Star Territory, this is a kind of terrifying power, without much description, Long Fei can already guess.

Any existence is in order, from low to high, from weak to strong, with clear layers.

Just like the plane world he experienced before, 3000 planes are also divided into strong and weak. Then the Galaxy Cluster Wanjie is naturally the same.

And in this Wanjie star field, the most powerful force must be the ultimate star field, there is no doubt.

Now that such a reward appears in the system task, it naturally proves that this task is unusual.

"All worlds are respected!" Long Fei's heart was surging, and it would be false to say that he was not excited.

The four words "respect for all worlds" represent killing.

He must rule all worlds in order to become the king of all worlds.

"Unexpectedly, the world king's hegemony is going to unfold after all, but it's just another way." Long Fei thought to himself.

Fighting for the hegemony of the realm king was originally one of Long Fei's tasks. However, Zun Zhou was a maverick and directly forced Wanjie, and no one dared to say a word.

The so-called world king's hegemony naturally became a joke. Later, as Long Fei entered the mythical world, the system was upgraded and the quest disappeared.

However, it now seems that the King of the World is still one of the tasks set by the system for Long Fei, but now it is in another way.

If it was said that the heroes were competing for the deer in the past, then now, it is Long Fei who has dominated the ages.

"That's fine, just give me a goal. Zunjie has been dominating all realms for too long and is domineering. It's time to change the owner of this star field." Long Fei thought to himself.

Suddenly, just when Long Fei thought everything was over, the sound of the system appeared again

"Ding, congratulations to player Long Fei for killing the mad god, the realm king, and obtaining the realm king's mark +1!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the power of a mad god."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for obtaining the origin of the Mad God Realm."

The sound of the system reappeared.

Long Fei was stunned, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face.

"Can it still be a big hit?" Long Fei was amazed and sighed with emotion.

For too long, he beheaded others, except for system tasks, he has rarely been able to get system rewards. Unexpectedly, I heard this familiar voice again now.

To tell the truth, Long Fei was still a little excited, as if he was back in the past, and his blood was passionate. After all, he had beheaded the system center and the dark council before, but in the end he had no wool.

But now returning to this world of practice, it is the realm kings that are comparable in strength to them, and they can explode things.

This contrast naturally made Long Fei feel excited.

But this power is really tasteless to Long Fei. To be honest, the power of the mad god is not weak, but Long Fei's level is too high, and this power is already equivalent to nothingness to him.

"Sir, can you give me this thing?" Suddenly, Chen Zhong said suddenly.

"Huh?" Long Fei was taken aback.

"My lord, I feel that my system is telling me that I need this power. If I devour this power, the power of the mad god will appear in my power of the gods, and then my Cultivation Base will inevitably change. Get stronger." Chen Zhong looked expectantly.

"What? You can devour this power?" Long Fei's eyes were filled with surprise, which he did not expect.

"Could it be that his system can also swallow upgrades?" Long Fei was shocked, with a kind of disbelief. If this is the case, then this power is awesome.

Doesn't it mean that his system is already the same as his own, capable of swallowing upgrades?

Thinking of this, Long Fei felt inexplicably excited in his heart.

"System, have I created an upgradeable system?" Long Fei asked.

If that's the case, it's going to be a blast.

"Thinking too much. At best, this is a system that can devour other forces, and it can't be compared to yours. Moreover, this is created by the system and has nothing to do with you." The system responded coldly.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, then chuckled lightly.

"There is no difference. The system is made by the system, but the system is mine. You must understand this affiliation." Long Fei said lightly.

Then, directly ignoring the silent resistance of the system, his mind will change.

The system's answer is enough.

It was just enough to let Long Fei know what was going on with the heavy system.

"Since you want it, I'll give it to you." Long Fei said.

After that, the power of the mad gods fell directly into Chen Zhong's hands.

"Hahaha, thank you sir, just wait, when I refine this power, next time I take action for your Lord, you will be watching from the side." Chen Zhong was very excited and started his own bragging journey again.

But for this sentence, Long Fei laughed.

He didn't have to take it seriously anymore.

The previous wave of sellers' survival operation almost didn't break Long Fei's old waist. If it wasn't for Long Fei's understanding, Chen Zhong was just greedy for life and fear of death, and if he didn't dare to betray him, the current Chen Zhong is probably One dead.

Time is fleeting, and in the blink of an eye, a few hours have passed.

Chen Zhong also finally woke up from being swallowed.

Chen Zhong's eyes were full of brilliance, and there was a kind of domineering arrogance of Nine Heavens.

"My lord, I succeeded." Chen Zhong raised his head and said.

There is a kind of arrogance about him.

"Not bad." Long Fei nodded lightly, like a piece of art in his heart. But this sentence is good, it is not the power of Chen Zhong's refining, but the power of this system.

However, Chen Zhong didn't realize this. He thought that Long Fei was saying that he was doing well now, and his eyes also showed a flash of light in an instant.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely not let you down. With my current strength, even if I face the previous mad god, I have absolute confidence that I can suppress the opponent between backhands. Therefore, I will definitely not in the future. Disappointing adults." Chen Zhong said quickly.

He knew that everything he had today was given by Long Fei.

If it wasn't for Long Fei, he would never have achieved such an achievement today, let alone his current Cultivation Base. Therefore, he understands very well that if you want to continue to follow Long Fei, you must show your own value.

"Okay, let's see your performance." Long Fei whispered.

But in fact, in my heart, it didn't take it seriously at all.

Are All Heavens and Myriad Realms really weak?

If it is very weak, will the system still give itself such a task of respecting all worlds?

Of course not!

After all, the system is not giving benefits.

However, this thought should not be suppressed by Long Fei. Then, the two figures continued to move forward.

Soon, the figure stopped.

Ahead is a world.

But this world is a bit special.

Because this is a city!

A city that exists independently in the endless Galaxy Cluster, although it looks extremely huge, compared to Star, this kind of place is much smaller.

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