Venerable world, the whole army is ready to go, and the troops are ready to go!

In order to unify the Galaxy Cluster, Zunjie has been preparing for thousands of years. Now that I finally have a chance, I will naturally be in a hurry.

So at this moment, the respected world also looks like a chilling atmosphere.

This kind of lineup, it is not an exaggeration to say that the whole people are soldiers.

"This is the Zunjie? What a strong fighting spirit!"

Outside Zunjie, Long Fei and the spirit of Universe appeared.

"This is a kind of destiny. The development of Universe has been destined to be unified. If you hadn't appeared, it would have been inevitable to unify the Galaxy Cluster." Lian Cang said.

Lian Cang, that is, the name of the Spirit of Universe.

This name was given by Long Fei.

The Spirit of Universe also readily accepted it, without any dissatisfaction.

"Lian Cang, isn't that wrong? Where's Long Batian? Will Long Batian watch this kind of thing happen without being indifferent?"

Long Fei directly denied Lian Cang's words.

After all, according to Lian Cang, Long Batian was invincible millions of years ago. Would such an existence watch Zun Zhou become the overlord of this Galaxy Cluster world?

Absolutely impossible.

"You underestimate Long Batian, he has already surpassed this level. What he is thinking about now is the fundamentals of Universe, and he would no longer care about Yi Fang Yuzhou's gains and losses!" Lian Cang explained.

Long Fei was taken aback.

Does this mean you are small?

But at the same time, he was also extremely shocked, because Long Batian is now the number one powerhouse in the ancient world in his knowledge, and other information is also rare.

In the eyes of the Supreme world, he is the first generation system, so he was born to be strong.

In the eyes of Xu, he got a more complete power of returning to the ruins.

Nothing else is known.

But now, only through Lian Cang did Long Fei know that the true level of Long Batian was already far beyond his cognition range.

He has only just touched on the fundamentals of Universe, but Long Batian seems to have been on this road for a long time.


If he really had such a means, why was he in a state of bondage when he saw it on Longmai Mountain, and he was even freed under his own control.

It doesn't make sense.

"Don't think about it, the top priority is to solve Zun Zhou. When you face Long Batian in the future, you will know everything." Lian Cang said.

Long Fei nodded.

To tell the truth, he was also quite hit in his heart. Before leaving the Supreme world, Long Fei was full of invincibility, and he felt that after returning, he would be swept away.

Of course, so far, he has never encountered any force that can contend under him. But the existence of Long Batian has not yet appeared, but it has been shown as invincible in front of him.

However, Long Fei still believed in Lian Cang's words.

Because Lian Cang was already his woman at this time, it was absolutely necessary to deceive him.

At this moment, a sudden commotion came from the world below.

I saw countless powerhouses gathered, arrayed in a circle, and in an instant, an army of several million people gathered.

Long Fei's face changed slightly, and these people's faces burst with killing intent. At first glance, they looked like people who had been bathed in war for a long time. If these people were to target the ancient world, I'm afraid they would be not only people from the Supreme world, but also the people who had just dispatched themselves. Of the eight thousand swordsmen in the past, no one can hold the rest.

Even if it is a woman of her own and a son, I am afraid that it will definitely not be able to stop this kind of iron cavalry.

"Looking for death!" Long Fei was angry.

Although these people are very strong, a million people are just a number to Long Fei. He is unscrupulous about the money of this world. Except for the people from Zun Zhou and Wuji Temple, no one can resist his power. .

"They're just chess pieces, just ants, it's useless to kill them. And they have too much blood from the universe, and they won't live for long. When the time comes, I will be punished by heaven and harvest them. The only thing you have to target now is Zun Zhou."

"Also, there should be another strong Fang Yuzhou here. Their strength is not weak. Even if they can't compare with you, they can be said to crush this universe." Lian Cang said.

"Then they'll leave it to you. Just leave the rest to me." Long Fei said lightly.

He came here to honor Zhou, so he had nothing to say, and he was done.

At this time, Long Fei's heart suddenly shook, and then his eyes swept away, looking in the direction of Zunjie.


A shocking light appeared, rushed out of the sky, and then condensed a figure in the void Galaxy Cluster

"Dog thing, I didn't expect you to really dare to come." Zun Zhou stood in the void and groaned angrily.

"Just respect the world, why don't I dare? Do you think I'm still my original self?" Long Fei sarcastically.

To be honest, this time, when he returned from the Supreme world, Long Fei, the respected world, has not taken it to heart. Regarding Zun Zhou, it can only be described as once upon a time.

Yesterday's bravery, why bring it up today?

"What a big tone. Back then, you were like a wild dog, trampled on the ground by the deity. You think you can turn the world upside down? It's just a joke!" Zun Zhou was expressionless.

He didn't take Long Fei to heart at all.

"Turn the sky? You think too much. From the beginning to the end, I just want to beat you. If you die, all the plans of the Zunjie will be in vain." Long Fei said indifferently.

He didn't notice at all that after he finished saying these words, the face of Lian Cang behind him turned red, as if he had thought of something.

"Let me die, what a big joke. Venerables, stand still and watch today. How did I kill this dog on the spot?"

At this time, as his voice fell, several figures emerged in the void.

It is the Venerable of the Promise Temple.

"Be careful, they are the masters I mentioned earlier." Lian Cang said.

While speaking, Lian Cang looked at Long Fei with a bit of embarrassment on his face. After all, it was her credit that the Promise Temple could get in touch with Zun Zhou.

It was his secret manipulation that led to the cooperation between the two parties.

"I'm not really an expert. To be honest, expecting such a thing to guard the Galaxy Cluster Universe, what do you think? You have no brains!" Long Fei said angrily.

He didn't blame Lian Cang.

It's just to say that it is completely impossible to count on Zun Zhou and a few things from the Temple of Promise in front of you to guard the Galaxy Cluster Universe. Don't talk about Long Batian, just talk about Universe of Supreme plane, if they really want to come here, they can't stop it at all.

Not enough to see at all.

Unless a few Great Halls shot at the same time behind the Promise Temple and sent more masters, it would be possible to stop them.

Looking at the few in front of him, in Long Fei's eyes, there are three or two kittens and puppies.

"That's why I chose you. Didn't you say that you will protect your woman? Then you will prove yourself!" Lian Cang said.

"How to prove it?" Long Fei asked.

"Start by killing them!" Lian Cang responded.

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