This result was beyond everyone's expectations. They never thought that Long Fei would be so powerful. They didn't even think that Long Fei's system ability would make them feel humble.

Humility is a kind of crushing.

In the void, Long Fei swept his gaze across the void.

Every time his eyes fell on a person, that person quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Long Fei at all.

There seemed to be flames burning in Long Fei's eyes, and one more look would make them lose their souls.

At this moment they finally realized how stupid they were before.

It was clear that Long Fei had given them a way to live, but they went forward to die.

Especially above the void at this time, the person who had touched Chen Zhong before trembled unconsciously.

With a plop, the man knelt down directly in front of Long Fei.

In his opinion, Long Fei is now an insurmountable mountain. If Long Fei wants to attack him, his life will come to an end in the backhand.

"Forgive your life, spare your life!"

He frantically begged for mercy.

But now Long Fei didn't pay any attention to what he meant. Long Fei's eyes chased the void, and the eyes of time and space flickered again.

This glance seems to have penetrated the Galaxy Cluster billions of miles, and everything is in his eyes.

"I've already come, do you want to leave now? Didn't you just fight over who wants my life?" Long Fei muttered to himself in a very flat tone.

But in this insipidity, there is a kind of killing intent that cannot be ignored.

In an instant, the void was condensed and frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Stretching for millions of miles.

The speed of the suspended Star is fast, but no matter how fast it is, how can it be faster than Long Fei's killing intent.

Because, this is not a pure killing intent, but a lore method formed by Long Fei's reversal of the power of immortality, brewing the power of destruction, and then through the Eye of Time to deploy the Galaxy Cluster thousands of miles.

Under the power of annihilation, this power instantly surged into the sky, and Qionglu starlight could be the killer in his hands, instantly freezing, freezing all the way out.

Click click!

A frozen sound appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the two suspended Stars were directly frozen above the void, unable to move an inch.

It is like incarnating an ordinary formation in the endless Galaxy Cluster, and it is difficult for all living beings to escape.

As for the people on the suspended Star, at this moment, it seems as if they were drawn into a prison by Long Fei, forever imprisoned.

"No! What means is this? How can it be so powerful?"

"Even the Galaxy Cluster can freeze, how is this possible, how can this world have such a tyrannical force."

"I don't believe it, it's fake!"

Countless voices erupted on the suspended Star.

At this moment, they went completely crazy.

Whether it is the system center or the dark council, they are now in a state of madness. The change in front of them has far exceeded their expectations.

They never thought that they would overturn the car here.

"Impossible? You have been in a high position for a long time, do you feel that you are invincible?" Long Fei said lightly, his voice falling from the Galaxy Cluster.

At this moment, he is the ruler of this Galaxy Cluster.

Even if he didn't open his mouth, it already made everyone tremble, respecting him like a god.

At this moment, when a sentence fell, it was like a judgment on the world, and endless fear shrouded their minds.

Zhen Shan looked at Long Fei, who was talking eloquently.

There is coldness in my heart.

"It's terrifying. How long has it been since he was so powerful?" Zhen Shan recalled the first encounter with Long Fei in his mind.

Think of the madness before Kai Longfei.

Thinking of Long Fei's indifferent attitude when facing him.

At this moment, he suddenly felt how lucky he was to stand here alive.

A person as strong as Long Fei, even if he was weak and weak at the beginning, is afraid that he still has the means to save his life. Thinking of this, he felt infinite regret in his heart.

If he had realized Long Fei's horror earlier, with Long Fei's initial attitude towards Jialuo and Jialuo, now Long Fei is their strongest ally.

none of them!

But now, a good hand of cards has been smashed by him.

But soon, he was relieved. Because now, at least he is still alive and has not yet stood on the opposite side of Long Fei. But the system center and the dark council can't do it, they have already angered Long Fei. According to what he knew about Long Fei, Long Fei would never show mercy, and there was only one fate waiting for them.

That is to be killed under the means of Long Fei's iron and blood.

Thinking of this, he rejoiced in his heart.

No comparison doesn't hurt.

Before, he felt lost in his heart because he missed out with Long Fei, but now, there is no more.

Because of the dark council and the system center, he will face the madness of Long Fei, a super-powerful person, and then think of Long Fei's attitude towards the enemy. He even has a feeling of schadenfreude in his heart.

But on the other hand, he was a little confused.

Just as he thought before, Long Fei didn't need to spend a lot of time. If Long Fei wanted to kill them, he could do it with a snap of his fingers.

However, to set up such a killing game in this universe is completely superfluous.

But he can only watch now.

There was no chance for him to intervene in the matter of Long Fei.

Of course, it wasn't just him, including the entire Galaxy Cluster void, all of them dared not speak, and stood there trembling, like fish on a chopping block, waiting for Long Fei's fateful judgment.

At this time, above the void.

The most excited is Chen Zhong.

"Strong, unreasonably strong! This killer is still as strong as ever. It's ridiculously strong." Chen Zhong's eyes flickered.

There was an air of arrogance in his power again.

As if he was Long Fei's lackey, it was a kind of unique happiness.

However, Long Fei didn't care at all in his heart. At this moment, Long Fei was strolling in the Galaxy Cluster, and when he stepped out, the whole world trembled.

It seems that Long Fei's power has exceeded the carrying range of this Galaxy Cluster.

"Come on, don't you want to kill me? Aren't you still fighting for my right to belong? I've never seen such an arrogant daddy. So, I decided to fulfill you."

"Come on, give you a chance, I am standing here, and the good head is on my body."

"Who wants, come out! I, Long Fei, beg for death!" Long Fei said lightly, with a contempt in his eyes.

He said the words of begging for death, and even put on a posture of begging for death.


In the entire Galaxy Cluster, no one dared to come out.

No one dared to move.

What is deterrence and what is domineering?

This is!

In a word, let the heavens bow their heads and let all enemies stop.

"Since none of you have started, don't blame me for not giving you a chance." After a while, Long Fei saw that there was no movement at all, raised his mouth, and said lightly.

For a moment, the world fell silent.

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