There was determination in his voice.

He knew very well that Long Fei's speech at this time represented a meaning.

It was an approval for him, and an olive branch was thrown out to him. With a single thought, thousands of swords move, and with a single word of sword, thousands of swords are called, which can release the charm of swordsmanship, and let his swordsmanship be reborn from the cocoon.

Such a person throws an olive branch to him, which is his blessing for three lifetimes.

He knew very well that this was his good fortune.

But what he didn't know was that Long Fei was just too lazy to make a move, and he just took advantage of the long sword in his hand, so now he reciprocates and gives him such a chance.

If he can catch it, Long Fei will naturally not mind finding a spokesperson in the future.

"Reverse, reverse, do you think that your swordsmanship has improved under his power, and you are qualified to be arrogant in front of me? Tell you, I am the sword master, I am the master of all swords, and I am invincible in the sword. , give me death!" At this moment, the voice of the sword master appeared again. But at this moment, his voice was filled with anger.


The next moment, a Sword Ray cut out.

The sword master shot directly, and this sword was clearly sharp, as if with the determination to kill the rebellious, he directly attacked Zhong Ziqi.

But Zhong Ziqi is not now.

Between the backhands, the sword in his hand flashed and smashed away.

Chi Chi!

When the two swords touch, they are divided.

The two sword beams also disappeared into the void.

Above the entire void, and even in the Sword City, all were shocked. Everyone looked at Zhong Ziqi in disbelief.

"It turns out that you are not invincible!" Zhong Ziqi said lightly.

"Nie Barrier, do you dare to shoot at me?" said the Lord of Sword City.

"I may not have dared before, but I respected you as the sword master. But now I realize that your existence hinders my development. The name of the sword master is so high that I fear my sword, thinking that you are omnipotent. But now , I have already realized in my heart that the sword is strong because of the cultivator, and the sword in my heart is invincible, even the sword master can kill!" Zhong Ziqi coldly responded.

As his words fell, everyone in the void fell into contemplation, as if pondering the truth.

Below, Long Fei's eyes were also full of admiration.

Being able to break the fear in his heart in such a short period of time, I have to say that Zhong Ziqi's performance made him a little like it. This understanding can become a way.

However, Chen Zhong on the side didn't think so.

He felt a deep threat.

Long Fei's eyes lit up, as if he had seen a rare treasure.

"It's over, this killer has moved his love for talent, this is a formidable enemy!" Chen Zhong felt ruthless in his heart, looking at Zhong Ziqi with a bad face.

This is a bad sign!

For him, this is most likely a sign of falling out of favor.

"My lord, this kid is just like that. He's just plain and unremarkable. Compared with the adults, there is absolutely no comparison." Chen Zhong said.

He felt that it was time to straighten out his own identity.

"Well, I know. But relatively speaking, it's not bad." Long Fei responded.

He didn't think much about it, and he didn't know that there was already a big drama in Chen Zhong's mind at this time, but he just said flatly.

I have to say that Zhong Ziqi amazed him, this Kendo Cultivation Base and Talent, I am afraid that apart from Sword Ji Aoya, no one can compare with him.

Of course, it does not mean that no one can compare, it can only be said that the environment of cultivation is different.

The killing of Saint in the mythical world is also very powerful. If you can practice in this universe, your current achievements will definitely not be too low. However, he has his own mission to guard the mythical world.

"My lord, this kid is not very good. You can see that he doesn't know how to restrain himself at all. He has received the benefits of adults and has heaven-defying good fortune, but now he is full of mouths without mentioning the great achievements of adults. It seems that he is now here. Everything, he did it himself." Chen Zhong continued to apply eye drops.

"It doesn't matter." Long Fei said lightly.

Chen Zhong burst into tears!

"It's over, this time is really over. Unexpectedly, I was famous for the first time, defeated Huo Du, and retreated to Northern Qi. I didn't expect that I would be defeated by such a person in the end." Chen Zhong sighed in his heart.

"Sir!" Chen Zhongyi said rightly.

Long Fei had a puzzled look on his face, feeling that today's Chen Zhong was talking a little too much.

"Huh?" Long Fei was puzzled. Facing Chen Zhong in this posture, he was really a little confused. He didn't know why.

"My lord, will love disappear?" Chen Zhong had tears in his eyes.

"Fuck you!" Long Fei's face stiffened at first, and then he slapped him mercilessly. Poor Chen Zhong, before he could say a thousand words, he was immediately turned over by Long Fei, his eyes opened, and he passed out.

Speaking of which, Long Fei had already guessed what Chen Zhong was thinking.

I have to say that Long Fei felt quite helpless in his heart for this kind of strange psychology.

"Could it be that brother's charm has reached the point where men and women can take everything, let others know that men are better?" Long Fei was shocked and complained, and the chills swept his body instantly.

"It seems that we must keep a distance from this guy in the future. No, we have to beat from time to time." Long Fei thought to himself.

Then, his eyes looked above the void again.

Because the battle is still going on.

"It's all nonsense. Swords have superiority and inferiority. I am the sword master. I am above all kendo power. If you don't have me in your eyes, you are disobeying kendo. You are not worthy of swords." The sword master said coldly.

In an instant, his figure appeared directly above the void, his face was indifferent, and his killing intent was bursting.

"You are wrong. My sword is rotten because of this sword city. Now I have stepped out of your shackles, the sword has no respect, and the character is respected. The ultimate sword is the person, not the sword. Kendo is enslaved. That's why you feel that your kendo is supreme." Zhong Ziqi was neither humble nor arrogant, and faced the sword master directly.

"That's right!" Long Fei also sighed inwardly.

Although he is the power of the system, the swordsmanship is also a power that he has at his fingertips. Therefore, Zhong Ziqi's words at this moment can also resonate with him controlling the power of kendo.

In other words, the current Zhong Ziqi has clearly understood the true meaning of kendo.

Although he said good fortune was given to him by Long Fei, to a certain extent, it can also prove that his kendo talent is indeed amazing.

And the people in Jiancheng were also lost in confusion at this moment, their eyes were bewildered and without brilliance, as if they were also contemplating what Zhong Ziqi said.

Outside the Sword City, Jian Xiu, who felt the breath of the Dragon Flying Sword, gave birth to an expression of awakening.

"Well said, I'm waiting for the sword repair, in this sword city, the edge has been wiped out, the long sword has been rotten, and the sword heart has no edge."

"Fortunately, an adult appeared today and saved us. Otherwise, I don't know how long I'll have to walk on this road of digging my own grave."

"Everyone, walk out of the sword city and welcome the new life. The sword master is not saving you, but enslaving you."


These people spoke in succession.

And as the voice fell, the Sword Master's face was full of anger at this moment.

"To confuse people, don't even want to live today. Eight thousand sword cultivators obey and give me your kendo beliefs, and when I cut them off, I will set things right!" said the sword master in a deep voice.

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