This sword is meant to kill.

Sweep the stars, long sword Immortal.

This sword, like a sword tour of Taixu, opens up a road that is unparalleled in the past, and opens the way with the belief in kendo, shuns ghosts and gods, and suppresses evil spirits.

Even Long Fei was shocked.

This sword has already resonated with him.

"A powerful sword!"

Long Fei sighed with emotion.

In this sword, it contains the kendo beliefs of 8,000 people, their determination to fight to the death, and their willingness to use the sword in their hands to kill another piece of heaven and earth.

"Do not!"

Ling Zun screamed in horror.

This sword gave him a feeling of death.

Under this sword, he felt that he had nothing to hide, as long as this sword fell, he would surely die.

"No, you can't kill me. If you kill me, Zunjie will feel it instantly. At that time, you will really dig your own grave." Lingzun moved Zunjie out again.

In his opinion, even if the sword world has changed now, he would never dare to challenge the respected world.

After all, Zunjie is the uncrowned king of this Galaxy Cluster, who dares to disobey?

"What about Zunjie? It's just grandstanding, I created a fake, and I just want to be orthodox? It's a big joke!"

At this time, the sword master suddenly said.

There was nothing but sarcasm on his face.

If he hadn't met Long Fei, it would have been absolutely impossible for him to say these words, but Long Fei has proved everything with his own means, and he is the real Galaxy Cluster master. King of all realms.

In contrast, Zun Zhou looked like a joke, just a pitiful idiot who deceived himself.

To put it bluntly, the chaotic ministers and thieves put on their holy clothes and shouted long live, but in fact they are just a rebel after all.

"What did you say? You dare to slander Zun Zhou?" Ling Zun instinctively wanted to be angry.

But as soon as his voice fell, a Sword Ray had already fallen.


Jianmang descended directly from the sky and fell in front of him.


The man in front of him was directly headed.

Two points for the corpse!

He didn't even have the qualifications to ask for mercy at all, he just died.

"Too arrogant, you are really too arrogant." Ling Zun said with a deep breath.

But suddenly, his face froze.

After a moment, he bowed his head sharply.

"Oh no!"

He screamed, full of terror and horror.

But... but this is the sound, he can't even make any extra sound, because he himself, like the man before, was cut off with a sword.

It's just that this sword was so fast that even he didn't realize that he was dead.

So, just say a word.

However, that's it, it's just that sentence, and the ending won't change in any way.

The next moment, his body began to dissipate, leaving no trace on the void, as if it had never appeared.

"It turns out that the Zunjie is not that strong!" Zhong Ziqi said lightly.

Not only him, but the 8,000 people behind him are also very excited.

At this moment, for them, it is not as simple as beheading the enemy. More importantly, they established the confidence to see and regained the edge of kendo.

"Yes, Zunjie is not as strong as we imagined. We were the one who took Zunjie seriously before, and had a sense of awe towards them, so he didn't dare to resist when facing them."

"But now, it turns out that we were wrong. If we could realize it sooner, maybe our sword world would not be what it is now."

"But fortunately, it's not too late. Your Excellency controls the realm king seal, and it won't be long before it will sweep across the world, and then it will be our chance for revenge."

Eight thousand people sighed, but soon a firm expression appeared on their faces.

From beginning to end, Long Fei remained silent.

But at this moment, as the beliefs of these 8,000 people showed, he knew that this trip was worthwhile.

"I made a profit, I made a lot of money. Now each of these 8,000 people has Supreme-level system combat power. Take it with me and bathe my avenue Sword intent. It won't take long for the combat power to double. Sweep the Galaxy Cluster 10,000. World, it's not a problem." Long Fei was excited in his heart.

Haven't been this cool in a long time.

After all, it was a surprise for him.

"Sir, what are we going to do next? Are we going to attack Zunjie directly?" Zhong Ziqi asked at this time.

"Don't worry. Zunjie is not as simple as you think. Don't forget, you all know that they have cooperated with the people of Wuji Temple. So now, if you kill the people of Zunjie, it is equivalent to putting out a declaration of war. , it won't be long before they will continue to come." Long Fei said.

This is a necessity.

Zun Zhou's plot is really too big, and the first shot is high pressure, whoever dares to accept it will immediately erase it. This also shows the determination of Zunjie.

Therefore, now that they are frustrated in the sword world, naturally they will not give up.

For people like them, Long Fei has long been used to it. They have lived on the altar for a long time, and they think that everything should be subject to their will.

Just like the original Tian family, the Xuan clan!

Arrogant, high above!

Anyone who disobeyed them must die.

But in the end, their myth was ended by Long Fei, and everything dissipated and became dust fragments.

It is also a coincidence, and the current respected world is the same. In Long Fei's eyes, their result is inevitable. Anyone who wants to move the ancient world will have only one result, and that is death!

Thinking of this, Long Fei regained his mind

"Get ready. Now that the Sword City has collapsed, you are waiting here, stand up in the void, and kill all enemies." Long Fei said.

Long Fei's words were insipid, but as soon as the standing sword came out of the void, it directly caused eight thousand long swords to roar. It was as if Long Fei had given them a mission with just one word.

The same goes for the Eight Thousand Swordsmen.

Now they are equivalent to rebirth, just awakened the sword in their hands, and the fighting spirit is high. Now, with the words of Long Fei, they have found their destiny.

They are swordsmen, and they were born for the sword.

"Let the sword stand in the void and kill all enemies!"

"Let the sword stand in the void and kill all enemies!"

"Let the sword stand in the void and kill all enemies!"

In an instant, a shout suddenly erupted in the void, and every face was filled with the belief of victory.

"Kill all the enemies? Is it? I want to see, what kind of support do you have in the sword world, and who gave them the courage."

Suddenly, at this moment, a voice suddenly came down.

Everyone's face changed.

At this moment, the Galaxy Cluster is in turmoil, and no figure appears, but this sound has made them feel threatened.

Long Fei also slowly raised his head.

He was too familiar with this voice, who else could it be if it wasn't Zun Zhou.

"I'm right here, you can use whatever means you have." Long Fei took a step forward, his voice spread throughout the Galaxy Cluster, and he responded from the air!

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