The power in front of him was nothing to Long Fei at all.

Although their strong power was enough to suppress Chen Zhong, in Long Fei's opinion, it was still not worth mentioning.

"Arrogant, you dare to be arrogant, you still can't recognize yourself."

"I don't know, do you think you are still on Silent Hill now? Do you think the Dragon Lord is still by your side? What are you without him?"

"I'll give you a chance now, kneeling here and begging for mercy may spare your life,"

Above the starry sky, the man opened his mouth and said, with a reckless expression on his face.


Long Fei sneered.

But at this time, just as Long Fei was about to start a massacre, Zhen Shan suddenly said, "Open Long Fei, the people from the Dark Council and the System Center will be here soon."

Long Fei glanced at Zhenshan lightly, and he knew that it was Zhenshan who was courting him.

"In this case, let you live a little longer, and when I solve the system center and the dark council, I will let you know what despair is."

Long Fei looked up at the void and said lightly.

If you want to kill him, don't be in a hurry. Relatively speaking, the system center and the dark council are the real feasts in Long Fei's heart, and they are nothing but side dishes.

"I don't know whether to live or die, you should thank the people from the system center and the dark council for coming. If it wasn't for them, you would be a dead person under my hands now, but you must be clear about the dark council and the system center that you offended. Your head is still the same. No guarantee."

The man said with a sneer.

In the same way, the rest of the people looked at Long Fei with the same look. They knew that since the people from the dark council and the system center are here, it is naturally not their turn to take action now.

But if you think about it, you can guess, whether it is the dark council or the system center, they are all super giants in the first world. They have so many masters who have died in the hands of Long Fei, so they will never let it go, and now is the time to liquidate everything.

Maybe they didn't dare to attack the dragon master, and they wouldn't easily test the dragon court, but Long Fei definitely had only one way to die.

This is basically everyone's perception.

But of course there are two accidents, one is Chen Zhong, the other is Zhenshan.

Long Fei ignored these people, but slowly raised his head to look at the two floating stars that suddenly descended.

At this moment, Star slowly stopped.

Immediately after, several figures came out of them, and their auras were also extremely powerful. Just a glance at Long Fei confirmed that their system level was above Supreme, or at least they originated from Realm.

"How many Origin Realms?"

Long Fei sneered at the corner of his mouth.

In my heart, I thought, the background of the system and the dark council really should not be underestimated. So many have died, and now there are so many at random.

"Where is Long Fei? Get out and die."

Suddenly, a loud anger erupted,

He is the powerhouse at the center of the system.

His face was unsmiling, and his eyes revealed absolute murderous intent.

"In the center of the system, it's too much to say that. There are a lot of people in our Dark Council who died. Why should this bastard's life be given to you?" At this time, another voice appeared in the crowd of the Dark Council. Go out one person and compete with the strong at the center of another system.

But what they are fighting for now is the ownership of Long Fei.

All of them want Long Fei's life.

After all, Long Fei slapped them in the face with his own hands.

Whoever Long Fei dies in will be able to stand up in this world.

Zhenshan watched from the side, and his heart blossomed with joy.

"Two idiots, let's fight, let's fight, see the more happy you fight in the end, the more pitiful you die in the end."

Zhenshan thought so in his heart, but he would never open his mouth to remind him. Because their Tianneng auction house and these two forces were originally different forces, and they were still hostile to each other.

You are weak and I am strong!

So now seeing the two offending Long Fei, he was naturally extremely happy.

On the other hand, Chen Zhong had a different attitude. He saw that the two companies were fighting for the ownership of Long Fei's life, and he sneered in his heart.

"Idiot, two idiots, I thought the powerhouses in the first world were all characters, but I didn't expect such a bunch of idiots."

Chen Zhong sneered fiercely in his heart, he had to fight for his death, what was he not a fool?

In his heart, with what he knew about Long Fei, it was definitely time to take action.

The more arrogant they are now, the more they are paving the way for Long Fei. In the end, they will find that they have no chance to take action in front of Long Fei. At that time, Long Fei is the only tyrant here!

At that time, anyone who has provoked Long Fei will know what suffering in the world is.

Long Fei, on the other hand, looked at them lightly, with a cold glow in his eyes.

"What do you mean by the Dark Council? Do you want to fight with me for the life of this little beast?" said the person in the system center.

"So what? Could it be that only your system center is allowed to take revenge, and I can only watch the dark council helplessly?" said the person from the dark council.

The time between the two is tit for tat, neither agreeing with each other nor letting anyone else.

Not just them, but also the people behind them.

For Long Fei, their hearts have long been full of killing intent. If it wasn't for the existence of the dragon master on the suspension before, they would have already shot.

"Okay, you are just here to deliver food, why is there any need to fight first? Anyway, the final outcome is the same, you all have to die!" Long Fei received it easily.

As soon as this sentence came out, all the voices disappeared above the void, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Long Fei. They didn't believe that this sentence came out of Long Fei's mouth.

They felt that Long Fei was afraid that he was going crazy now, even though he was dying, he was still so arrogant and said such unreliable words.

"Little beast, you are presumptuous."

The people in the system center scolded loudly.

In the next moment, his figure flashed directly, turned into a light and shadow, and swept the void.

Appeared again, but came to Long Fei.

Without stopping at all, he slapped it with a palm.


This one fell on Long Fei's body without any deviation.

"What a fast speed, this kind of speed is afraid that it can go backwards in time and space."

"It's so powerful. With this kind of speed, he can already be invincible. Long Fei is dead this time!"

"As expected of the powerful power of the system center, only this kind of existence can have it."

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were shaken. They couldn't help expressing such emotion. In their eyes, Long Fei must be sure to die this time. Under this kind of power, he was afraid that he would even struggle. no chance.

At this moment, the sound suddenly appeared in their ears.

"That's it?" Long Fei chuckled lightly.

His physical body is invincible. After being tempered under the abyss, his physical body has reached a very terrifying level. In addition, his physical body is already a forbidden power. There may be people in the world who can hurt his physical body. But definitely not here.

"Impossible, how is this possible?" People exclaimed, eyes full of horror.

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