The sword master's eyes were raised suddenly, he felt that Long Fei's way of speaking could easily make people collapse. People can't help being moved by his words, and their emotions change with his words.

"Submit to me and bathe under my avenue." Long Fei said his own decision.

This is already a kind of forgiveness.

According to Long Fei's character, since the other party has already made a move, it is an endless situation. Now Long Fei is willing to give him a chance to forgive his disobedience, which is already a kind of zealot.

Of course, a more important reason was because Long Fei needed these eight thousand sword repairers. After all, their Cultivation Base is still there, and they have always lived by swords, and they are far more familiar with swords than others. If you can surrender yourself, then you can get a sword repair corps without any effort.

If it were another time, Long Fei had the Great Dao in hand, and it would not be impossible to train a group of kendo practitioners. For Long Fei now, the most lacking thing is time.

Therefore, Long Fei was willing to give them such a chance.

But the sword master fell into hesitation.

He already understood that there was a problem with his sword heart, and he also understood that the power under Long Fei's control was not comparable to him at all, otherwise he would not even be qualified to draw a sword in front of Long Fei.

"It's too late. My sword heart has collapsed now. Even if I surrender to you, it's impossible to recover in a short time. If I can't recover, then nothing will change." The sword master said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people suspended in the void also became heavy.

"Who said that?" Long Fei smiled mysteriously.

In an instant, everyone's mind was once again affected by Long Fei.

"I can make your Jianxin collapse, and naturally I can make your Jianxin reunite." Long Fei said lightly.


In the next instant, the sword master thumped and knelt down in front of Long Fei with a pleading expression on his face.

"Sir, save me, save my sword world!" The sword master pleaded.

Immediately, he took a selfie and landed on his eyebrows.


Immediately, a mark floated directly from his eyebrows.

It is the mark of the realm king.

In other words, he is expressing his own loyalty.

Long Fei glanced at it lightly, and before he could speak, the seal of the Realm King vibrated directly from the system space, and appeared directly in the void in just a moment. Then, the imprint of the sword master hovered over it in an instant, and finally disappeared as a ray of light.

However, there is an extra mark on the seal of the realm king.

Seeing this scene, the Sword Master's eyes changed immediately.

"The Realm King Seal? You actually control the Realm King Seal?" he exclaimed.

He now finally understands why Long Fei wants him to hand over the Realm King's Seal, because he controls the Realm King's Seal. To put it simply, they became the king of the world, but they only had the imprint of the king of the world, integrated into their bodies, and became a symbol of their identity.

But Long Fei is different. Long Fei's possession of the seal of the king of the world is equivalent to controlling the jade seal of the sacred artifact of the society, and has the power to seal the world.

Therefore, at this moment, he saw that Long Fei actually controlled this existence, and his eyes were full of shock.

In this regard, Long Fei did not explain much.

This is a system product!

It was the reward given by the system after he completed the task. Originally, his idea was very simple. He thought that this was a random access mark, and he didn't take it seriously at all. But later, with the emergence of systematic tasks, Long Fei also felt that things were unusual.

Other people's imprints are just imprints, but his realm king imprint can carry the imprints of others.

This alone can prove the problem. Coupled with the shock of the sword master now, it shows the horror of this king's seal.

"Have you seen this kind of thing?" Long Fei asked back.

"I haven't seen it, this thing is only in the legend, but I know that there is a person who has created such an existence in the hands." The sword master said.

"Legend? Created? In the hands of Zun Zhou?" Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

If someone really has the possibility to control all worlds, then it must be Zun Zhou. Therefore, the sword master said that someone made it, and the first thing Long Fei thought of was Zun Zhou.

"Yes, it's Zun Zhou. Although Zun Zhou has already controlled all realms in name, there are still several worlds that are not under his control, such as my sword world, the immeasurable sky, and the empty robbery land. Transcendence is beyond all realms," said the sword master.

Long Fei nodded and rolled his eyes.

"To be honest, I don't know where you are talking about the immeasurable sky and the empty robbery. But I am surprised that the sword world can be the city master. Although your original strength is not weak, but you say that you can block Zun Zhou, I don't believe it. ." Long Fei said.

No cover up.

"Uh..." The sword master was speechless for a moment.

Although he knew that Long Fei was qualified to say such a thing, but saying it so undisguisedly made his face a little uneasy.

"You're right. So, what you see now is the world after my sword world was broken." The sword master's eyes were bleak.

Then, the sword master directly condensed his own memory and shared it with Long Fei.

And Long Fei knew this.

The original Sword City was a big world, but it was only after many wars broke out with Zunjie that it exhausted its heritage and became what it is now.

And this is still the result of Zun Zhou not making a move. If Zun Zhou made a move, maybe the Sword City would have ceased to exist long ago.

"So it is." Long Fei nodded.

Long Fei sighed with emotion, and at the same time redefines Zun Zhou in his heart. Because Zunjie was shooting against Sword Realm, it was only not long ago, which was almost the same time as the expedition against Dayang Realm.

That is to say, Zunjie is not targeting the Great Yang Realm, but the Myriad Realms.

"It seems that Zun Zhou's ambition is very big. He also created the seal of the world, and it seems that he really wants to become the king of the world." Long Fei said.

"That's right, Zunjie has always wanted to be the ruler of all realms, but he doesn't have the seal of the realm king, so he's just a chaotic thief after all."

But having said that, his eyes suddenly shifted to Long Fei.

"Don't you also want to unify the world?" He exclaimed, his eyes suddenly became tense from the previous slack.

"Do you think the current ten thousand worlds are not under the control of the respected world?" Long Fei sneered.

The current respected world has basically controlled all worlds.

But what is needed is a justifiable name, otherwise he will not create the world king seal.

The sword master was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly.

The current Galaxy Cluster Wanjie, I am afraid that it has already surrendered to Zun Zhou's tough attitude, and it is only their three worlds who are still struggling to support.

And their Sword City is just the end of a strong arrow. Even if Long Fei doesn't appear, it won't be long before the Venerable Realm arrives, and their Sword City will no longer exist.

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