flashed by.

To be honest, a Star has a radius of tens of millions of kilometers. But in this Galaxy Cluster, it is too small.

And this Star is the suspended Star controlled by Long Fei.

"Hahaha, my lord, this is low-key luxury and connotation. This Star is about to catch up with a fifth world." Chen Zhong was in high spirits, watching the sea of ​​Galaxy Cluster whizzing by him, he felt send.

Long Fei was silent.

Low-key luxury?

If this is low-key, I am afraid that there is nothing more high-profile than this!

However, Long Fei was more emotional, because of the vastness of the universe. This star is huge, but it is inconspicuous in this vast universe.

Involuntarily, Long Fei thought of the previous studies of the astronomers on Earth. A Galaxy is only a small part of the Universe. It is vague and vague, like a drop in the ocean.

And people... not to mention.

The reason why Long Fei has such emotion is more because of Tian Qi's confusion.

Universe is boundless, whenever he thinks he has reached his peak. For some civilizations in the universe, it may be just getting started.

But even so, he couldn't escape Universe's bondage after all.

In other words, no matter how powerful it is, it is still in the universe. As long as he is still in the power of Universe, there is no way to break free from the control of Apocalypse.

Thinking of this, Long Fei was filled with emotion.

I have to say, this Supreme world is really powerful.

Take Tiandang Mountain as an example, it is a Galaxy. But existences like Tiandang Mountain are numerous in the entire First World.

And now the place Long Fei wants to go is a Galaxy called Silent.

The ultimate goal is Silent Hill.

As for this news, Long Fei also knew it from Tu Shan Xiaorong.

It can only be said that Xiao Rong's current ability is terrifying.

"Silent Hill, is the owner of the Galaxy a compatriot from Earth? Take out such a pervasive name?" Long Fei thought to himself. Back then, Silent Hill made Long Fei feel nervous.

Of course, these existences are naturally just a joke to the current Long Fei.

"My lord, we have now entered the silent Galaxy. What will we do next?" Chen Zhong said.

When Long Fei came out this time, he only brought Chen Zhong with him.

Whether Nezha or winning the tick, their combat power is not bad, and it is just right to guard the Dragon Court.

Of course, now the little Taoist priest is accompanying him.

To put it simply, this time, Long Fei wanted to let the little Taoist stand up, let the new master of Tiandang Mountain leave his prestige in the entire first world, and even become the supreme existence in the entire first world.

Only in this way can others restrain their thoughts and dare not to have any bad thoughts towards Tiandang Mountain, no, it should be said to be Long Ting.

On the other hand, as long as the little Taoist priest is strong enough, Long Fei will be able to hide his own methods better. In this way, he can make people who act this time despise him. When he leaves the first world, he can do things on his own and become more for convenience.

"Whatever, if you can attract the attention of others, it would be best. After all, we are here to be arrogant this time," Long Fei said.

Since he wants to make the little Taoist stand up, arrogance is inevitable.

Moreover, this is also in line with the character of the Supreme world.

That is, the strong come first, and the weak have no right to speak.

As soon as Chen Zhong heard it, since Long Fei had said so, what else was there to be afraid of? It was just pushing at full speed, and the speed soared to the limit at this moment. behind.

"Bastard, what kind of power is this suspended star, is this going to die?"

"Damn it, dare to be so arrogant, is this not taking us in the eyes?"

"It's too presumptuous. Even the system center won't use this kind of speed. Do you want to make yourself the target of public criticism?"

In an instant, such a voice broke out among the countless stars.

They... also participated in this operation.

However, they all belong to different forces.

To put it simply, as Zhenshan said before, they are just geniuses recruited by various forces in the lower realm, and they want to use them to participate in this operation.

If Long Fei hadn't already made his own way, I believe it would be the same now, still on the boat in the Tianneng auction house.

It is precisely because of this that they all come from different forces, so in this time, they are all cautious, walking on thin ice, no one is like Long Fei, who is unscrupulous and rampant.

Especially now, they are about to enter Silent Hill, and they are even more cautious. They can't wait to hide themselves, and no one will make the first bird.

Everyone is like this, they are all thinking in general, they all want to bow their heads and walk silently behind their backs, fishing for fish in troubled waters.

But now, Long Fei has broken this long-standing rule.

On Silent Hill, someone has arrived here.

Their eyes also fell on the suspended Star where Long Fei was.

"Is this the floating star of the new master of Tiandang Mountain? It is indeed domineering. The Tianshang was already arrogant enough back then. Unexpectedly, the new master of Tiandang Mountain is so arrogant that there is no limit to the task initiated by the system center. Dare to be so arrogant."

"It's not just the system center. It is said that both the Tianneng Auction House and the Dark Council are involved this time. This time there is a good show to watch. Since the ages, no one has dared to perform better than them in front of these three giants. The speed. The new owner of Dangshan is hitting them in the face today."

"Look, their speed has slowed down. Damn, crazy, they dare to hover above all the stars. That's the location of the dark council, they are courting death!"

Not the craziest, only crazier.

When they saw the position where Long Fei's suspended Star stayed, everyone's faces instantly became extremely shocked, and they were dumbfounded.

As if they had foreseen the outbreak of a great war.

However, they believe that this time the result will not have any suspense at all. As the three giants of the Supreme world, the Dark Council, who dares to touch their beards.

Whoever moves will die!

Therefore, they now agree that Long Fei and others are dead.

Sure enough, just when their hearts were shaking, a Star came in a mighty way. There is a suffocating horror on it, as if one more look can make them sink.

"The Dark Council is here!"

Someone exclaimed.

In an instant, everyone fell silent, looked at the void, and waited quietly.

"What, is this also where you can come? Get out of the way!" At this moment, a sound of anger broke out in the void.

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